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CM Operation Flashpoint 3 announced | "Oops, they're doing it again..."

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The 'original' OFP doesn't mean anything to us; as it's just a name. And the only thing we care about is the gameplay itself. We let the fact it's not the original OFP die a long time ago.

Arrgll... that's the problem ! By the way, who is "we" ?

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Arrgll... that's the problem ! By the way, who is "we" ?

The Cm community as a whole. I've spoken with quite a few people from there, and they all agreed with me. It's the gameplay, not the name.

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The Cm community as a whole. I've spoken with quite a few people from there, and they all agreed with me. It's the gameplay, not the name.


I'm not one to go all hysterical over the name-game, CM retained the rights to the name, so be it. That said, there is still a certain responsibility if proclaiming that name to try and hold the games model to the high standard the original garnered. It is reckless to use a genre-defining name and then make a puzzle jumper or arcade dance along game.

I dont know about the Console niche of their forums, but the PC crowd most definitely wanted to retain the sandbox editor, freeroaming nature and Templar inspired difficulty -did they listen or respect that? I dont believe they did.

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I'm not one to go all hysterical over the name-game, CM retained the rights to the name, so be it. That said, there is still a certain responsibility if proclaiming that name to try and hold the games model to the high standard the original garnered. It is reckless to use a genre-defining name and then make a puzzle jumper or arcade dance along game.

I dont know about the Console niche of their forums, but the PC crowd most definitely wanted to retain the sandbox editor, freeroaming nature and Templar inspired difficulty -did they listen or respect that? I dont believe they did.

It is stupid, but it's happened. And it's going on everywhere. There's nothing you can do to stop it happening.

.. No, they did not, hence why some people (like me) are very, skeptical of CM.

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It is stupid, but it's happened. And it's going on everywhere. There's nothing you can do to stop it happening.

.. No, they did not, hence why some people (like me) are very, skeptical of CM.

Thats most likey true. There is nothing one can do to stop it -but you also dont have to support it. Calling CM out on their false claims and retorting their blind supporters probably just feels good to those disgusted with such business practice.

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It's a buisness practice that's been used before, being used now. And will be used in the future.

When it happens, you have 3 options.

- Stay with the roots of the name. And fight against it.

- Accept whats going to happen, and let the branded 'name' die.

- Do nothing, and just move on.

And since there's nothing you can do - it wont matter which you pick, except to you.

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We'll have to wait and see on that one. Cm didn't build any bridges with their dropped support of DR right out of the gates. I have no idea how all of the negative chat among gamers will effect their future sales, it certainly wont help.

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We'll have to wait and see on that one. Cm didn't build any bridges with their dropped support of DR right out of the gates. I have no idea how all of the negative chat among gamers will effect their future sales, it certainly wont help.

The more I look at it, the more I doubt it. The extreme negative press from PC gamers had no impact on Modern Warfare 2's sales. CM are marketing towards the silent majority and, unfortunately, that's where you'll find all the buy-a-game-beat-it-in-5-hours-wait-for-next-game "gamers".

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We will see which name will be remembered in the end. It's not hard to guess.

But it's not about which name is remembered the longest, it's the one that pays out the quickest. Gaming is a buisness to alot of these companies, and nothing more.

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And the more you support un-inspired, un-imaginative gaming creations, the lower the standard you set for this industry.

Supporting CM ways is just supporting lower standard, and less creativity

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It's a buisness practice that's been used before, being used now. And will be used in the future.

When it happens, you have 3 options.

- Stay with the roots of the name. And fight against it.

- Accept whats going to happen, and let the branded 'name' die.

- Do nothing, and just move on.

And since there's nothing you can do - it wont matter which you pick, except to you.

Well I choose the first then

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Nothing was wrong with that post in particular, but all of your posts. You're extreamly one sided, very anti-RR.

Described as a 'walking advertisement', you didn't do much else except preach out mostly unfair, biased comments about why RR will suck, and BF3 will be better (of which, we're still awaiting the THIRD 30 second video on...) and why RO/ArmA are better, and why RR is just a clone of CoD/BF and has no gameplay in it.

There was no reason for you to be at those forums, if your soul purpose was to disrupt (what little there is) the forum.

Remember - The people on those forums are not a one-horse gamer. They're like me, They'll play RO, ArmA, CoD, OFP, F1, C&C, BF, IL2, Civ4/Civ5 etc.

The 'original' OFP doesn't mean anything to us; as it's just a name. And the only thing we care about is the gameplay itself. We let the fact it's not the original OFP die a long time ago.

I ain't a one-horse gamer. Rather the other way around.

I enjoy playing both arma, far cry 2, the sims, fallout new vegas, or my loved gta-games.

