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Editing, Expanding and Modifying Domination

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Thank you so much Riouken. Did not ever think to look there. Except, for my version it is in R3F_LOG\addons_config and there are 3 sets of objects in there. ACE, CO, BAF. Thank you again my friend. This will save me much time and should create less lag problems if any. Thank you.


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how du you remove Arty from Domination ? i am trying to put R3F script in a domi but Domi Arty and R3f Arty make conflict :s can somebody tell me what i have to remove from my domi folder (co40_Domination_2_11A2_West_R.Chernarus) thanks !

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I have looked for a while but cant find anything about using the arty system in dom. I have tried loads of other scripts for artillery but they are all too complex for what i need. The one in domination is perfect but I dont know how to extract it or even if it can be used on its own... any help would be great thanks...

What most servers seem to be using for arty these days is the standard BIS Artillery Computer. I'm not sure if anything separate has to be done, but I don't think so. If you want more ammo types than HE some init-line code on whatever part of the script spawns the artillery should work. (I'm actually about to do some digging into that subject in the next few hours, to see if I can locate that bit of code and give the arty ammo types like WP/SADARM/Smoke etc.)

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Ios, all you have to do is remove the ARTY module when in map editor. You may have to have marker on. It will be next to the four blue trigger flags. It will be a blue arty square looking thing. Just remove that arty module and you should be good.


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No problem brother. I made a tut video for the system for my server. You can steal the embed if you want and use it on your site or whatever if needed. It is on the bottom of my front page. Nukerat.com GL my friend.


Edited by nukerat

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I found a solution to the following. I created a post here. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1898329#post1898329

Ok, so I am working on a Dom port to Zargabad with basically side missions only and some suicide bomber stuff. I have put in some Lada's for suicide cars and used Norrin's vehicle respawn to waypoint script. Which works perfect. I also attached a trigger to the Lada like this.

Lada init line:

nul = [this, 3, 10, "WS1","WP_scripts\WP1.sqf"] execVM "AIvcl_respawn_WP\AIvcl_respawn_WP_init.sqf"; trig1 attachto[suicidecar,[0,0,0]]

In the trig on act line:

_bomb = "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle getPos suicidecar;

Named trig1 activated by Blufor.

So everything works good prior to respawn. The vehicle follows the waypoints and blows once it get within the range I input to a Blufor. The problem occurs after respawn. The trigger is no longer attached to the vehicle. I have read that a vehicle array with something like this:

(vehicle1 in list T1)
in the condition line of the trigger would work. However, I am just not sure how to create the vehicle array.

I have tried putting:

trig1 attachto[suicidecar,[0,0,0]]
In diffenet places in these respawn scripts associated with Norrin's respawn to waypoint scripts.


// AIvcl_respawn_WP.sqf

// © JULY 2009 - norrin

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_trig1 synchronizeTrigger [wp1];

_unit = _this select 0;

_lives = _this select 1;

_delay = _this select 2;

_respawn_point = _this select 3;

_WP_script = _this select 4;

_crew = _this select 5;

_side = _this select 6;

_AI_unitArray = _this select 7;

_AI_skillArray = _this select 8;

_type = typeOf _unit;

_group = group _unit;

_unitsGroup = units (group _unit);

_dir = getDir _unit;

waitUntil {!alive _unit};

deleteGroup _group;

if (_lives == 0) exitWith {};

_lives = _lives - 1;

_wait = Time + _delay;

waitUntil {Time > _wait};

_group = createGroup _side;

_vcl_new = _type createVehicle (getMArkerPos _respawn_point);

_vcl_new setDir _dir;

sleep 1;

{_x createUnit [(getMarkerPos _respawn_point), _group];} forEach _AI_unitArray;

sleep 2;

hint "AI respawn";

_unitsGroup = units _group;

{_x disableAI "MOVE"} forEach _unitsGroup;

for [{ _loop = 0 },{ _loop < count _unitsGroup},{ _loop = _loop + 1}] do


_guy = _unitsGroup select _loop;

_guy setSkill (_AI_skillArray select _loop);

if (_loop == 0) then {_guy moveInDriver _vcl_new};

if (_loop == 1) then {_guy moveInGunner _vcl_new};

if (_loop == 2) then {_guy moveInCommander _vcl_new};

sleep 0.1;


