lordbooka 159 Posted March 19, 2015 WarfareThai EX by Roh_Z the Lord_Booka More medias at: http://lordbooka.imgur.com Description: WarfareThai EX (WFT EX) is aimed at adding the various faction forces to Arma 3. It includes Thai Armed Forces (Modern), Thai Armed Forces (CSAT-2035), Free Thai Movement (2035), Takistan Kingdom Army, Takistani Insurgents, Chernarus Defense Force, Chernarus Insurgents, Terrorists (Middle East), and some minor factions. It also includes new weapons, new various map objects, and consumable items: food (heal) and drinks (restore stamina). Although the name implied as Thai Armed Force(s), in fact, this mod attend to focus more on weaponry, opfor units, and factions.Download: Steam Workshop WarfareThai EX v0.1.5.9 (Pending) Features: Thai Armed Forces (Modern) - possibly current TAF. Thai Armed Forces (2035) - future TAF which has joined CSAT side. Free Thai Movement - freedom fighters who want to liberate Thailand from CSAT. Takistan Kingdom Army - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. Takistani Insurgents - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. Chernarus Defense Force - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. Chernarus Insurgents - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. Terrorists (Middle East) - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. Pirates (African) - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. African Insurgents - for A3MP, ALiVE, and Zeus. New Uniforms. New Vests. New Headgears. New Weapons. New Vehicles for TKA and CDF. Consumable Items. Note: Completed lists of the Classnames http://pastebin.com/RS4MK8kt Consumable items can be consumed by double-clicking item pictures on inventory screen. Raw food can be processed by double-clicking in front of any inflame object. PPSh-41 and FN Minimi Para can swap magazine interface by dragging the alternated one then dropped-over on current active magazine slot. Optional to compatible with ASDG Joint Rails by copy COREVCompatibleItems.pbo and bisign (respectively) from \Compatibles to \Addons. Optional to compatible with RHS:Escalation by copy COREVCompatibleRHS.pbo and bisign (respectively) from \Compatibles to \Addons. Player can select any insignia by holding CTRL then double-click at uniform icon (uniform slot) on inventory screen. Bomb Vest can be activated by holding CTRL then double-click at vest icon (vest slot) which is showed on inventory screen. When enabled 3D target spotting: aim down (iron sights or scope) at the target then press "Lock Target" or "Reveal" button (default "T"). When enabled spotting distance report: aim down (iron sights or scope) at the target then press "Lock Target" or "Reveal" button (default "T"). Known issues: Some vehicles, and weapon models, and reload animations, are still WIP. Sometimes, when spawned units in Zeus mode on Dedecated Server, they can contained only one magazine in their pocket. According to http://www.legion-arma3.de/forums/topic/warfarethai-ex-thai-armed-force/page/2/ 3D Spotting Target can increased network traffic and lead to desync. Credits & Thanks: Bohemia Interactive - the game and sample models. Aplion - ArmA2 UK vehicles Unbinarized. Rusty - Various Camo Patterns. Toadie's SmallArms and Animations - AK reload animation & G3 reload animation More in readme.txt which is included in mod folder.Changelog: v0.1.5.8 - WarfareThai Launch84mm_M3 now can accept Tanks DLC's MRAWS magazines. - WarfareThai Launch130mm_9K115 now can accept Tanks DLC's Vorona magazines. