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Phalanx and Ak-630 CIWS

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problem is i can design my tail off, but animations and getting it into O2 is my down fall, don't have the patience for o2, it really upsets me, i have the modding tool for 3dsmax ,

but my model predates the tool and i am not sure what to do with it.

@ mandoble_ i am pretty sure that the model is going to have to be downgraded to low poly ,due to its face and vertices count

Edited by F2F_BHO

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well after some offline PMs with JDog, i have tried to relieve some of the face counts by getting rid of the support grills and detailed base section, that lowered the count to 117k and some change,BTW what is ARMAs face count limit?

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Released version 0.9 including new Seasparrow launcher!

V0.9-model fixes,added seasparrow,firing from ship fixes, binarized everything.

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MMA uses CBA-s extended event handlers... thats why. They will show up ingame w/o MMA, but will be useless.

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Just a note, only MMA_XEH requires XEH or CBA. And MMA XEH is always optional, it is just a non-mission driven initialization of MMA.

For your guns and missile launchers to work, MMA may be initialized the usual way with GameLogics or init.sqf (script suite) and, optionally, just having installed MMA XEH. Certainly there is no need for any CBA dependancy.

And most important, excellent work with the SeaSparrow automatic launcher :)

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Do the CIWS stops rockets? if not this addons doesnt make any sence to me (just my opinion)

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These are just the models... You have to use it with Mando Missile and put the proper scripts in for it to work correctly.

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No, you cant control them. They are automated defence systems.

And a patrial yes, they stop rockets... but the missiles have to be certain MMA generated missiles that are generated as targetable. The default smallscale MMA missiles are not set targetable. Ill try and make a missile interception demo mission.

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Could these be used as a build-able static defense structure in a Warfare map to attack both ground and air targets? Would that be easy to do or would you need knowledge of scripting to get that to work?

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Could these be used as a build-able static defense structure in a Warfare map to attack both ground and air targets? Would that be easy to do or would you need knowledge of scripting to get that to work?

Can someone walk me throught the installation. I m having problems making the example mission work. I get cant find script message. Please help. thx

The weapons will not fire! :(

Never mind i got it... Anyways does anyone know if it is possible to remove the weapons on USS aircraft carrier on Utes map? if so how can i do it, is there a tutorial somewhere? thx

Edited by Odyseus

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First of all, awesome addon. Brings such a smile to my face when I see them light up enemy targets.

I was wondering whether the addon supports a whitelist feature? Where by given an array of player guids, those players will not be treated as hostile threats and will therefore not targeted by the weapons system. Anyone else who is not on said whitelist is treated as hostile and will be targeted.

Anyone have any idea how I could go about doing this?

I'm a fairly competent coder so am happy to write a custom init.sqf script to support this for my server, but from what i can tell the internals of the addon work with which side you're on, and if no side is set it then calls getFriend to work out if the target is hostile or not.

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First of all, awesome addon. Brings such a smile to my face when I see them light up enemy targets.

I was wondering whether the addon supports a whitelist feature? Where by given an array of player guids, those players will not be treated as hostile threats and will therefore not targeted by the weapons system. Anyone else who is not on said whitelist is treated as hostile and will be targeted.

Anyone have any idea how I could go about doing this?

I'm a fairly competent coder so am happy to write a custom init.sqf script to support this for my server, but from what i can tell the internals of the addon work with which side you're on, and if no side is set it then calls getFriend to work out if the target is hostile or not.

After a day of trying I got this to work with Sensors, thought I would share the code I wrote for others to use:


Handles when a player enters the restricted airspace around the carrier/base

if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxx"]) then {
// Player is on the whitelist
       systemChat (format ["[uSS Nimitz]: Clearance granted. Welcome aboard %1.", name player]);
} else {
titleText ["You are entering restricted airspace.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];

// Player is NOT on the whitelist	
sleep 5;
systemChat (format ["[uSS Nimitz]: Unknown contact, heading %1. You are entering restricted airspace. Divert your current course immediately. Over.", getDir player]);

sleep 5;
systemChat ("[uSS Nimitz]: Unknown contact, do you copy? You are entering a restricted zone. Divert immediately or we will use force. Over.");

sleep 5;
systemChat ("[uSS Nimitz]: Unknown contact you have 20 seconds to comply or we will use force. Adjust your heading immediately. Over.");

sleep 10;
systemChat ("[uSS Nimitz]: Unknown contact, divert immediately. You have 10 seconds to comply. Over.");

sleep 10;
systemChat (format ["[uSS Nimitz]: Anti-air defences are cleared to engage unknown contact, heading %1. Over and out.", getDir player]);

// Set the player's rating to less than -2000 so that they will be considered an enemy by the anti-air defence system.
player addRating -4000;


Handles when a player leaves the restricted airspace around the carrier/base.

titleText ["You have left restricted airspace.", "PLAIN DOWN", 3];

if (!(getPlayerUID player) in ["xxxx"]) then {
// If the player is not on the whitelist but leaves the area, set their rating above -2000 so they are no longer declared an enemy.
player addRating 2000;


Add a sensor to the Sensors class, mine looks like this (see below). This creates an area 800m around and above the center of the sensor (defined by the position).

class Item5
		expCond="(vehicle player) in thislist;";
		expActiv="terminate sensorExit; sensorEnter = [] execVM ""path\to\sensor_enter.sqf"";";
		expDesactiv="terminate sensorEnter; sensorExit = [] execVM ""path\to\sensor_exit.sqf"";";
		class Effects

Still very much a work in progress, and the code can certainly do with a bit of tidying up, but it works as expected. Hope others get some use out of it.

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