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COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

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Thats already been done, I used the BAF units as there multicam/woodland is better suited to Lingor but you can change it back by Editing the config.sqf file

Just change the true to a false for tfor_BAF

tfor_BAF = true; // add BAF equipment
tfor_ACE = false; // add ACE2 equipment
tfor_ACRE = false; // add ACRE radios

If that doesn't work you may have to change them manually but that should work. ACU in a jungle won't look cool though:butbut:

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Thanks for sharing the port, very kind of you. Will give it a go next week.


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Already said this in another thread about your arty script, but a very nice mission!

Favourite scripts would have to be your arty and UAV scripts, I don't suppose you might release the UAV script for us? It's so superior over BIS, I have no idea how you did it but well done!!!

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Favourite scripts would have to be your arty and UAV scripts, I don't suppose you might release the UAV script for us? It's so superior over BIS, I have no idea how you did it but well done!!!


actually, 95% of the UAV script is Bohemia code. There are some changes and modifications in order to make it compatible to MP and JIP and stuff, as well as some minor tweaks, but all in all... credits should go to BIS :)

However, here's the script extracted as a sample mission:



Edited by Bon

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Well thanks anyway Bon! I guess I was meaning the fact You can change orbit height and radius and that it's an 8ring system instead of a 4 etc. Anyway thanks again!

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  • FIXED: Civilian deathcounter does not work anymore with patch 1.56
  • FIXED: enemy officer in "capture officer" mission glitches inside hesco and dies
  • CHANGED: reduced radial blur a bit when in agony
  • CHANGED: Outro cam now considering players in vehicles and on buildings
  • ADDED: SADARM and DPICM rounds to artillery
  • ADDED: dynamic weather
  • ADDED: Chernarus edition

Download: takistan-force.net

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  • FIXED: Civilian deathcounter does not work anymore with patch 1.56
  • FIXED: enemy officer in "capture officer" mission glitches inside hesco and dies
  • CHANGED: reduced radial blur a bit when in agony
  • CHANGED: Outro cam now considering players in vehicles and on buildings
  • ADDED: SADARM and DPICM rounds to artillery
  • ADDED: dynamic weather
  • ADDED: Chernarus edition

Download: takistan-force.net

Man you work is pretty awesome !!

Just tested your map , and its good ..:yay:

but sadly there is no ACE release for this Version isn't ?:butbut:

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Awesome Bon, love this mission, I am adding items to the Supply Drop but how would I edit code to allow them to drop without a Commander so I can test.

Merry Christmas thanks for the new version for the holiday weekend!


Edited by vengeance1

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Hey bro, this mission is definitely a great one to play.

Just wondering (Sorry if this has already been addressed)

Are you going to make this for ACE?

Currently my issues:

When killed you lose what was on your back

Cheers brotha

Edited by Solarghost

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Good work Bon. What would I need to do to make chinooks able to tow the MHQ and other heavier vehicles like tanks and bradleys? I tried adding "armored car" class to the configuration but no luck.

And vengeance can you tell me how you're adding items to the supply drop lost? Maybe post an example?

Edited by zuff

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As for the MHQ's, I can only reproduce the problem in the North Version of the mission (co20_tfor_north.Takistan.pbo) I thought it was just because I had customized the mission, but the default version that comes with the download does it as well. I can build where the MHQ would be, but it's just not there. The "south" version of the mission there is a MHQ where it should be.

I can confirm this bug on the official North mission. South is working fine, but in the North mission the MHQ does not appear. Using the editor it appear as it should in North version.

Tested on 1.03 and 1.04, with OA 1.56 and 1.57.

ps. THANK you for this mission! I've had hours of fun with it. :yay:

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Hi all,

hope you all survived the holidays...

Awesome Bon, love this mission, I am adding items to the Supply Drop but how would I edit code to allow them to drop without a Commander so I can test.
Tough to test alone, because the commander/supplies manager can't be requestor at the same time. It'd be still the easiest way to test it together with a mate.
Hey bro, this mission is definitely a great one to play.

Just wondering (Sorry if this has already been addressed)

Are you going to make this for ACE?

Currently my issues:

When killed you lose what was on your back

Hey solarghost, how u doin' mate?

In fact I addressed this a couple times now, I am not going to provide an ACE version of it. See post... hold on... minutes later... #150.

Good work Bon. What would I need to do to make chinooks able to tow the MHQ and other heavier vehicles like tanks and bradleys? I tried adding "armored car" class to the configuration but no luck.

Check out the file scripts\heli_lift.sqf and change the respective lines to the following:

_vehicles_lift_list = ["Car","Tank"];
_vehicles_nolift_list = [];

I can confirm this bug on the official North mission. South is working fine, but in the North mission the MHQ does not appear. Using the editor it appear as it should in North version.

Alright, thanks, gonna check it out asap. As long as its working on a dedicated environment, I don't give it high priority, though.


and a good start into the new year.