If BIS suddenly started to drop support, or act like Codemasters, I would place the whole arma series in the same place as Red River and never touch the game.

I would never in my life pick up a game such as Red River developed by a bunch of lying, greedy developers such as Sion Lenton. He's a great lier, we all know that by now, and we all know how much they have removed from Dragon Rising that - wasn't even more than a decent game. Sion even stated in an interview that he gave what they promised with dragon rising. Such a pathetic, lying, greedy, business man gets nothing from me.

What really bugs me about RR is that it pretends to be something it isn't.

If you wish to ignore that gaming companies screw you over, It's not only your problem, but everyone's else also.

In the end of the day It's the gamers that decides the quality of any upcoming Flashpoint game or any other game. Obviously, the Red River community have accepted all the lies told by Sion, the droped support, and all the crap around Dragon Rising. Forgive and forget. I can't just be that ignorant. It's better to leave the series and let those developers fail with it, until they consider to change they way they think, act and work.

If everyone was thinking like this Red River would be the last Flashpoint Game the Dev team would develop - because no one would support it.

So, either way they would have to develop it properly, or getting no support. The power to change something is in each and every gamers hand. It's not the developers that set the standard, It's you, along with many others.

Edited by Cyper

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The more I look at it, the more I doubt it. The extreme negative press from PC gamers had no impact on Modern Warfare 2's sales. CM are marketing towards the silent majority and, unfortunately, that's where you'll find all the buy-a-game-beat-it-in-5-hours-wait-for-next-game "gamers".

I tend to avoid blanket statements but -more then half the world is dumb and getting dumber.

Of course, video game consumership is most trivial in that context, but a reflection nevertheless.

Used to be that companies were held to standards, and if that standard faltered, regular consumers would move on and keep a strong memory of that shoeshine deal. Now it seems to be "well that last game sucked and they totally lied...but...this time I think ill trust them as surely the've learned their lesson"

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Stupid people trick themselves into thinking that the advertising campaign is the same thing as the game itself. They'll actually continue to con themselves while they're playing for the first day or so that the reality of the software released is the same thing as the zeitgeist built up by the pre-release advertising.

Why else would companies continue to spend so much on advertising, if it didn't work? Why else would people pre-order games without waiting for reliable reviews from friends or independent online sources?

This is why PC gamers are anathama to the rich publishers: the demographic is older and less easily trickable. We have the patience to wait, and the experience to know to trust the opinions of our peers, rather than the dodgy patter of a smoke and mirrors salesman.

This, along with the cheaper price of PC games, is the reason why we get shitty console ports or, increasingly, no PC version at all. But, of course, the publishers can always claim that the real reason is piracy... .

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I ain't a one-horse gamer. Rather the other way around.

I enjoy playing both arma, far cry 2, the sims, fallout new vegas, or my loved gta-games.

If BIS suddenly started to drop support, or act like Codemasters, I would place the whole arma series in the same place as Red River and never touch the game.

I would never in my life pick up a game such as Red River developed by a bunch of lying, greedy developers such as Sion Lenton. He's a great lier, we all know that by now, and we all know how much they have removed from Dragon Rising that - wasn't even more than a decent game. Sion even stated in an interview that he gave what they promised with dragon rising. Such a pathetic, lying, greedy, business man gets nothing from me.

What really bugs me about RR is that it pretends to be something it isn't.

If you wish to ignore that gaming companies screw you over, It's not only your problem, but everyone's else also.

In the end of the day It's the gamers that decides the quality of any upcoming Flashpoint game or any other game. Obviously, the Red River community have accepted all the lies told by Sion, the droped support, and all the crap around Dragon Rising. Forgive and forget. I can't just be that ignorant. It's better to leave the series and let those developers fail with it, until they consider to change they way they think, act and work.

If everyone was thinking like this Red River would be the last Flashpoint Game the Dev team would develop - because no one would support it.

So, either way they would have to develop it properly, or getting no support. The power to change something is in each and every gamers hand. It's not the developers that set the standard, It's you, along with many others.

Tell me a lie that Sion has told about Red River? One of their 'goals' was to not say anything that isn't true about the game this time around, and I can't see anywhere they've tripped up.

If BIS suddenly dropped ArmA, and it became a game that I no longer like to play. I'd stop playing it. IF ArmA became a fun game, that could be enjoyable. I would play it.

Unfortuantly, no matter how much people moan and groan over things, the top brass at companies decides the future of games like OFP. Not us, the gamers.

If everyone did think that, it wouldn't change the way the CM politics works. The only thing it would do is make them drop OFP, and pick up a different series instead they own.

It's us that set the standard? The gamers? Really... Do you really belive that?

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It might not be how it is, but that's because we've let it not be that way. No one understands the concept of voting with their wallets anymore. It should be how it is.

