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the problems have been already alluded to.

The (b) problem page 167

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thanks, but I tried to search the whole thread for "ammo", "ammobox" and "ammocrate" and no solutions came up. did the same (more specific) in Google, and still same.

Also this :



is a quick winmerge of chop_hud, and it have tons and tons of changes between 2.60zc and 2.61. I was hoping someone could specify the problem. :D

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Hi Dorph,

Dorph;2205858']Thx Bob - Xeno already fixed it in latest ver :)

Another question - I used to change the welcome message when you board the liftchopper. I did that in the

"x_client\x_chop_hud.sqf" where the text was. Now the text isnt there anymore' date=' but refers to a mission string like

_welcome_str2 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_184";

Where do i change that welcome message ?[/quote']

I'm back from a holiday in Turkey.

I have inserted the "MISSINSSTRING" in the two files.

These refer to the "stringtable.xml" for version 2.61 and the grip height is now at least 15 meters.

That should be a relief for those who can not make it themselves.

Greetings from Bob


// by Xeno
#define THIS_FILE "x_chop_hud.sqf"
#include "x_setup.sqf"
private ["_state", "_vec", "_hud", "_control", "_chopttype", "_hudoff", "_nobjects", "_nearest", "_dummy", "_chdispx", "_nx", "_ny", "_px", "_py", "_control2", "_angle", "_a", "_b", "_dif", "_chdispx2", "_controlxx","_distvstr"];

sleep 1.012;

_X_Chopper_Welcome = {};


if (GVAR(show_chopper_welcome)) then {
GVAR(rsc_end) = true;

GVAR(xxvllist) = [];

_X_Chopper_Welcome = {
	private ["_state", "_vec", "_welcome_str1", "_welcome_str2", "_welcome_str3", "_welcome_str4", "_end_welcome", "_hud", "_control"];
	GVAR(rsc_end) = false;
	_welcome_str1 = format [localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_183", GVAR(name_pl)];

	switch (_state) do {
		case 1: {
			_welcome_str2 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_184";
			_welcome_str3 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_185";
		case 0: {
			_welcome_str2 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_186";
			_welcome_str3 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_187";
		default {
			_welcome_str2 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_188";
			_welcome_str3 = localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_189";

	_ttyp = toUpper (typeOf _vec);
	if (count GVAR(xxvllist) == 0) then {
		{GVAR(xxvllist) set [count GVAR(xxvllist), toUpper _x]} forEach GVAR(check_ammo_load_vecs);
	_welcome_str4 = if (_ttyp in GVAR(xxvllist)) then {
		 (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_190")
	} else {
		(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_191")

	_end_welcome = time + 14;
	67322 cutRsc ["chopper_hud", "PLAIN"];
	_hud = __uiGetVar(DCHOP_HUD);
	#define __CTRL(A) (_hud displayCtrl A)
	while {vehicle player != player && alive player && player == driver _vec} do {
		__CTRL(64438) ctrlSetText _welcome_str1;
		__CTRL(64439) ctrlSetText _welcome_str2;
		__CTRL(64440) ctrlSetText _welcome_str3;
		__CTRL(64441) ctrlSetText _welcome_str4;
		if (time >= _end_welcome) exitWith {};
		sleep 0.431;
	67322 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN",1];
	GVAR(rsc_end) = true;

_ui_forward = "\CA\ui\data\ui_tankdir_forward_ca.paa";
_ui_back = "\CA\ui\data\ui_tankdir_back_ca.paa";
_ui_left = "\CA\ui\data\ui_tankdir_left_ca.paa";
_ui_right = "\CA\ui\data\ui_tankdir_right_ca.paa";
_ui_tohigh = "\CA\ui\data\tankdir_turret_ca.paa";
_ui_ok = "\CA\ui\data\ui_tankdir_tower_ca.paa";

_distvstr = (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_192");
_typestr = (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_193");
_liftstr = (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_194");
_distgrstr = (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_195");