{_x enableAI "MOVE"} forEach _unitsGroup;

_leader = leader _group;

[_vcl_new, _lives, _delay, _respawn_point, _WP_script, _crew, _side, _AI_unitArray,_AI_skillArray] execVM "AIvcl_respawn_WP\AIvcl_respawn_WP.sqf";

[_leader] execVM _WP_script;

if (true) exitWith {};


// AI_respawn_WP_init.sqf

// © JULY 2009 - norrin (norrin@iinet.net.au)

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_unit = _this select 0;

_lives = _this select 1;

_delay = _this select 2;

_respawn_point = _this select 3;

_WP_script = _this select 4;

_crew = crew _unit;

_group = group _unit;

_side = side _unit;

sleep 2;

_AI_unitArray = [];

_AI_skillArray = [];

{_AI_unitArray = _AI_unitArray + [typeOf _x];

_AI_skillArray = _AI_skillArray + [skill _x]}forEach _crew;

[_unit, _lives, _delay, _respawn_point, _WP_script, _crew, _side, _AI_unitArray,_AI_skillArray] execVM "AIvcl_respawn_WP\AIvcl_respawn_WP.sqf";

_leader = leader _group;

[_leader] execVM _WP_script;

if (true)exitWith {};

I am thinking if I put: trig1 attachto[suicidecar,[0,0,0]] in the right place in one of these respawn scripts it may respawn with the trigger. I am lost though.

I have looked many places and am having trouble figuring it out. Could anyone give me a hand or point me in the right direction please. Thank you all for your time.


Edited by nukerat

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What do you guys use to unpbo and pack it again . for cant seem to get cpbo to work with the new 2.57 version

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PandeX. I use to use pbo view. It does not work for the new Dom though. Use Elitness. Just be sure to follow the instructions. You have to put the .dll in the same folder as you eliteness program as well as somewhere like your system32 folder. Or something along those lines. You can download it here. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6743

Be sure to read this as well. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=98983


---------- Post added at 08:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 PM ----------

---------- Post added at 08:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 PM ----------

I am doin a Dom port to Zargabad and have it set up for sidemissions only. Could someone tell me how to create a trigger that will give a mission complete after a selected amount of sides have been complete. I need it to restart as well. My server is set up for persistant=1 so I am guessing it will auto restart once it is complete. I just need a trigger that says, "after so many sides are complete, congrats and ends" or something like that. Thank you all for your time.


Edited by nukerat

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Would it be a problem to move the housepatrol script from 2.54 to 2.57 or is there no need? Is it already implemented somehow. Has anyone tried to put it in manually and add some ai? Just curious. Thank you for your time.


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Would it be a problem to move the housepatrol script from 2.54 to 2.57 or is there no need? Is it already implemented somehow. Has anyone tried to put it in manually and add some ai? Just curious. Thank you for your time.

Checkout the latest 2.57 version, it should have house patrol (at least If I've backported everything :P)

I would not recommend the 2.54 version as it caused some performance problems.


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Sry to ask this question if its already been asked... But how can I get the "Show Status" menu in my mission? I want it so that I can get the ability to change the view distance in my mission, see the players names on the map, and turn the grass off if necessary!

Thanks in advance,


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Thank you very much Xeno. I am honored to receive a reply from the man himself. I have looked or it in 2.57. It is not in the same place so I will keep looking. Thank you again. Love your work and we all appreciate eveything you have done to make this game enjoyable for us all.


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I noticed alot of the servers these days (TAW and 7Cav for instance) have multiple weapon crates in their bases. Some are the PMC weapons (AA12, XM8 Variants etc.). I would really like to know how to add those kinds of boxes into the base on the mission I downloaded, which has nothing but 1 small box.


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Love your work and we all appreciate eveything you have done to make this game enjoyable for us all.

Thanks. I really hope to find more time in the near future, as 2.57 is just an interim stage to something completely different, technically.

MP can be done different to what people are used to now (again, speaking about technical things).


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Really looking forward to that, Xeno.

