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Getting Serious with Game Controls

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So I realized I did not go far into the setting up of controls, and that since OFP days, here is my basic setup :

Running forward/backward: I use the three arrows keys on the keyboard (left arm)

Left and Right with the mouse.

Walk: not using

Crouch: C

Lay :W

Toggle fire mode : used mouse wheel in OFP, use F now which is not simple.

I don't use lean, strafe left/right etc...

I'd like to know if you devotes great time tuning up your control settings, do you have a rational/ergonomic to setup controls, and if you use the lean/strafe/left etc.... always or rarely.

Would you share your setup with us? ;)

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I use the default control sceme. I use walking/leanin a lot!

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I use default keys except for free look which i have set to mouse5 button,and prone which is mouse4 botton... I use lean every time i'm fighting in an urban area its saved my life a few times. walk is important for me as i am not always squad leader and like to keep formation.

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Variation on the default for me. Always use lean out from corners, roll back to cover if prone, and walking enables me to scan and shoot back if not accurately.

OPs setup sounds bizarre to be perfectly honest.

My changes include vehicle steering (I use the "other" system, as there are two to choose from), v=optics (OFP/Arma habit), shift v is my optics mode toggle. Doubletap c to jump, and remapped much of RMB functions to other keys (reveal=tab, hold breath=left ctrl). As | (left of 1 key) is my TS key, select all is now on num 0 (don't use AI commanding much anyway). Also evasive forward can be nice to consider.

With ACE2 installed, I was actually running out of good keys to use. It's highly unfortunate that we can't use certain combos to trigger so called "user actions" (i.e. using ctrl f) without also causing the f bind to be executed. That being said, this game is probably the most advanced key system I have used.

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-I use cursor keys (101 basic keyboard). Typical forward/back,strafe left/strafe right. Double left or right is evade, double up is sprint. Right Shift is walk (double for toggle)

-Delete is lean left, End is step over and PG Down is lean right.

-Insert is prone, Home is crouch, PG Up is stand.

(the two previous sets of keys are located in a 3 wide, 2 high block above the cursor keys on my board, others DO vary)

Programmable buttons on my mouse are: Free Look, talk local, use radio, Rest Weapon (ACE2 function), and range selection.

NumPad . is reload

NumPad 0 is nightvision.

NumPad 1 is weapon selection.

NumPad 2 is is handgun.

NumPad 4 is secondary weapon.

double right CTRL is toggle weapon raised/lowered

Many others are serially used without any ergonomic reasoning on my Saitek 35 HOTAS setup (the best of the series, in case anyone was wondering :p )

This setup puts unique, touch identifiable keys within reach without having to adjust the hand, and without looking to find/re-set.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Scrub

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got a very custom setup, mostly set around the arrow keys and numpad

arrow up : forwar

arrow dwn : back

arrow left : strafe left

arrow right : strafe right

(got a norwegian keyb. ) : æ : lean left

' : lean right

r. shift : run

num 3 : run\walk toggle

num 0 : optics

num 1 : toggle raise \ lover werapond

num 2 : hold breath

num 4 : fire mode

num 5 : cqb \ optics switch

num 6 : reserved for teamspeak

num 7 : evasive left

num 8 : evasive forward

num 9 : evasive right

delete : reload

end : sprint

pgd : prone

pgup : crouch \ stand toggle

home : reserved for track ir

insert : countermeasures 1

(l shift : countermeasures 2 )

q: slow in cars

w : normal speed

e : fast

the rest is more or less default ;)

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Default with some extras on my mouse, primarily reload.

I'm also a left hand mouser despite being right handed. I prefer using my dominate hand for controls and weak hand for aiming.

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I use default but I have analogue freelook mapped to a 360 controller which I have tacked down next to my keyboard - I use the left stick with my left little finger to control it, very useful. I will also use the controller for flight controls, with:

Left Trigger - Brake (analogue)

Left Bumper - Rudder Left

Right Trigger - Throttle (analogue)

Right Bumper - Rudder Right

Right Stick - Banking and nose up/down. Pressing the stick in is mapped to fire.

Left Stick - Already said, pressing in is cycle targets.

Back - Change Weapon

x/y - Gear up/down

a/b - flaps up/down

D-Pad up - Use default action

D-Pad down - Use selected action

D-Pad left/right - Previous/Next Action

Start - Menu

Also two extra mouse buttons mapped to weapon zero up/down.

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I'm an ESDF user here and use one of my mouse (G9) buttons to activate freelook.

Then I use my X-52 for flying which also has a mouse style hat on it which I also use for freelook.

Who needs TrackIR! :P

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