#define __CTRL2(B) (_chdispx displayCtrl B)
#define __CTRL3(B) (_chdispx2 displayCtrl B)

while {true} do {
waitUntil {alive player};
waitUntil {sleep random 0.3;vehicle player != player};
_vec = vehicle player;
while {vehicle player != player} do {
	if (player == driver _vec) then {
		if (_vec isKindOf "Helicopter" && !(_vec isKindOf "ParachuteBase") && !(_vec isKindOf "BIS_Steerable_Parachute")) then {
			_chopttype = GV(_vec,GVAR(choppertype));
			if (isNil "_chopttype") then {_chopttype = -1};
			if (GVAR(show_chopper_welcome)) then {
				if (_chopttype > -1) then {
					[_chopttype,_vec] spawn _X_Chopper_Welcome;
					sleep 0.321;
					waitUntil {GVAR(rsc_end)};
			if (_chopttype in [0,1]) then {
				if (isNil {GV(_vec,GVAR(Vehicle_Attached))}) then {_vec setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Attached), false]};
				_search_height = 0;
				_lift_height = 0;
				_possible_types = GV(_vec,GVAR(lift_types));
				if (_chopttype == 1) then {
					_search_height = 70;
					_lift_height = 50;
				} else {
					_search_height = 50;
					_lift_height = 50;
				_hudoff = true;
				while {vehicle player != player && alive player && player == driver _vec} do {
					if (GVAR(chophud_on)) then {
						_hudoff = false;
						_nobjects = nearestObjects [_vec, ["LandVehicle","Air"],_search_height];
						_nearest = objNull;
						if (count _nobjects > 0) then {
							_dummy = _nobjects select 0;
							if (_dummy == _vec) then {
								if (count _nobjects > 1) then {_nearest = _nobjects select 1};
							} else {
								_nearest = _dummy;
							_lift_height = 16;

						private "_marp";
						_marp = GV(_nearest,GVAR(WreckMaxRepair));
						if (isNil "_marp") then {_marp = GVAR(WreckMaxRepair)};
						_check_cond = if (_chopttype == 1) then {
							 (!isNull _nearest && damage _nearest >= 1 && ((typeof _nearest) in _possible_types) && _marp > 0)
						} else {
							(!isNull _nearest && ((typeof _nearest) in _possible_types) && (position _vec) select 2 > 2.5)

						sleep 0.001;

						if (_check_cond) then {
							67321 cutRsc ["chopper_lift_hud", "PLAIN"];
							_chdispx = __uiGetVar(DCHOP_LIFT_HUD);
							__CTRL2(64440) ctrlSetText (if (_chopttype == 1) then {(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_196")} else {(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_197")});

							_type_name = [typeof _nearest,0] call FUNC(GetDisplayName);
							__CTRL2(64438) ctrlSetText (if !(GV(_vec,GVAR(Vehicle_Attached))) then {format [_typestr, _type_name]} else {format [_liftstr, _type_name]});
							__CTRL2(64439) ctrlSetText (if (getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _nearest >> "picture") != "picturestaticobject") then {
								 getText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof _nearest >> "picture")
							} else {

							if !(GV(_vec,GVAR(Vehicle_Attached))) then {
								__CTRL2(64441) ctrlSetText format [_distvstr, _vec distance _nearest];
								_nearest_pos = position _nearest;
								_pos_vec = position _vec;
								_nx = _nearest_pos select 0;_ny = _nearest_pos select 1;_px = _pos_vec select 0;_py = _pos_vec select 1;
								if ((_px <= _nx + 10 && _px >= _nx - 10) && (_py <= _ny + 10 && _py >= _ny - 10) && (_pos_vec select 2 < _lift_height)) then {
									__CTRL2(64448) ctrlSetText _ui_ok;
								} else {
									__CTRL2(64442) ctrlSetText (if ((position _vec) select 2 >= _lift_height) then {(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_198")} else {""});
									__CTRL2(64447) ctrlSetText _ui_tohigh;
									_angle = 0; _a = ((_nearest_pos select 0) - (_pos_vec select 0));_b = ((_nearest_pos select 1) - (_pos_vec select 1));
									if (_a != 0 || _b != 0) then {_angle = _a atan2 _b}; 

