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In-field weapon modification

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Has there been any talk about weapon modification options in the field? I noticed while I was playing online, over the course of the little warfare op, I used all my machinegun ammo for suppression and had no better option but to gank an M16 with a grenade launcher off of a dead takistani. While using the weapon I couldnt put down the launcher sights which greatly restricted visibility while not using the grenade launcher. It was manageable but I would have liked to of been able to press a button and bam, flip them down.

Also it would be nice to be able to attach/detach optics, silencers, grenade launchers(affect aim sensitivity/speed?). I'm not saying you would generally have a little baggy full of weapon mods on you all the time, but maybe the MHQ or supply truck would, get what I'm saying? Just a suggestion.

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I would suggest to change the weapon for the job you want to do at camps...and to use secondary sights [/] button on numpad.

An Mk16 ELGM RCO might be what youre loookig for...best all round thingie in the game.

For opfor its harder. But since you wont be walking all the way across the map...why dont you put a backup CQC weapon in your vehicle, next to the half a dozend MAAWS HEDP Grenades you also have there.

Edited by Beagle

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Has there been any talk about weapon modification options in the field? I noticed while I was playing online, over the course of the little warfare op, I used all my machinegun ammo for suppression and had no better option but to gank an M16 with a grenade launcher off of a dead takistani. While using the weapon I couldnt put down the launcher sights which greatly restricted visibility while not using the grenade launcher. It was manageable but I would have liked to of been able to press a button and bam, flip them down.

animating the leaf for grenades, as well as bipods, would be a big plus. Unfortunatly, this is not supported in RV engine (yet).

Also it would be nice to be able to attach/detach optics, silencers, grenade launchers(affect aim sensitivity/speed?). I'm not saying you would generally have a little baggy full of weapon mods on you all the time, but maybe the MHQ or supply truck would, get what I'm saying? Just a suggestion.

Opposed to what you see in movies and in COD/Crysis, modifications on the field NEVER happen.

Those are done at the unit armory, and require some skill and precision to have sights for instance properly aligned.

So no, thank you for that

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Silencers never attached in the field? Although probably not very likely as the guns are two completely different configs. Possibility to animate sight and bipods would rock my game (bipods should have a stabilizing function though, if resting the weapon or while prone). Frankly I don't understand why the engine doesn't support such a fairly basic feature; weapon animations based on user input. I mean, it already support pulling the trigger, bolt action, ejector etc. Weapon is full of animations. Why not support expressions to drive them?

For attachments, I agree let the "sight" be pre mounted. But there are other attachments that could work. Such as night light intensifier device (mounted NVG basically), and if we ever get the planned VBS2 "render to texture" feature, maybe mount an external zoom to it. Make the rails short enough so we have to choose what we want though. I hate always being able to do everything :p

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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yes, the bipod feature issue has erked me as well. Oh well, hopefully we'll see something done with weapon specifics in future title releases. I'm sure there are at least some dozen field modifications other than optics(which i understand that those would need to be calibrated) that could be implemented in the engine.

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i suggested this in a different post around this very same forums.

IF all weapon models would be modeled without attachments, and then all attachments modelled separately, attaching those to their specific weapons in the same way BIS backpacks works, would result in:

* more attachments available for a range of weapons (now it is needed to model the weapon as well)

* being able to have a system that would allow to pick the base weapon, then all the attachments at base/crate, whatever.

There have been several tries for animated bipods, which ended up as failure. There is a lot of possibilities with this engine (as well as custom anims for each weapon, like one can see in most nowadays engine). - i actually prefer a better interaction environment opposed to better GFX, or better textures.

Hope that will happen in some future (patch or new game).

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Silencers never attached in the field?

Unless the weapon already is zeroed with the suppressor and intended to be used with the suppressor in the field, and the suppressor is only detached for transport purposes - then no. Attaching a suppressor to a weapon will shift the zero and thus means you won't hit where the sights are set to. Same thing if you detach a suppressor from a rifle that is zeroed for use with the suppressor. You won't hit where you aim anymore. So of course it CAN be done (and the effect on pistols and submachineguns probably won't matter much), but if you intend to shoot over distance (anything beyond 50m) it'd simply be a bad move.

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i suggested this in a different post around this very same forums.

IF all weapon models would be modeled without attachments, and then all attachments modelled separately, attaching those to their specific weapons in the same way BIS backpacks works, would result in:

Thats a nice concept but it would work here?

Americas Army (2 and 3) use this concept, you have a "naked" weapon with many attachments modeled apart and many times, due lag desync or whatever, you see the gun naked, or attachments flying around and so on.

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AA2/3 are not the only game that uses a similar concept. It is the only game though where you can see your own weapon misplaced, not only its attachments.

Anyways, OA backpacks uses a similar system with what i have described, and i haven't encountered such behaviour (and is closer to what it would look like, since it uses RV engine)

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