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More Thermal Scopes and Zeroing

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What if you're not on the battlefield and you're on 1 of the target ranges that are already ingame or 1 that can be downloaded? Shouldn't you have the ability to alter such sights?

However, I do see your point about the ACOG sights.

Edited by Moggy

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Here is the list of western rifles that should have field zeroing:

US Army


M107 TWS

M110 NV Scope

M110 TWS

M24 Desert

Mk17 Sniper

Mk17 Sniper SD

M249 TWS






Mk12 SPR

Arma2 Special Weapons

XM8 Automatic Rifle

XM8 Sharpshooter (just a guess on these two)


FN FAL AN/PVS-4 (actually should have a BDC reticle, but does not)

Arma2 Guerilla

CZ 550

For the eastern rifles, I'll either have to keep researching or defer to someone with more practical knowledge of their use in the field.

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Would you happen to know anything about the British rifles that have been added with the latest patch?

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Would you happen to know anything about the British rifles that have been added with the latest patch?

They are pretty much good as is. The L85A2 AWS 800m zero is way off, but the ones that should have zeroing do and the ones that shouldn't don't.

Interesting to note that they have adding zeroing capability to the grenade launcher on the Jackal (but the 1800m zero is totally off), but left it off of the same weapon on a static tripod mount.

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Something I should have asked earlier, but what ironsights do you know can be adjusted on the fly? From the way it looks, I'd guess that the M60E4 can, but what other ones?

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Something I should have asked earlier, but what ironsights do you know can be adjusted on the fly? From the way it looks, I'd guess that the M60E4 can, but what other ones?

Pretty much all of them. Of the rifles, probably the most limited would be the AKS-74U, which just has two range settings on its iron sights (350m and 500m, I think), and the G36 C/G36C (camo), which seems to have either a fixed range rear sight, or a two-range flip rear sight. Edit: okay, the G36C is a two-aperture flip sight. It has the aperture sight as seen in game for normal shooting and then a U-shaped notch sight if you flip the aperture sight back, intended for close range shooting. Probably best to leave it with a fixed 200m or 300m zero.

The one true sub-machine gun, MP5, has adjustable sights.

Both the shotguns (M1014 and Saiga 12k) have fixed iron sights.

All the pistols and machine-pistols (Sa-61 and PDW) have fixed sights.

Edited by akd42

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PSO-1 optics SHOULD have zeroing. The SVD specifically has adjustments not in mils or moa, but in METERS on the turrets. As a squad-attached designated marksman rifle and not a "True" sniper rifle, this makes a whole lot more sense.

Basically, you are supposed to use the rangefinder in the lower-left or the mil lines towards the center to range the target, dial in the closest range setting (increments are 100-800m in 50m increments), aim with center chevron, hold off for wind if necessary, and fire. The 4 chevrons are specifically for area fire when at max range adjustment of 800m, so the center chevron is 800m, the first one down is 900m, the 2nd one 1000m, 3rd one 1100m, and the final one is at 1200m. Again, this is supposed to be for area fire only, not engaging with point fire.

As far as I know, anything derived of those optics without range adjustment doesn't really make sense, Those chevrons really only come into play when your adjustment is maxed out at 800m

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New update to the Zeroing mod. See first post. I've added static weapon platforms.

If any of the zeroing settings are incorrect, please post the correct settings.

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New update to fix compatibility with the latest ANZINS version. See first post.

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hi all im useing this mod but it keep asking for the anzins_weapons. and i cant find it in any of the mods, do you know whats wrong

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You must be using the tgw_zeroing_anzins.pbo version of the Zeroing mod. As it states in the readme,

If you are using the ANZINS weapons mod (http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=102635), you need to use the tgw_zeroing_anzins.pbo instead of the tgw_zeroing.pbo file.

If you don't want to use AZNINS mod, simply use the tgw_zeroing.pbo mod file and not the tgw_zeroing_anzins.pbo or tgw_zeroing_anzins_x.pbo mod files.

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It already is. Guns that should have the function in BAF already have it, while those that shouldn't do not. Most of the BAF mounted weapons have an RCO scope, which cannot be zeroed on the fly. As akd42 pointed out, such scopes have a fixed zeroing (typically 100 or 150 meters) and you then use the BDC to determine where to fire. The same goes for PMC weapons.

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Just want to report some error-messages which appear after launching CO with '[OA + A2] ANZINS Weapons [1.52]' in combination with your 'TGW Zeroing [1.25]' (also using 'tgw_zeroing_anzins_x.pbo'):

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/G36A_Camo/MuzzleFar/OpticsModes/Kolimator.opticsPPEffects'. [b](appears every time in the main-menu after launching the game)[/b]

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.distanceZoomMin'. 
Warning Message: '/' is not a value [b](written in the .rpt)[/b]
Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.distanceZoomMax'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value [b](written in the .rpt)[/b]
Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/M4A3_RCO_GL_EP1/OpticsModes/Kolimator.opticsPPEffects'.[b](written in the .rpt)[/b]

Found also this one in the '[OA + A2] ANZINS Weapons'-thread:

TGW zeroing ANZINS mod is conflicting with v1.5.2.

I get the following error msg;

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/m8_conpact/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'.

It also applies to the M8 + M203 but not the M8 CQC. If I try to swap to the scope using these weapons I get a pale blue screen, also the stock M8 only has the zoomed scope sight which gives the pale blue screen.

Unrelated to the above, the AK107 has no CQC sight option.

Hopefully you will find the time to fix these errors. If you need further info, just contact me.

Edited by WillaCHilla

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Thanks for the info. I'm currently waiting for the new private key update to release the updated versions of my mods.

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Well, seeing as BIS is dragging its feat with the release of the new public private key signing program, here's an update with the current fixes. See first post.

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Mod update, see first post. Please note the signature file has changed!

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I get this error when using ´TGW_Zeroing.

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons/G36a/MuzzleFar/OpticsModes/Scope.opticsZoomMin'. 

I cant use G36a and G36k anymore.

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