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Awesome work again Bon.I am literally spending my holidays playing cfor!:)

(no BAF woodland...:()

A problem we have is that when time speedup is enabled(12h day),our server crash badly,and when hosted locally ,gives alot of microstutter.Any ideas?

Issue exists only with Cfor.Tfor is very smooth.

Thanks for the hard work.

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Alright, thanks, gonna check it out asap. As long as its working on a dedicated environment, I don't give it high priority, though.

Did a few more tests regarding the MHQ issue and this is the result:







Edit: And it is working fine on my computer when running it as dedicated server - same installation and same mission files etc.

Regards DirkG

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hello guys

to all ACE requester:

imho: the power of this mission is you can change almost everything in 3 scripts:




and of course the editor.


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Good work Bon. What would I need to do to make chinooks able to tow the MHQ and other heavier vehicles like tanks and bradleys? I tried adding "armored car" class to the configuration but no luck.

And vengeance can you tell me how you're adding items to the supply drop lost? Maybe post an example?

The init.sqf in the Bon_Supplydrop folder:

_bon_supply_classes = tfor_commanders; //["US_Soldier_Officer_EP1"];

_bon_supply_supplements = [ // refilled after each hour





















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hello guys

to all ACE requester:

imho: the power of this mission is you can change almost everything in 3 scripts:




and of course the editor.


It actually does require you to change some stuff in initplayer.sqf to fix respawning with an ACE-style ruck or weapon on back. I also fixed the "Save Loadout" feature to support this. I will post my changes when I get home. I was able to make the mission playable in ACE pretty easily.

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Thanks vengeance1.

Bon, for some reason I cannot fix the MHQ problem on the North Takistan version of the mission. In preview mode it shows up, but as soon as you export and run on a local server it disappears.

I've tried so long to figure out what it could be. I've copied over the MHQ logic from the Zargabad and South Takistan missions over to the North version, and no luck.

I've also copied over the mhq.sqf file from the South version to the North, no luck.

I'm not really sure what's causing it, and it's mind boggling to say the least.

Did a few more tests regarding the MHQ issue and this is the result:







Edit: And it is working fine on my computer when running it as dedicated server - same installation and same mission files etc.

Regards DirkG

Yah I've done extensive testing as well. Are you saying it works fine when testing on a Dedicated Server for all missions?

EDIT: After testing on Dedicated servers, I can confirm this is only with Locally hosted missions. It's strange that it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't. Oh well. :(

Edited by zuff

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Thanks vengeance1.

Bon, for some reason I cannot fix the MHQ problem on the North Takistan version of the mission. In preview mode it shows up, but as soon as you export and run on a local server it disappears.

I've tried so long to figure out what it could be. I've copied over the MHQ logic from the Zargabad and South Takistan missions over to the North version, and no luck.

I've also copied over the mhq.sqf file from the South version to the North, no luck.

I'm not really sure what's causing it, and it's mind boggling to say the least.

Checked the code again and I have the suspicion its an initialization problem:

Since the mhq.sqf script is called from the init line of the logic, it is usually executed before the init.sqf (first init lines of objects, then the init.sqf).

In the init.sqf, however, is (due to including the config.sqf) firstly introduced the variable "tfor_mhqtype". So in some cases the mhq.sqf runs and tries to create the MHQ before its type is known. That's my fault and maybe a consequence of only testing this mission on a dedicated server and in the editor preview.

My suggestion is to try the following: On the very top of the mhq.sqf you add a line

WaitUntil{not isNil "tfor_mhqtype"};

and test it again.

Tell me if this does the trick (as I still have problems reproducing this issue).

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My suggestion is to try the following: On the very top of the mhq.sqf you add a line

WaitUntil{not isNil "tfor_mhqtype"};

and test it again.

Tell me if this does the trick (as I still have problems reproducing this issue).

FIXED! Good job! Thanks so much. Keep up the amazing work :)

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I've made an edition that contains all the current ACE2 equipment (as far as I could gather) and which supports saving ACE backpacks, -content, and ACE weapon on back.

It does NOT contain any ACE specific units or vehicles, feel free to add them yourself.


For everyone who needs to know, the following files have been changed:

- config.sqf (just set the tfor_ACE flag)

- initplayer.sqf

- scripts\ammocrate_filler.sqf

- scripts\saveloadout.sqf


Edited by Bon

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Bon any way you could tell me how to make the supply drops more accurate? They don't need to be pinpoint but I'm having trouble with them going into water and losing them in high-grass areas since the smoke disappears before they hit the ground.

Also, sweet job on the ACE stuff

EDIT: Also, could you please tell me what files you changed between 1.03 and 1.04 so I can update a ported mission I have accordingly?

Edited by zuff

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Hey Bon,

Any chance of you releasing your air resupply script as a standalone. It works really nicely, in MP and on dedi servers which I can't seem to crack myself.

I tried myself but could not seem to get all the dependencies right.

Nice we work on all the commenting for this mission Bon, I learned a great deal by looking inside.

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