									_dif = _angle - direction _vec;
									if (_dif < 0) then {_dif = 360 + _dif};
									if (_dif > 180) then {_dif = _dif - 360};
									_angle = _dif;
									__CTRL2(64444) ctrlSetText (if (_angle >= -70 && _angle <= 70) then {_ui_forward} else {""});
									__CTRL2(64446) ctrlSetText (if (_angle >= 20 && _angle <= 160) then {_ui_right} else {""});
									__CTRL2(64443) ctrlSetText (if (_angle <= -110 || _angle >= 110) then {_ui_back} else {""});
									__CTRL2(64445) ctrlSetText (if (_angle <= -20 && _angle >= -160) then {_ui_left} else {""});
									sleep 0.001;
							} else {
								__CTRL2(64441) ctrlSetText format [_distgrstr, (position _nearest) select 2];
								__CTRL2(64442) ctrlSetText (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_199");
								sleep 0.001;
						} else {
							67321 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
							67322 cutRsc ["chopper_lift_hud2", "PLAIN"];
							_chdispx2 = __uiGetVar(DCHOP_HUD2);
							__CTRL3(61422) ctrlSetText (switch (_chopttype) do {
								case 1: {(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_196")};
								case 0: {(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_197")};
					} else {
						if (!_hudoff) then {
							_hudoff = true;
							67321 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
							67322 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
					sleep 0.231;
				67321 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
				67322 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
			} else {
				67322 cutRsc ["chopper_lift_hud2", "PLAIN"];
				_chdispx2 = __uiGetVar(DCHOP_HUD2);
				__CTRL3(61422) ctrlSetText (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_200");
				while {vehicle player != player && alive player && player == driver _vec} do {
					sleep 0.421;
				67322 cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"];
	sleep 0.432;
waitUntil {sleep random 0.2; vehicle player == player};	


// by Xeno
#define THIS_FILE "x_helilift.sqf"
#include "x_setup.sqf"
private ["_vehicle", "_nearest", "_id", "_pos", "_nobjects", "_dummy", "_depl", "_nx", "_ny", "_px", "_py", "_npos", "_fuelloss"];
if (!X_Client) exitWith {};


_menu_lift_shown = false;
_nearest = objNull;
_id = -1212;
_release_id = -1212;

_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Attached), false];
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Released), false];
_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Attached_Vec), objNull];

sleep 10.123;

_possible_types = GV(_vehicle,GVAR(lift_types));

while {alive _vehicle && alive player && (player in _vehicle)} do {
if ((driver _vehicle) == player) then {
	_pos = getPos _vehicle;

	if (!(GV(_vehicle,GVAR(Vehicle_Attached))) && (_pos select 2 > 2.5) && (_pos select 2 < 16)) then {
		_nearest = objNull;
		_nobjects = nearestObjects [_vehicle, ["LandVehicle","Air"],40];
		if (count _nobjects > 0) then {
			_dummy = _nobjects select 0;
			if (_dummy == _vehicle) then {
				if (count _nobjects > 1) then {_nearest = _nobjects select 1};
			} else {
				_nearest = _dummy;
		if (!isNull _nearest) then {
			if (_nearest isKindOf "Man") then {
				_nearest = objNull;
			} else {
				if ((speed _nearest > 10) || (position _nearest select 2 > 5) || !((typeof _nearest) in _possible_types)) then {_nearest = objNull};
		sleep 0.1;
		if (!isNull _nearest && _nearest != (GV(_vehicle,GVAR(Attached_Vec)))) then {
			_depl = GV(_nearest,GVAR(MHQ_Deployed));
			if (isNil "_depl") then {_depl = false};
			if (!_depl) then {
				_nearest_pos = getPos _nearest;
				_nx = _nearest_pos select 0;_ny = _nearest_pos select 1;_px = _pos select 0;_py = _pos select 1;
				if ((_px <= _nx + 10 && _px >= _nx - 10) && (_py <= _ny + 10 && _py >= _ny - 10)) then {
					if (!_menu_lift_shown) then {
						_id = _vehicle addAction [(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_250") call FUNC(BlueText), "x_client\x_heli_action.sqf",-1,100000];
						_menu_lift_shown = true;
				} else {
					_nearest = objNull;
					if (_menu_lift_shown) then {
						_vehicle removeAction _id;
						_id = -1212;
						_menu_lift_shown = false;
	} else {
		if (_menu_lift_shown) then {
			_vehicle removeAction _id;
			_id = -1212;
			_menu_lift_shown = false;

