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About Lala14

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    Master Sergeant

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  1. Yes, Lordperal (Peral) is a USAF mod developer, he and I have been working on it for quite some time, Peral was one of the original developers of the mod (he is listed as 2IC (2nd in command) in the original post)
  2. ELV is the elevation of the cursor target in ASL (above sea level) in metres. BRG is the bearing difference between the aircraft and the cursor target from 0 to 360° SLR is the slant range (imagine this being the distance from the plane directly to the cursor target) in metres GDR is the ground range (imagine this being the 2d distance, from the ground to the cursor target) in metres FVW is the field of view width basically the distance from the left side of the screen to the right side of the screen in metres FVH is the field of view height basically the distance from the bottom side of the screen to the top side of the screen in metres FVW and FVH is used for back up measurements against GDR and SLR but because this is a game and the measurement is 100% accurate all the time you only need to really worry about SLR and BRG
  3. It operates the same way as the AGM-65D. The target needs to have some sort of IR heat generated (essentially have their engine on for a little over 10 seconds).
  4. this should have been fixed in the latest update for the ac130 (check the changelogs) if this is still an issue please let us know what mods you were running
  5. it is with great pleasure to announce that we have moved the AC-130U into public beta, after several weeks of hard work on this single asset alone, we have knocked out quite a few bugs and feel as though the state that it is currently in is good enough for public use. You will still find debug information showing on screen which is intentional for bug reporting, this will be removed when the asset is no longer in beta. As for the future of the AC-130, it will be moved into the AFSOC pack at some stage so it will not be a "lone" release asset. Please report bugs on our github or on the ac-130u bug reports channel on our discord. Thank you for your continued support and patience from all members of the USAF Team. Enjoy. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2226368165
  6. the copilot seat on the c17 is off iirc, still need to actually reposition the seat.
  7. The gunslinger variant will come out after the spooky, whether it be the next asset to be released after the spooky is still yet to be decided. Sorry!
  8. I actually already have a RAAF C-130, I'll probably see if I can dig it up and possibly include it in the mod
  9. You have permission to retexture, in fact, the system we have developed makes it very easy for retextures to be applied with no effort on our end to update (seamless integration with the service menu). If you are familiar with the TextureSources class this is how it works. The only thing is that you cannot reupload the mod or parts of the mod.
  10. UAVs need to be placed NOT empty, otherwise you will not be able to connect to them Unsure about locking onto IR grenades, will take into consideration The last one about afterburner and weapon type is that we left debug info still running on those vehicles and will be fixed in next update
  11. DOWNLOAD Cross posted here from the steam workshop with permission by HateAndCaffeine. Discord Link https://discord.gg/4ZegBaZ This mod overhauls thermal vision modes allowing them to be used in all conditions. It is designed to work with any targeting pod or CROWS. Press B while in Vanilla DTV mode to bring up A3TI thermal vision modes. Press B while in Vanilla NVG mode to bring up A3TI Fusion mode. Current Features: Can be run Client Side MWIR White Hot MWIR Black Hot IR/NVG Fusion Laser Target Marker High Definition Targeting Pod Options Configurable Brightness/Contrast Configurable CBA Options and Keybinds How To: Select Vanilla DTV and press the B key to cycle through the A3TI Vision Modes Select Vanilla NVG and press the B key to cycle through Fusion Modes To use the Laser Target Marker (LTM), cycle to NVG or A3TI fusion mode, fire your laser, then press L The LTM can only be seen in NVG or Fusion modes You can change the LTM between Flashing and Steady modes with Ctrl+L All controls are configurable via CBA keybinds Known Issues: Some Modded Tanks may have visual bugs for the driver. There is a CBA option to disable A3TI enhancements for tank drivers to mitigate this. Please report any bugs to our Discord #bugs channel https://discord.gg/4ZegBaZ Special thanks to Pingopete, Lala, BigBearZ, Fat_Lurch, Raynor, and Yax. Could not have made this mod without your incredible contributions. Huge thanks to Voldy for his tireless work hunting bugs Check out some of their other work. USAF Mod Collection https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1900726770 Fat Lurch Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197977538474/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410 Yax Workshop https://steamcommunity.com/id/Yaxxo/myworkshopfiles/?appid=107410
  12. 1. It is up to addon creators to make their vehicles compatible (to my knowledge Firewill has made their plane's compatible) 2. Again this would be more for a question to unsung.
  13. Yes we released the AC-130 as an april fools joke, we hope you all enjoyed, we are currently working diligently to provide an update out for the mod! Thank you all for your patience!