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@Spectre. That would be simple. Search armaholic for PboView. That program can be used to open up any mission pbos, arma pbos, arma 2 pbos, but not OA pbos. Then you go to your C:/Documents and Settings/<USER>/Local Settings/Application Data/ArmA 2 OA/MPMissions. There you should have the pbos from any missions that were on any server at the time you joined. Right click on the pbo of your choice and open with pbo view. Then extract it to your profile in My Documents. Then you can view the mission in the multiplayer editor and see how they did it.

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@Spectre. That would be simple. Search armaholic for PboView. That program can be used to open up any mission pbos, arma pbos, arma 2 pbos, but not OA pbos. Then you go to your C:/Documents and Settings/<USER>/Local Settings/Application Data/ArmA 2 OA/MPMissions. There you should have the pbos from any missions that were on any server at the time you joined. Right click on the pbo of your choice and open with pbo view. Then extract it to your profile in My Documents. Then you can view the mission in the multiplayer editor and see how they did it.


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Good day Mans!

Need help and FIX Domi!

I have so big trouble with maps, look:

I play clear (no self modifs) TVT Domination 2.57y (any ver) on my dedicated server with @ACRE, @jayArma2Lib and other ACE mods+CBA (im not noob, i know how config maps and server, signatures and mod verification disbled). I include ACRE radios in rank system and ammo boxes correctly in weaponcargoR_oa_ace and others files (have expirience+manuals, i am try add ACRE_PRC119 or ACE_PRC119), In Options - With ACRE - enabled....

If i launch client game with @ACRE +other mods - mod, i can't take radio items (119,117F,77 etc), but prc 148 allow to get.

If i launch client game with NO ACRE - radios allow pickup...

in no ranked type all ok.

ACRE version tryed - any!

Whats trouble, maby i do something wrong?! :confused:

Where i can find rank check functions?

Copy of this message sented to Yanus...

Sorry for my bad English. Answer my plz! This si BIG BUG! :mad:

Comunity waiting...


Edited by J-Guid

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Really fast, is there any way to make it so a crate only carries a specific weapon or catagory, I.E. Only Makarov handguns?

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I noticed alot of the servers these days (TAW and 7Cav for instance) have multiple weapon crates in their bases. Some are the PMC weapons (AA12, XM8 Variants etc.). I would really like to know how to add those kinds of boxes into the base on the mission I downloaded, which has nothing but 1 small box.


You can add all the weapons into one box from x_client x_weaponcargo_your version. Just add whatever class names you want.

I have them all in one. Or you can go into the editor and place a box where you want and use a crate filler. Backpacks in one handguns in another etc..

You can put how ever many ammocrates you want. I prefer just one but that's just me.

---------- Post added at 02:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 AM ----------

Checkout the latest 2.57 version, it should have house patrol (at least If I've backported everything :P)

I would not recommend the 2.54 version as it caused some performance problems.


Yea I looked for the Hp script and could not find it in the latest 2.57y

unless you changed the name its not there from what I could tell.

So I added one and It is working very well. No house or rooftop is safe anymore. Hehehe.... I love it.

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Yea I've figured out ammoboxes now, didn't realize that the side had to be set to empty. I also just figured out how to get one specific gun.

If anybody is interested in how to do this, it's pretty cool;

-Get any crate filler script from armaholic

-Delete all the weapon lines except the ones that you want

-Past the initialization code in the box's Initialization box when you spawn it

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Oh Man! OMG

I ask to consider possible variants of correction of the given problem with radios.

I will repeat once again the problem:

Default Domi2.57 mission, without manual corrections, I launch the dedicated server without check of signatures, it is connected only ACE and ACRE if ACRE it is connected on the server it is impossible to take ANY backpak-radio items if on the server it is not connected acre, it is possible to take a radio.

All it happens in RANK system!!!

Correct please, I not who it haven'ted the first.

Check up itself if you don't trust me! Man...

Who can help me about this problem?

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Hello all! I feel like i'll be posting a question in SEA of questions, but i think this one is easily answered b/c i thought i saw it somewhere before. Does the DOMINATION gametype only work if hosted on a dedicated server?

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Negative Chibi.

It should work on a private server that you host temporarily.

However, forget saving.

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