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Need Help Simulating triple A bursts from ZSU's and Tunguska

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I'm trying to make a ZSU fire at ans Invisible target in the air for a period of time (say 20 sec) then stop. Ive tried to use the following init line

this dotarget target; this dofire target; (the target being an invisible H)

also i have tried creating a UAZ using deletcollection and having the zsu fire at it the same way. I've also tried using this dowatch and this fire. nothing works so far though. Also can anyone provide me with a sample mission that has enemy shooting flares with a script and with init scripts?? ive seen some for upload on in the archives but the links are down thanks guys.

P.S. I just found a script that simulates AAA on the OFPEC forum but the download link is broken arrgh!

Edited by Cobra5150
I found new info

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Deletcollection was definitely not my first choice anyway. I was just using suggestions in forums and whatnot. So thanks for the info on that command's validity but I really would like to know how it's done then. It seems to me like an invisible target should be a no brainer. Or what about those scripts i've seen that have broken links??

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The AI will target the a small object helper 10cm sphere which at distance is very hard to detect.

The only problem I have is how to make the AI use different firing modes, using this dofire target only produces a single shot.

I know it could be scripted but there must be a command surly?

BIS Invisible Targets Please.. It would make life so much easier.

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I am trying to set up a support by fire script that will fire coordinated bursts at a specified target for a duration. I am having the same problem with only a single shot however I tried to get around it by using the following in initiation for the trigger

where the target is tgt and the fire support gun is gunSpt

timecount=0; while {timecount < 20} do {true = gunSpt fireattarget [tgt]; sleep 1; timecount=timecount+1};

I am experimenting with different targets however even using the above i only get single shots UNLESS the target is an enemy... If the target is an enemy and close enough to engage automatically, when i run the trigger again they fire the burst...

Just toyed with it a little more and took the while...do out and they still fire a burst... so it seems like if they have fired at an enemy they will fire a burst, otherwise just a single shot?

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Yes that's what I found, let them shoot an enemy and they go into burst mode and then when you force them to fire they carry on in that mode.

Reading around it's not possible to select what mode the AI fire or at least it's not been discovered yet. It may be possible changing the config file but I wouldn't know how.

Your could will work Zodd if you placed it in a script or else you will have to spawn it as there are no sleep commands in the editor.

null=[] spawn {timecount=0;while {timecount <20} do {true = gunSpt fireattarget [tgt]; sleep 0.05;timecount=timecount+1 }; };

Edited by F2k Sel

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There is a new command, still undocumented, call fireAtTarget which may be useful. Note that so far it appear the unit only aims at the target, bullet drop and lead not accounted for when the unit shoots.

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There is a new command, still undocumented, call fireAtTarget which may be useful. Note that so far it appear the unit only aims at the target, bullet drop and lead not accounted for when the unit shoots.

well not anymore, tho i might missed some details


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Thanks for the update. Still a lot of red ones :)

Still only a single shot though, you can get bust fire using the turret command

unit action ["useWeapon", unit, unit turretUnit [0], 2];

But there's always a down side, the damn sound is messed up. it's out of sync and sometimes missing depending on your position.

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The script thata Winchester recommended is perfect for it however I cant actually get them to target the object (for some reason the target coordinates are being passed in as 0,0,0 for me?)

F2k - with that script you can edit the firing sequence part - I just commented out most of it, and added a short delay


for [{_j=0},{_j<_bursts},{_j=_j+1}] do


_coords = _firePos select _j;

{_x doWatch _coords} forEach _units;

{_x fire (weapons _x select _weapon); sleep 0.05;} forEach _units;


works well - in the initiation, the bursts per salvo becomes rounds per burst and the pause between bursts is the time between each round

so my init is

nul=[[g1],"tgt1",[150,100],true,[20,0.1],[3,10,10],0] execVM "inko_sfs.sqf";

Meaning Gun (g1) fires 3 20 round bursts with 10 seconds between each burst. (Doesnt aim at tgt1 though unfortunately)

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Yes does seem broken, it won't face any target although it does fire, I don't have time right now.

I will take a look when I get time if it's not been fixed.

It may be better to use the new fireattarget command in the script.

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I took a look at it and it does sort of work _coords are being passed..

I found these settings gave it more accuracy, "tgt1" would be a marker

 nul=[[g1],"tgt1",[50,10],true,[20,0.1],[3,10,10],0] execVM "inko_sfs.sqf";

and this should be very accurate, tgt1 would be an object or unit.

nul=[[g1],tgt1,[0,0],true,[20,0.1],[3,10,10],0] execVM "inko_sfs.sqf";

The problem is this, it can't track moving targets and would need a complete re-write.

It will target the object every time the script is called but not while it's actually firing.

Edited by F2k Sel

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