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.8 - This iteration is for multiplayer testing purpose, the sooner update might be certainty expected to come. - Added WarfareThai Enable Reserved Weapon module (COREV_Logic_ReservedWeaponEnable), which can store current primary weapon into reserved slot, which mean this module can make player to carry 2 primary weapons at the same time. - Added new headgears: Wig (Long) and its variants. - Added (experimental) shotguns:Remington M870 (Shotgun12Ga_M870), Mossberg 590 (Shotgun12Ga_MB590), Franchi SPAS-12 (Shotgun12Ga_SPAS12), M4 Super 90 Entry(Shotgun12Ga_M4S90), Ithaca 37 Stakeout(Shotgun12Ga_M37),and 12 Gauge Shells (1Rnd_12Gauge_BuckMagnum,1Rnd_12Gauge_SlugMagnum,1Rnd_12Gauge_Flechette,1Rnd_12Gauge_FragHE). - Fixed the Touch Screen config and model. - Adjusted the muzzle velocity formula for some WFT weapons. - Fixed some minor issues. v0. - Fixed the security issue. - Fixed the VIEW GEO on Ceiling Fan. - Fixed the Wounded Normal Zombie Faces. - Improved WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Modules. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.7 - Added new editor objects: Touch Screen (COREV_Object_TouchScreen), Analog Device (COREV_Object_AnalogDevice), Metal Barricade (COREV_Object_Barricade), and Safe (COREV_Ammobox_Safe). - Added new quest items: Key Card Red (ItmObj_KeyCard_A), Key Card Green (ItmObj_KeyCard_B), Key Card Blue (ItmObj_KeyCard_C), Key Card Yellow (ItmObj_KeyCard_D), and Key Card White (ItmObj_KeyCard_E). - Added WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Spawner Wave (COREV_Logic_RyanZedHookSpawnerWave), and WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Convert to Normal Zeds (COREV_Logic_RyanZedHookForceNormal). Requires Ryan's Zombies and Demon mod. - Fixed: the animation transition issue. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.6 - This iteration is for multiplayer testing purpose, the sooner update might be certaintly expected to come (again). - Added new editor objects (furnitures): Old TV (COREV_Object_TV_Old_B), Radio Unit Type B to E (COREV_Object_RadioUnit_B -to- #E), Headphones (COREV_Object_Headphones), Kitchen Sink (COREV_Ammobox_KitchenSink), Metal Desk (COREV_Ammobox_MetalDesk), Metal Table (COREV_Ammobox_MetalTable), Toilet (COREV_Object_Toilet), Servers Rack (COREV_Object_ServersRack),Light Source Fluorescence #2 (COREV_Object_Light_C), Microphone Small (COREV_Object_Microphone_A), Microphone Table (COREV_Object_Microphone_B). - Reduced the total of Ryan's zombie classnames to COREV_Z_RyanZedHookFast, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookCrawler, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookMedium, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookSlow, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookSpider, COREV_Z_RyanZedHookWalker - Added WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Customize(COREV_Logic_RyanZedHook), and WarfareThai Ryan Zeds Spawner(COREV_Logic_RyanZedHookSpawner). Requires Ryan's Zombies and Demon mod. - Added a new weapon: CAR-15 model N-23 PDW 5.56mm Beta-C (Auto556x45_N23PDW_BetaC). - WFT consumable items now can support in a basic level for MCC and Ravage survival module. - Removed the redundant objects classnames which had not been used anymore. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.5 hot fix #1 - fixed the unsigned/wrong signed pbo files. v0.1.5.5 - This iteration is for multiplayer testing purpose, the sooner update might be certaintly expected to come. - Renamed Mod from WarfareThai Ex. Thai Armed Force to WarfareThai EX. (the shorter the better). - Fixed WFT armored vehicles not show up in Zeus. - Fixed C130J static's ramps cannot be opened. - WFT MMGs now can be equipped with Suppressor. - Added new weapons: CAR-15 model N-23 PDW 5.56mm (Auto556x45_N23PDW), DOE 9mm SMG(Smg9x19_DOE), vz. 61 Skorpion (Pstl765x17_VZ61,20Rnd_765x17_VZ61), PP-9 Klin (Pstl9x18_PP9,20Rnd_9x18_PP9), MAC-11 (Pstl9x19_MAC11), Micro Uzi (Pstl9x19_MicroUzi), Flashlight (PstlTool_Flashlight), Handheld Spotlight (PstlTool_Spotlight). - Added new glasses: Halo (COREV_G_Halo_Ring). - Added new quest items: Generic Key (ItmObj_Key_A, ItmObj_Key_B, ItmObj_Key_C, ItmObj_Key_D), and Vehicle Key (ItmObj_Key_Veh). - Added new editor objects: Light Source Fluorescence (COREV_Object_Light_A), Light Source Bulb (COREV_Object_Light_B), Old TV (COREV_Object_TV_Old), and Radio Unit Type A (COREV_Object_RadioUnit_A). - Added new storage objects: Desk (COREV_Ammobox_TableDesk), Office Cabinet (COREV_Ammobox_OfficeCabinet_01), Office Table New (COREV_Ammobox_OfficeTable_01), and Office Table Old (COREV_Ammobox_OfficeTable_02). - Added animation source for C130J Static (this animationSource ["engine_hide_source",1,true]). - Added 4 new faces: COREV_LampreyHead_01, COREV_LampreyHead_02, COREV_LampreyHead_03, COREV_LampreyHead_04. - Added support for Ryan's Zombies and Demons mod. - Renamed COREV_Logic_StatusRegainDisable to "Item Consumtion Effect" Module. - WFT "Item Consumtion Effect" module (COREV_Logic_StatusRegainDisable) now can execute custom codes after eat, drank, and using money. The arguments will be who (_this select 0), item added after consumed (_this select 1), and value added afer consumed (_this select 2). For example: _this call {(_this select 0) setDamage 1}; : player will died after consumed the item. - Removed the redundant insignia patches. - Removed an ability to open virtual map on whiteboard objects. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.4 - Migrated to use firing soundsets from vanilla weapons. - Most of WFT weapons have beeen default loaded with vanilla magazines. - Some pistols now can be equiped with flashlight. - Added M231 FPW with Beta C Mag (Auto556x45_M231_BetaC). - Added GP-25 grenade launcher to AK-type variants. - Added Drone Recon (COREV_B_UAV_Recon, COREV_O_UAV_Recon, COREV_I_UAV_Recon) and Drone Explosive (COREV_B_UAV_Explosive, COREV_O_UAV_Explosive, COREV_I_UAV_Explosive). - Added Deployable Drones (ItmTol_UAVMini, ItmTol_UAVMiniBomb). - Added custom HandleDamage EventHandler to SoldierWB, SoldierEB, SoldierGB classes. - Added cooldown for consumable items. - WarfareThai Simple Heal Module now requires "(Tool) First-Aid Kit" (ItmTol_Bandage). - Adjusted the origin point of consumable item models (moved them a little bit above the ground level). - Disabled "WarfareThai Enable Player Marker Module" (COREV_Logic_PlayerMarkerEnable) and "WarfareThai Enable Spotting Distance Report" (COREV_Logic_SpottingReportDistance). - Fixed the WarfareThai weapons were not show in Virtual Arsenal. - Fixed WarfareThai Animals. - Fixed camo selections on TRG-21 GL black skin variants. - Fixed missing textures on some WarfareThai vehicles. