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helicopter rearming question

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so im doing the single player senerio where you control the apache and uav... problem is, i ran out of hellfires and when i return to the helipad at the airport next to the refuel and rearm trucks, nothing happens. there is no added option in the wheel menu, no communications option over the radio, you cant get out of the heli, and turning the engines on or of doesnt change anything.

how the hell do you rearm!! it even says in the briefing that you can return to rearm refuel as necessary!

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Placebo, you need to make the search button really big and flashy, or at least do something. It seems that not enough people are searching before they post.

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yea... 23 postings in search, NONE answer the question on how to rearm the helicopter. closest i got was "call in 5-1-4" which i have no idea wtf that means, theres no radio anyway.

soooo yea, can someone simply answer me or jsut take the time to complain about the search function like every forum on the internet with lazy ass people unwilling to take 5 seconds to say the answer instead of commenting on how to use a search button that sometimes may or may not find answers in the first place.

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I was only able to rearm once. The trick became not to spend Hellfires on everything.

And, move to official missions forum.

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make sure that those trucks are close to the helicopter, they has to be almost touching the chopper blades

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Land close to the truck, turn off the helicopter, switch to manual fire if you haven't already and a white "rearming" (or what ever it is for you) will flash up at the lower screen as long as in process. It may helps to face the truck.

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In defense of the original poster's frustration, I have found the original ArmA 2 support functions to sometimes be rather flakey. (Kind of a long story, but I was once doing a warfare mission where I would go up to a poorly defended town with an AH-64, blow the crap out of the place, land to capture the command post in the middle myself, hop back in the helo, and go to the next town and repeat. I had set up forward arming and refueling points (FARPs) as I advanced to minimize rearming times and thereby keep the pressure on the enemy and minimize the chance of their going in and recapturing the towns while I was elsewhere. One thing I found was that sometimes when I put an ammo truck in a spot, it often didn't let me rearm unless the helo was pretty close to level to the ground, which was pretty annoying when I noticed there weren't that many areas of really flat, level ground open enough to safely land helicopters. This ended up requiring me to rearm by landing near the truck, going just barely into a hover, and rocking the stick forward and back so that as the aircraft would nose up and down through 0-degrees pitch relative to the horizon, the "Rearming" indication would come up for a bit at a time, and the weapons would slowly reload a bit at a time.)

Anyway, I went in and tested this briefly in the editor using an AH-64D and an MTVR ammo with no mods in OA and got a couple findings.

1) Preferably, land within about 20m of the truck and to its rear; it doesn't seem to matter if you have the engines on or off, and you can actually rearm in a hover if you do it really carefully. Also, it seemed to work regardless of whether or not I had manual fire on, and it worked even if I had fired off all 8 Hellfires. In my experience, at least, it always seems to work best when I have the nose of the helo as close to the rear end of the truck as I can reasonably get.

2) It may start rearming automatically when you get close enough (you see the white "Rearming" just appear), but to force it to rearm, look at the truck using free-look (default is to hold Left-Alt key and aim with the mouse, or toggle with Numpad *), and hit the bracket "[" or "]" keys, and a "Rearm at MTVR Ammunition" (or whatever vehicle type) option should be available. (Again, you have to have the center of the screen/crosshair/whatever icon on the truck for the option to be available on the action menu.)

Hope this is somewhat useful...

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It may be easier to hop out of the helo and move the truck yourself into a close position. I guess this is what's supposed to happen anyway given enough players.

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You can only rearm from ammo trucks from the behind, not the front. If you landed in front of the truck, simply lift off and land BEHIND it instead. Then it should work.

Someone did mention this, but I thought I'd make it more clear :)



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Or since all the answers here are probably wrong and not really related to your problem. I will assume that everything else reloads just fine (machine gun ammo, flares, ffars) and hellfires are the only ones that don't rearm.

It's a bug in the mission. Just restart it and ALWAYS leave 1 hellfire. If you will have 0 they wont rearm. If you will have at least one they will. That's how it worked in my game.

It's just a bug that's easy to overcome.

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I place the ammo & fuel trucks more for props/eyecandy. I use this script (which I found in the editing forum, so thanks to author) that adds a rearming bay for vehicles (fuel/ammo/repair). Open notepad, paste in below code & then save as click the drop down to change from .txt files to all files & save the file as: rearm.sqf. Then drop the file into the mission folder you intend to use it on & create a trigger of appropriate size as instructed below (I also place a emergency H object to identify the rearm pad):

// Written by Weasel [PXS] - [email protected]

// This script rearms, refuels, and repairs vehicles.

// Vehicles must be less than height 2 (typically landed, if air vehicles) and must remain in the

// trigger area for 3 seconds. It then drains all fuel, repairs, rearms, and refuels.


// Setup a trigger area to activate this (F3 in map editor) with the following settings:



// Name: Rearmlist

// Condition: this;

// Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;


// Warning: If this trigger area overlaps another trigger area (such as ammo-transport Scripts), sometimes

// things don't work as planned. Keep this seperate if you can.

_unit = _this select 0;

// Don't start the script until the unit is below a height of 2, and make sure they hold that

// height for at least 3 seconds.

WaitUntil{(getPos _unit select 2)<2};

sleep 3;

if((getPos _unit select 2)>2 || not (_unit in list Rearmlist)) exitWith{};

_unit setFuel 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Repairing...";

sleep 15;

_unit setDammage 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Rearming...";

sleep 10;

_unit setVehicleAmmo 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Refueling...";

sleep 5;

_unit setFuel 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Finished.";

if(true) exitWith{};

Hope this helps! ;)

EDIT: Also when your hovering near fuel trucks etc. Push right ALT to free look at the truck the action *should* appear in the menu

Oops I see it's for a scenario!, sorry for some reason I had it in my head that it was a user made mission.

Edited by RomeoSierra

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That script will only rearm the current mag, it won't fill expended vehicle magazines. You'd need a script like Xeno's from Domination that refills everything.

Oh OK sorry for that! :o Is there some sort of 'script centre' where lots of scripts are stored? Because I like the idea of making my own missions but lack the scripting knowledge. I know you don't NEED to script to make missions but from the scripts I've seen, they add some really nice touches to missions.

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The hellfire trick worked... it wont fill from empty, you must have at least 1 left. thanks!

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OK guys, this solution is a little bit like a snail. I know it is the realistic solution but I want some thing Like when I want to add an action for healing or saving whenever I want... Can't I just rearm whatever gunship, tank or even a rifle after all magazines are out? I thought the same command for refueling "this setrefuel 1" But no it is not exist... And my question for OFP too if it possible.

Edited by Circassian

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There is a command to add many magazines to see you through a mission. Or: there is a command so you have unlimited ammo.

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