		sleep 0.1;

		if (isNull _nearest) then {
			_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Attached), false];
			_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Released), false];
		} else {
			if (GV(_vehicle,GVAR(Vehicle_Attached))) then {
				_release_id = _vehicle addAction [(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_251") call FUNC(RedText), "x_client\x_heli_release.sqf",-1,100000];
				[_vehicle, (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_252")] call FUNC(VehicleChat);
				_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Attached_Vec), _nearest];

				switch (_nearest) do {
					case MRR1: {
						["mr1_in_air",true] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						#ifndef __TT__
						player kbTell [GVAR(kb_logic1),GVAR(kb_topic_side),"Dmr1_in_air",true];
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_en1),"HQ_W","Dmr1_in_air",true];
						[QGVAR(mr1_l_c), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
					case MRR2: {
						["mr2_in_air",true] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						#ifndef __TT__
						player kbTell [GVAR(kb_logic1),GVAR(kb_topic_side),"Dmr2_in_air",true];
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_en1),"HQ_W","Dmr2_in_air",true];
						[QGVAR(mr2_l_c), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
#ifdef __TT__
					case MRRR1: {
						["mrr1_in_air",true] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_ru1),"HQ_E","Dmr1_in_air",true];
						[QGVAR(mrr1_l_c), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
					case MRRR2: {
						["mrr2_in_air",true] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_ru1),"HQ_E","Dmr2_in_air",true];
						[QGVAR(mrr2_l_c), _vehicle] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);

				_fuelloss = switch (true) do {
					case (_vehicle isKindOf "Wheeled_APC"): {0.0002};
					case (_vehicle isKindOf "Car"): {0.0001};
					case (_vehicle isKindOf "Air"): {0.0003};
					case (_vehicle isKindOf "TANK"): {0.0005};
					default {0.0001};

				_nearest engineOn false;
				_nearest attachTo [_vehicle, [0,0,-15]];

				while {alive _vehicle && alive _nearest && alive player && !(GV(_vehicle,GVAR(Vehicle_Released))) && (player in _vehicle)} do {
					_vehicle setFuel ((fuel _vehicle) - _fuelloss);
					sleep 0.312;
				detach _nearest;					
				_nearest setVelocity [0,0,0];
				_nearest engineOn false;
				if (position _nearest select 2 > 5) then {
					_nearest spawn {
						while {position _this select 2 > 5} do {
							_this setDamage ((damage _this) + 0.01);
							sleep 0.1;
							if (!alive _this) exitWith {};

				_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Attached), false];
				_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Vehicle_Released), false];

				switch (_nearest) do {
					case MRR1: {
						["mr1_in_air",false] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						[QGVAR(mr1_l_c), objNull] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
						#ifndef __TT__
						player kbTell [GVAR(kb_logic1),GVAR(kb_topic_side),"Dmr1_available",true];
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_en1),"HQ_W","Dmr1_available",true];
					case MRR2: {
						["mr2_in_air",false] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						[QGVAR(mr2_l_c), objNull] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
						#ifndef __TT__
						player kbTell [GVAR(kb_logic1),GVAR(kb_topic_side),"Dmr2_available",true];
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_en1),"HQ_W","Dmr2_available",true];
#ifdef __TT__
					case MRRR1: {
						["mrr1_in_air",false] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						[QGVAR(mrr1_l_c), objNull] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_ru1),"HQ_E","Dmr1_available",true];
					case MRRR2: {
						["mrr2_in_air",false] call FUNC(NetSetJIP);
						[QGVAR(mrr2_l_c), objNull] call FUNC(NetCallEvent);
						player kbTell [GVAR(hq_logic_ru1),"HQ_E","Dmr2_available",true];

