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OA - Have a new support module (for CAS)

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Have yet to install OA - Plan to tomorrow - I'm I correct though, that OA comes with the ability to place a new "support module" in user created missions....which provides for easy "CAS"?

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yes, correct. The "CAS" is A10 dropping bomb tho, so I don't know about that "Close air support" :D

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Yep "Simple Support Module" lets you call in artillery,air support, mortar bombardment, para drop,ammo drop etc just by simply placing it on the map. :) very handy!

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Ok. Thanks for the Info -

So it is an A-10 (always?). And how do you paint your target? Do you have to have a laser pointer within your squad?

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Its an A-10 if you play as U.S/USMC... its an SU-25 for Russia/Takistan... you don't lase it or anything.. you open up your map and point the mouse on the map where you want it to strike and then call it.

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New support mod works great - Though, what is the deal with the A-10's not always attacking? Will they not attack buildings? I have yet to have one take out a building. They seem to fly over head 4 or 5 times but never drop anything.

Motars and Art fire come in.....HARD!

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I've never asked an A-10 to attack a building with no enemies nearby... however i've just tried it quickly in the editor and the A-10 bombed the building on its first run.

Are you sure you have the mouse cursor exactly on the buildings location?

EDIT: I tested this 3 times now to be sure... first and second test the A-10 hit the targeted building on its first run and then flew off... on the 3rd test the A-10 missed the targeted building and then came back and dropped a 2nd bomb which destroyed the building before flying off.

Also its a bit odd that the Para drop works for US,Russia... yet with Takistan you get empty parachutes... CDF works but it uses the American chopper instead of the Mi-17.

Edited by Cossack8559

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I have found that CAS strikes can be very "hit and miss" (no pun intended). Sometimes they will drop exactly where you put the marker, sometimes they will engage enemies around the marker with other weapons and sometimes they don't turn up at all - most likely distracted by another enemy if you have the ambient combat module on the go. I have given up trying to work out the science behind it :P

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Is there a way to get it to work in multiplayer running a server?

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I've done several google searches but didn't turn any good results.

Any links on modifying the module? I mainly want to reduce the volume, and increase the range of it.

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You can bring the support in without going into the map as well, if you really want to make sure it hits a house, You will get the aiming reticule up when on the support radio then click on whatever one you want to demolish the building while targeted on it.

The A10 doesn't always hit first time I have noticed and won't attack a vehicle if you highlight it, I just aim next to vehicles to get them. There is no escape from Arty and mortars however, remember and keep a safe distance though.

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