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It might not be how it is, but that's because we've let it not be that way. No one understands the concept of voting with their wallets anymore. It should be how it is.

Boycotts don't work. They never have, and never will.

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They don't work because not enough people support them. If the overwhelming majority of their projected consumer base were to boycott, then it would have an effect. Organizing such a thing is near impossible, that's the main problem.

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Oh come off man -the whole game is spun with base dishonesty as a "tac-shooter" which is a lie in book. Sure I could make Doom a tac-shooter if I played left-handed, covered one eye and drank a 5th of scotch first.

I believe they stated they kept everything that was "good" in the first game -yet, also wanted to make the game more accesible. Did they really keep everything good? Looks more like they removed everything good and made a mainstream Arcade shooter.

If you count this as honesty -good luck to ya.

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No sized boycott could stop a company, you would have to boycott the majority of their products to make a difference to the company itself.

Not only that, if you managed to boycott 1 single game, with the right ammount of numbers. It wouldn't force the developers to do better. The producers would just see a dropping sales line, and boot them. And put another dev team in their place, or ditch the series.

A change in the market itself is the only thing that can change the games, and the market will change again. Sooner or later. But there's nothing we, as gamers, can do to change large companies work methods.

But on PC, there's always companies like BIS, ED, Maddox Games, Firaxis and such, for the more specifc genres people desire. So there's no need to boycott any companies, since there's BIS that already does what we want. Let CoD be CoD, and let BF be BF and let ArmA be ArmA. And only buy, pay attention to or play the one you want to.


And what makes it not a tac-shooter?

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Easy mate -magic unlimited healing bags and dispersion shields to start. You've seen the videos, running around a swarm of enemies and not dying is another clue. Stop acting like you dont know what half the people on the CM forums have already complained about.

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Tell me a lie that Sion has told about Red River? One of their 'goals' was to not say anything that isn't true about the game this time around, and I can't see anywhere they've tripped up.

If BIS suddenly dropped ArmA, and it became a game that I no longer like to play. I'd stop playing it. IF ArmA became a fun game, that could be enjoyable. I would play it.

Unfortuantly, no matter how much people moan and groan over things, the top brass at companies decides the future of games like OFP. Not us, the gamers.

If everyone did think that, it wouldn't change the way the CM politics works. The only thing it would do is make them drop OFP, and pick up a different series instead they own.

It's us that set the standard? The gamers? Really... Do you really belive that?

Of course gamers set the standard. If no one would accept crapy games like Dragon Rising, no one would buy it wich would mean that the gaming companies would suffer economicaly. Then they can either please the fans or be burried.

Thing is, many people accept crapy games and liers like Sion Lenton. He lied a lot about Dragon Rising - you can't deny that. That's why they can keep going. If the gamers doesn't support them, they can't survive.

They release some shitty DLCs such as island tour. They dropped the support - oh, by the way, Sion Lenton didn't even answered the question if they was gonna give support for red river in the future. He even said that the players wont go in the same trap as before.

And now you think that Sion has turned into some kind of Jesus figure?

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Easy mate -magic unlimited healing bags and dispersion shields to start. You've seen the videos, running around a swarm of enemies and not dying is another clue. Stop acting like you dont know what half the people on the CM forums have already complained about.

I know, but those 2 things don't make it an arcade, CoD clone does it?

If BIS made it so "recruit" mode on ArmA let you have unlimited heals as any solider, and lowered AI accuracy. Suddenly ArmA would be a CoD clone would it?

Of course gamers set the standard. If no one would accept crapy games like Dragon Rising, no one would buy it wich would mean that the gaming companies would suffer economicaly. Then they can either please the fans or be burried.

Thing is, many people accept crapy games and liers like Sion Lenton. He lied a lot about Dragon Rising - you can't deny that. That's why they can keep going. If the gamers doesn't support them, they can't survive.

They release some shitty DLCs such as island tour. They dropped the support - oh, by the way, Sion Lenton didn't even answered the question if they was gonna give support for red river in the future. He even said that the players wont go in the same trap as before.

And now you think that Sion has turned into some kind of Jesus figure?

Yes, and the main thing they're stopping happening now is to stop the same thing happening again. We're not being promised DLC that wont ever arrived, as we've not got any promises on DLC at all. Dragon Rising was a real failed attempt, and they've (pretty much) admitted the fact that they need to do things differently. So bringing up DR, is irrelivent on that point.

No, He didn't answer questions. Which is good, otherwise he would blab on about how much support and DLC red river will be getting. At least this way we don't end up with false information... Why are you complaining about him keeping his mouth shut to stop him giving out info that's not going to be true?

And Jesus? LOL :p

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