				_vehicle setVariable [QGVAR(Attached_Vec), objNull];

				if (!alive _vehicle) then {
					_vehicle removeAction _release_id;
				} else {
					if (alive _vehicle && alive player) then {[_vehicle, (localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_253")] call FUNC(VehicleChat)};

				if (!(_nearest isKindOf "StaticWeapon") && (position _nearest) select 2 < 200) then {
					waitUntil {(position _nearest) select 2 < 10};
				} else {
					_npos = position _nearest;
					_nearest setPos [_npos select 0, _npos select 1, 0];
				_nearest setVelocity [0,0,0];

				sleep 1.012;
sleep 0.51;

if (alive _vehicle) then {
if (_id != -1212) then {_vehicle removeAction _id};
if (_release_id != -1212) then {_vehicle removeAction _release_id};

Edited by S@ndBob

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Hello gents, I just need to figure out how to enable ACE wounds on version 2.61 so that the standard revive isnt used. I already have the ace modules on the map itself, but cannot find the specific script edit needed.

I apologize as I know this question has already been answered, but I cannot find it.

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What's the cleanest way to disable the group system?

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hi there,

i have domi261 and the problem is that after you have taken a main target,

the enemy wrecks didn't get deleted,

can someone help me out or can point me to the script.



i got it, i use DMZ_delete for that and it works well, not the solution i want but it works.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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hi again,

How to make added vehicles ranked?

I search the thread, but found not a solution for it.

Can anyone point me to the script or help me out with that?

Its the domi261 oa version with some arma2, baf and pmc units.



Edited by Anjan-Riot

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what vehicles?

You mean more lift helicopters and wreck helicopter?

Otherwise, you can produce more normal vehicles in the editor.

What is your problem?


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av-8b, wildcat, uh1y, uh1z, uh60m, mh60s, ah1, mv22, ka60 and the mi117h rockets.

those vehicles are added and all works fine,

until i play the mission as ranked,

player can enter those vehicles as private.

thats the problem.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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okay, I understand. I have no Ranked, but you try that:

search in the file descriptons.ext the thread:

class GVAR (pilots_only)

default = 0

and the thread:

class GVAR (with_ranked)

default = 0

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thank you,

but thats not the problem,

the settings working well,

but only those vehicles,

av-8b, wildcat, uh1y, uh1z, uh60m, mh60s, ah1, mv22, ka60 and the mi117h rockets,

are able to enter if you are a private,

normaly in a ranked mission,

you need to be lieutenant/captain that you can enter it.

my hope was that there is a simple vehicle array in some script where i can add those vehicles,

but i found nothing.

sorry for my bad english and explaining

ps. all vehicles that i put in the mission are able to enter as a private, only the original vehicles have a ranked system.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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okay, I understand.

Have you tried new helicopter and new aircraft insert it into d_init.sqf i_client.sqf?

for example:


if (!__ACEVer) then {
	// true = Respawn nur, wenn Fahrzeug völlig zerstört ist. false = respawn nach einer Zeit, wenn keine Mannschaft im Fahrzeug ist
	switch (true) do {
		case (__COVer): {
			[[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,true],[ch4,304,true],[ch5,305,true],[ch6,306,true],[ch7,307,true],[ch8,308,true],[ch9,309,true]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"
		case (__OAVer): {
			[[ch1,301,true],[ch2,302,true],[ch3,303,true],[ch4,304,true],[ch5,305,true],[ch6,306,true],[ch7,307,true],[ch8,308,true],[ch9,309,true]] execVM "x_server\x_helirespawn2.sqf"

for example:


GVAR(choppers_west) = [
	["HR1",0,"chopper1",301,"n_air","ColorWhite","L1",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_7")],
	["HR2",0,"chopper2",302,"n_air","ColorWhite","L2",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_8")],
	["HR3",0,"chopper3",303,"n_air","ColorWhite","L3",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_9")],
	["HR4",1,"chopper4",304,"n_air","ColorWhite","W1",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_10")],
	["HR5",1,"chopper5",305,"n_air","ColorWhite","W2",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1428")],
	["HR6",1,"chopper6",306,"n_air","ColorWhite","W3",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1429")],
	["HR7",2,"chopper7",307,"n_air","ColorWhite","N1",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_11")],
	["HR8",2,"chopper8",308,"n_air","ColorWhite","N2",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1430")],
	["HR9",2,"chopper9",309,"n_air","ColorWhite","N3",(localize "STR_DOM_MISSIONSTRING_1431")]

The list shows 3 lift helicopters, 3 wreck helis and 3 normal helis.

ch7 (HR7), ch8 (HR8) and ch9 (HR9) are new. Marker are N1, N2, N3 for "Normal" on the map.

You can expand the list.

New MISSIONSTRING_1428, 1429,1430 and 1431 you must create in the stringtable.xml for new infos.

       <English>Wreck Lift2</English>
       <Italian>Wreck Lift2</Italian>
       <Spanish>Transp. Chatarra2</Spanish>
       <Czech>Wreck Lift2</Czech>
       <Russian>Wreck Lift2</Russian>
       <Polish>Wreck Lift2</Polish>
       <French>Wreck Lift2</French>
       <Hungarian>Wreck Lift2</Hungarian>
       <English>Wreck Lift3</English>
       <Italian>Wreck Lift3</Italian>
       <Spanish>Transp. Chatarra3</Spanish>
       <Czech>Wreck Lift3</Czech>
       <Russian>Wreck Lift3</Russian>
       <Polish>Wreck Lift3</Polish>
       <French>Wreck Lift3</French>
       <Hungarian>Wreck Lift3</Hungarian>
       <Spanish>Transp. Chatarra</Spanish>
       <Spanish>Transp. Chatarra</Spanish>

Try the variant.

If that does not work I may have another option.

Gruß Bob

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thank you again,

yes i have all my added stuff in d_init.sqf and i_client.sqf.

but its dont work.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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okay, now insert text in the respective init line of your new vehicle (in the editor).

I have tested and it works. To be able to take aircraft, you need to rank one captain

vehicle init line in editor:

if (typeOf (vehicle player) in masterClassArray) then {if ((vehicle player emptyPositions "driver" == 0) && (player != driver vehicle player)) exitWith {};if (getPlayerUID player in masterUIDArray) then {hint "Clan member confirmed -- Good Hunting!"} else {player action ["getOut",(vehicle player)];hint "You are not authorized to use that vehicle!"}}

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thank you,

but it don't work, i even don't get the hint.

i'll send you a pm with the servername of the mission.

maybe i made somthing wrong.

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Have you done everything as I wrote above?

For me it works well. I also get the hint with the regular string in the File "stringtabel.xml".

I watch your mission tomorrow at the earliest.

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yes as far as i know,

i don't know why its not work,

thank you for looking over the mission.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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Hello Anjan,

your mission is complete. Because the download you have a PM.

Greetings Bob

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hi there,

all works fine, but i have one problem, the vehicle markers, can i add them back to the units?

i try it with some scripts i found, but its dont work like i wan't.


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Ranking works fine only without naming (ch. ..). I do not know why.

You can scripte for individual flight vehicles tinker (similar to the ranking for wreckheli script), or you renounce map marker.

Maybe suffice wreckmarker, these work.

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thank you

i thought so,

i found a really good script but it shows me up the marker with the group id of the player who entered the vehicle, not the vehicles name,

i try a little bit, if i dont get it to work, i give up.

Edited by Anjan-Riot

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Hi guys.

I'm having trouble opening domination in the ingame editor. I've used EliteNess to extract the pbo for a domination map, and moved the resulting folder to my Documents/Arma2/Missions folder. I can select the mission in the editor, but when I open it up the map is completely empty. If I make a save immediately, the resulting pbo file is 2kb in size (so obviously all of the Domi material has been somehow lost).

I've spent the evening searching for an answer to this on Google, but no luck.

Anyone got any ideas?

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