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About greasy_trigger

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  1. greasy_trigger

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Well thanks anyway Bon! I guess I was meaning the fact You can change orbit height and radius and that it's an 8ring system instead of a 4 etc. Anyway thanks again!
  2. greasy_trigger

    COOP 20 Takistan Force (OA)

    Already said this in another thread about your arty script, but a very nice mission! Favourite scripts would have to be your arty and UAV scripts, I don't suppose you might release the UAV script for us? It's so superior over BIS, I have no idea how you did it but well done!!!
  3. Cheers man! Didn't expect a reply so quickly. Real sorry to bother you man! We integrated it and it works flawlessly, offline :( The problem is, when on our dedicated sever, we get the dialogue to come up, but the number of arty rounds left is <null>. You can do the whole call in sequence and the messages pop up with crossroad etc, but nothing comes in. We can't quite make heads or tales of it because offline everything is the same but number of rounds is 50 (what we want). We do have the game logic sever thing set up, this is required for other scripts and they are working as per usual. It isn't to do with what we just changed as noticed it occured before we altered it. Thanks again, and sorry ...
  4. I know you finished this up a while ago, We integrated it and it works flawlessly, very nice scripting! We played TFor the other day, he uses your arty system, but has managed to make the arty reload times longer than is present in the standard system, not the number of rounds per hour, but when you call a fire mission and the cannon goes red, this red period lasts a lot longer for any number of rounds. The question is, is there a parameter that can be edited so that i could include this lengthier period of time into our missions, I don't really want to try to copy across TFor's scripts as he also relies on the player placing arty cannons etc, whereas I want the imaginary ones in the original scripts. I will continue to endeavour at finding the difference in code between the TFor version and the standard. Any help much appreciated, thanks!
  5. We tend not to play with isle defence as it can be quite annoying, eg just about finished an mt and a convoy rolls in etc. Where as somehow tying it to the radio tower would be better, I think I'll try ripping out evo 1 and having a look again for it
  6. Been editing for a little while now, but recently our clan has been harking for nostalgia (without losing what we've already got, get the drift? haha). Anyway, a few of the lads wanted to see the re-introduction of reinforcements not only arriving by chopper, but also by land, ie., a convoy of sorts. Now I personally can't remember convoys arriving in Domi 1, but I do in evo 1 (I think, long time ago). Anyway, I'm guessing one would have to incorporate it into the same script as the chopper reinforcements but I had a look at that and it wasn't what I expected (I was hoping for some nice easy code with unitclasses etc. instead its made for those above). So I was going to ask if you guys had any bright ideas? I tried downloading and having a geeze at the old evo 1 scripts but its not nearly as clearly laid out and you really have to know what your looking for to find it... In summary, reinforcements arrive by small convoy, perhaps a ural of troops and a uaz and bmp. Convoy would have to spawn approx 3km away from objective so that they could reach it in time (travelling half the map would not be a good idea). Convoy reinforcements would have to be tied to radio tower down. Could be an independent script from heli reinforce, with a similar layout.