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Uhm, I want VBS!!

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That's simply unfair. Those guys where developing the whole engine and stuff for us gamers, and the ones getting the best game is the army!!! I bet the VBS has accurate Collision detection, Great Network code, a whole lot of Units more, and a better ranking system and stuff.

Do they forget who made this sucess possible at all. It was us. We bought the game and enjoyed it!! Only through us the army does even know that it exists.

And what should be so confidental about thos military modells. I mean, hands up, is there somebody who does not know what the x31 or a stealth bomber is?

Naa that's all bulls**t. It's the way they always do it. They want just to have all the fun alone. That's it!!!

Grmblflix, himmelhergottnochmal. Unfair!!!

I bet in the VBS can more then 200 players play fluently togheter.

Go on BIS, many fun with your army toys.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Thorn on 10:56 am on Dec. 15, 2001

That's simply unfair. Those guys where developing the whole engine and stuff for us gamers, and the ones getting the best game is  the army!!! I bet the VBS has accurate Collision detection, Great Network code, a whole lot of Units more, and a better ranking system and stuff.

Do they forget who made this sucess possible at all. It was us. We bought the game and enjoyed it!! Only through us the army does even know that it exists.

And what should be so confidental about thos military modells. I mean, hands up, is there somebody who does not know what the x31 or a stealth bomber is?

Naa that's all bulls**t. It's the way they always do it. They want just to have all the fun alone. That's it!!!

Grmblflix, himmelhergottnochmal. Unfair!!!

I bet in the VBS can more then 200 players play fluently togheter.

Go on BIS, many fun with your army toys.

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i agree all the way.

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But I think BIS wants to sell alot of games, and if they implement the new things to the game, they'll get a even more attractive game. So I think they'll add the good things, no reason not to improve the code in OFP

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ppl just relax ..... ever thought that mb they are implementing allot of it in future patches or mb in the sequal? stop whining.

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BTW USMC use of VBS1 isnt playing its training *cough cough* Wonder if the seagull thing is still in it :biggrin:

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This is unfair !!!!

All we ever dreamed of having in OFP they have it !!!

rapeling from helis, harriers, hueys, ospreys, pavelows, pavehawks, AAAVs... and so on !!

All we ever dreamed on OFP they have it !!

This is a sad day for the ofp comunity !

This sucks !

Lets just hope that OFP 2 ( If it ever comes ) will have anything in it.

(Edited by ShArPsHooTeR at 3:26 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)

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Guys, I'm going to be honest, this thing would probably require one #### of a machine just to run. After all, its a real military trainer, not a game like normal OFP.

It'd probably cost a s**tload of money, just like Autocad and other programs. I think my teacher said a single copy of autocad is like $400, but I might be wrong there.

I'm all for new units being released, preferably those you all mentioned, but I dont think we'll see the actual simulator available to the public for a long time sad.gif

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Oh, and the vehicle models...

This thing has to be pimped out in realism, so your Abrams will be engaging targets from a mile away, so there will probably be little or no fog. The tanks probably have all the real instruments inside, and can be handled like their real-life counterpart. The closest example I can think of would be Steel beasts, but on a much larger scale.

And the flight models... I dont think they're going to train soldiers using the basic, civilian flight models for OFP, those things have to be recreated to be as realistic as possible, making everything even more complex and expensive.

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This I don't understand. Why can VBS possibly be a bad thing? BIS develops OFP, and now looks to make money by developing a military-grade version. That means that BIS is 1) more likely to survive financially, and 2) there's gonna be a lot of new vehicles, weapons, and game engine upgrades made, some of which will probably be released for OFP as well as VBS.

That is, unless BIS actually don't want to continue the OFP franchise, and therefore don't see the need to keep the OFP fan base alive until the sequel. But somehow I don't see that happening.

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Maybe if you dumbasses won't ask 10 times per day, they might CONSIDER IT!!!!!!!!!

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Lets just hope the marines have 5ghz computers and 256mb video cards.

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imagine playing flashpoint on one of the biggest computers of the pentagon ............. 150000 fps :biggrin: a very high lod , all the little bars and button at their maximum , thousand of units on a map :biggrin: that would be cool experience

(Edited by ran at 11:49 pm on Dec. 15, 2001)

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Stop whining. Would you rather have nothing instead of a great game like OPF? I quite frankly don't care about VBS everything I want is here. Hmm... maybe not French Foreign Legion, but I can do that myself IF 1.4's new weapon is a FA MAS. Besides that, how dry will the game be? There will probably be no campaign since it is a Mapping Tool"l simulator (To the previous comment: It is designed to enhance tactics, not combat effectivness)m

(Edited by MotherRussiaAK74 at 4:40 am on Dec. 16, 2001)

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yes it would be nice to have VBS but!!!

ok firstly VBS is going to be used by the US marines... meaning there will be a whole load of secret s*** in there. Anyway think about it... if VBS is going to be so realistic, they wont release it to the public because anyone can buy it! Even a terrorist. Meaning that they can train troops to use forbidden technology! Meaning lots of things. I reckon that they willl release it when they get a new VBS graphics engine... and maybe not even then!

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how much to liscence VBS to the flashpoint1985.com private army BIS? wink.gif

Hopefully some of the features will go down to OPFP though

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from swilliams on 6:48 pm on Jan. 1, 2002

yes it would be nice to have VBS but!!!

ok firstly VBS is going to be used by the US marines... meaning there will be a whole load of  secret s*** in there.  Anyway think about it... if VBS is going to be so realistic, they wont release it to the public because anyone can buy it!  Even a terrorist.  Meaning that they can train troops to use forbidden technology!  Meaning lots of things.  I reckon that they willl release it when they get a new VBS graphics engine... and maybe not even then!

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You are forgeting something here, OPERATION FLASHPOINT ALREADY DO ALL OF WHAT THE VBS WILL DO!! No need for a terrorist to buy the big toy use by the army when ofp does exactly the same thing. The VBS will use the ofp engine, THE ONLY DIFFERENCE, will be that there will be more recent units than all the cold war ones. So saying what you just say it's stupid cos VBS and ofp = exactly the same thing, exept that they will have more recent units in the VBS and that it will be a bit more realistic, but it's already pretty much realistic in ofp.

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isnt VBS located in Czech ?

do you think the us will share secrets with other countries no way for sure the us is not stupid

anyway what do you all complain people !!! they made flashpoint you got our game so stop b*tching about things that you can't pay , if you got 25k orso #### yea for sure the will sell it you

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What we complain, is that we don't have the dam SDK!! So we can't add much in the game. Would be fun if BIS would do a program that we can do ourshelf (and eassilly), vehicules. You begin with an action game and you tranform it into a simulation or something like that. biggrin.gif

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you should read the general terms that come with the game

i mean BIZ is not Microsoft, SDK is only an extra

i agree with you if we had SDK there would be much more fun here we could make our own stuff, but then again flashpoint isnt half-life

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blahblah blah.. stop crying.

Everyone would like to have it, but its done in secret for an army, you'll never get such product yourself.

but like BIS as said, some addons and features will be given to players also.

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