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Unwanted squad chatter

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I never use Arma2 without ACE2, and one of its greatest points is being able to turn off squad voices to keep the annoying voice acting to a minimum.

I notice however that certain things get said no matter what. Various yelling and screaming of friendly and enemy AI when injured is fair enough, but I notice lately that my squad members will interject now and then with a "Check it out!", "Did you see that?!", and "Motherfucker!!" in thick American accents - which does tend to break immersion when using Aussie troops via AAW. BAF troops thankfully don't do this.

These outbursts are not soundmod related, they occur even with vanilla sounds. Are they from ACE? Or are they built into OA? Is there a way to turn ALL AI voices off?

Sorry if these are stupid or obvious questions, but it is starting to grate.

My mods: CBA, ACE (no ACEX, ACESM), SLX, JSRS, McTier1, AAW, Sakulightfx, various islands.

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Either ACE or SLX

Stock Arma2 does not have chat between AIs...

I always kept the radio chat on, can't get used to "silent" game..

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Maybe we should have different voices for different factions. Aussies community members to contribute for AAW, British for british forces etc.

I can't stand to play with silent AIs also, too weird to fight a battle without a word being uttered.

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Thanks guys. I'll have a look into SLX. I'd love to see total language or accent packs released.

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Look on the bright side mate, at least it isn't the "Go, I'm covering!" shite. :D

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Vanilla AI chatter makes me want to blow my brains out. ACE AI talk/DSAI is far better, I just wish there was more variation and that more languages were included.

Really I would prefer if Arma had a more realistic but less descriptive system for its chatter. Instead of "3 is down" and so on, just have occasional good sounding voice clips like "fuck! he's hit, get a medic over here!" with actual emotion. I can dream..

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Personaly i like my special AI mates.

The only ask i would have is when they spot targets they give a rough direction and description, and when i say rough i mean pointles haha.

"two attack that MAN"

"MAN to our left"


I wonder if we could add the old OFP system

"officer 12 o'clock 500"

"Group move to 10 100" (degrees, distance. i think?)

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@AnimalMother92: I don't know honestly. I've tried some AI enhancements like this and every time I end up turning them off. They talk way to often, mostly inappropriate to the situation (not analyzed enough), not with same voices as they normally have, and typically always when they try to say something over comm (subtitles off is practically impossible).

Maybe what is missing is shouts like this when in a hot situation, but based on the normal voices. An agitated voice set (similar to the stealth voice set). I feel sorry for the guys having to do it though. The analyzing part would also be really hard to "get right". Sometimes I put my guys into combat mode for an overwatch approach, even if we have not made contact yet. So you can't have guys screaming "contact left" based on mode alone. Talking good. Screaming bad.

@SteveJA360: Not sure what you mean. The game already uses several methods of distance and direction, including the o'clock system. Not sure what triggers one or the other though.

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I tracked my original problem to a shouts.pbo in SLX. Trouble is I can't remove it as the excellent SLX vehicle damage depends on it. I might try editing the pbo itself.

Obviously there are plenty of people who like squad chatter, and many who don't.

I'd just prefer that if I specify no squad chatter, that I actually get no squad chatter! If I knew enough about scripting I might make something myself to allow proper control. Maybe a job for the future.

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ACE AI talk/DSAI is far better

Im with AnimalMother92, the DSAI is pretty good, they say stuff not all the time,

but when they do it fits the situation very well and amazingly.

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I edited the slx_shout.pbo and all the annoying chatter is gone. Aahh, silence!

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