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.3 - Weapons compatibility with APEX (WFT weapons can accept APEX magazines, but not vise versa). - WFT weapons use APEX magazines as default. - Added new zombie identities (for Ravage Mod): COREV_AsianHead_Z_01,COREV_AfricanHead_Z_01,COREV_GreekHead_Z_01,COREV_PersianHead_Z_01 (identical to CfgFaces) - WFT OPFOR and INDEP now have Motorized_MTP and Motorized class in CfgGroups (ALiVE compatible). - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.2 - M231 FPW now has only FullAuto fire mode. - Reduced the effectiveness of Can Cannon projectiles (except for the Redgull). - Added Asian Civilian faction. - Added fictional weapons: AK-108M(6.5mm) and AK-102M(6.5mm). - Fixed EEAF uniform arms glitch. - Added new zombie faces (for Ravage Mod): COREV_AsianHead_Z_01,COREV_AfricanHead_Z_01,COREV_GreekHead_Z_01,COREV_PersianHead_Z_01 - Added 5 dance moves (from ArmA 2):Dancing_DuoIvan, Dancing_DuoStefan, Dancing_Stefan, Dancing_Zozino, Dancing_MadMetal - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.1 - Added Editor Preview images for some units. - Fixed camo selections for EEAF vehicles. - Added Can Cannon. - Added M231 Firing Port Weapon. - Map designer can hook the eating/drinking events by adding hookEat/hookDrink to description.ext in format hookEat = "your_function";, then, the hook value will be [who_consume,item_which_were_consume,value_of_item] call your_function. - Added Radar Station. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.5.0 - Fixed some errors in Unconscious system. - Added items (Ammo) 82mm Mortar Shell,(Ammo) 50 Rnd. DshK,(Ammo) 100 Rnd. M2,(Ammo) PG-9V HEAT, and (Ammo) OG-9VM FRAG. - Compatible with APEX 1.60 RC. - Added new faction: Terrorist (Africa). - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.9 - Fixed some errors in Unconscious system. - Fixed MK.13 Mod 0 GL Reload Anim. - Fixed UGL sight for FAMAS G2 + M203B. - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.8 - Fixed Unconscious system in Healing module. - Units will no longer randomize their equipments in EDEN. - Renamed COREV Objects to WarfareThai Objects in EDEN. - Added C-130 Static Object, and Wood Bench. - Added FAMAS G2 and variants. - Added Mod Icon (placeholder). - Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.7 Fixed No entry 'bin/config.bin/CfgWeapons.U_CivilianSuit_D'. Almost of UGLs now have weapon reload animation. Added Business Suit (Grey). Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.6 Almost of automatic weapons now can fold/unfold their own bipods. FN MAG-58 loaded with 150 rounds box as default. Plants are now placing under COREVObjects=>Nature Fixed missing NDM-86 primary magazine. Added M24 SWS (Black). HK33 now can be attached with any optic. Removed Springfield M14 (no RIS), M16A1 (no RIS), M16A2 (no RIS), Mosin M91 (no RIS),SMLE #4/1 (no RIS), Kar98K (no RIS), and various (no RIS) AKs from global selections. Added Cabinet, Tactical Bench. Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.5 Fixed some functions. Fixed some scripts. Added Wood Table,Glass Table, Casual Couches, Park Bench, Beds, and Casual Armchairs. WarfareThai's objects had been assigned to COREVObjects category in EDEN. PPSh-41, FN Minimi Para, and HK33 now can swap between magazine interfaces from reloading event. Overhauled the healing module (experiment). Temporary disabled NPC took double damage module. Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.4 Fixed some functions. Added Radio Backpack. Improved armor protection for Tactical Vest EX and Tectival Vest UP. Added Service Pads which can refill/rearm/repair a vehicle. Added Dresser and Drawers. Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.4.2 Changed bikey signature from coreva3e to coreva3f. Removed MOLLE backpacks. Removed COREV_TKArmy_L39CASFlight, COREV_TKArmy_L39AAFlight, and COREV_TKArmy_OrcaFlight from CfgGroups. Removed COREV_CDF_L39CASFlight, COREV_CDF_L39AAFlight, COREV_CDF_MohawkFlight, and COREV_CDF_HellcatFlight, COREV_CDF_KumaPlatoon from CfgGroups. Removed COREV_CDF_Green_L39CASFlight, COREV_CDF_Green_L39AAFlight, COREV_CDF_Green_MohawkFlight, and COREV_CDF_Green_HellcatFlight, COREV_CDF_Green_KumaPlatoon from CfgGroups. Removed classnames: COREV_O_TKA_Plane_Fighter_L39_CAS, COREV_O_TKA_Plane_Fighter_L39_AA, COREV_O_CDF_Plane_Fighter_L39_CAS, COREV_I_CDF_Plane_Fighter_L39_CAS, COREV_O_CDF_Plane_Fighter_L39_AA, COREV_I_CDF_Plane_Fighter_L39_AA, COREV_O_TKA_Heli_Light_Orca, COREV_O_TKA_Heli_Light_Orca_unarmed, COREV_O_CDF_Heli_Light_Hellcat, COREV_I_CDF_Heli_Light_Hellcat, COREV_O_CDF_Heli_Transport_Mohawk, COREV_I_CDF_Heli_Transport_Mohawk, COREV_O_CDF_MRAP_Strider, COREV_I_CDF_MRAP_Strider, COREV_O_CDF_MRAP_Strider_HMG, COREV_I_CDF_MRAP_Strider_HMG, COREV_O_CDF_MRAP_Strider_GMG, COREV_I_CDF_MRAP_Strider_GMG, COREV_O_CDF_Truck_Zamak_covered, COREV_I_CDF_Truck_Zamak_covered, COREV_O_CDF_Truck_Zamak_transport, COREV_I_CDF_Truck_Zamak_transport, COREV_O_TKA_APC_Wheeled_Marid, COREV_O_TKA_APC_Tracked_Panther, COREV_O_TKA_APC_Tracked_BTRK, COREV_O_CDF_APC_Tracked_Mora, COREV_I_CDF_APC_Tracked_Mora, COREV_O_TKA_MBT_T100, COREV_O_CDF_APC_Wheeled_Gorgon, COREV_I_CDF_APC_Wheeled_Gorgon, COREV_O_CDF_MBT_Kuma, COREV_I_CDF_MBT_Kuma. Re-organized MEAF. Re-organized EEAF. EEAF units now can shout in Slavaboo. EEAF geared up with new equipments. MEAF geared up with new equipments. Fixed some critical issues. v0.1.3.8 Changed bikey signature from coreva3d to coreva3e. Added new uniforms: Prisoner. Added new factions: African Pirates and African Insurgents. Added new uniforms: Tank-Top and Cropped-Pants Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.3.1 Fixed: missing some variables when player has been killed. Changed: Reduced the effect of consumable items. v0.1.3 Changed bikey signature from coreva3c to coreva3d. Added new weapon: HK33A3. Fixed: missing HK33's textures. Changed: Rename Takistan faction to Middle-East, and CDF to Eastern European. Changed: Temporary disable magazineGroups[] compatibility. Changed: Suicide bomb now has its own button in Inventory Screen. Changed: Tactical Deerstand can no longer disassemble to backpack. Optional to compatible with RHS:Escalation. Some weapons now can possibly support ACE3 (overheat & backblast). Consumable items can possibly support ACE3 (Food items increase Blood: Drink items reduce Pain). Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.2 Fixed: WFT's Off-Roads cannot do FFV. Fixed: FNMinimi can now use its own Bipod as intend. Fixed: Decreased the 8mm mauser performance. Fixed: Increased 7.62mm R performance. Changed: Insignia selection menu now has its own button on Inventory Screen (the blue button). Added new module: Enable Arsenal Loadout - player can load an inventory preset which were saved in Virsual Arsenal. Fixed some minor issues. v0.1.1 Changed bikey signature from coreva3b to coreva3c. Added new weapons: M24, M91/30, G98K, Lee Enfield, HK33, Type-63, and MP9. Added new uniforms: various Royal Thai Army uniforms. Added new module: Enable Life System - player need to find something eat (also drink) in order to survive. Added new module: Enable Name Tag (Player Group) - enable 3D name tag for all units in player group. Added new module: Enable Name Tag (Same Side) - enable 3D name tag for all units which are same side. Added new module: Enable 3D Spotting Target - enable 3D target spotting while aiming down (iron sights or scope) then pressing "Lock Target" or "Reveal" button (default "T"). Added new module: Enable Spotting Distance Report - enable reporting distance-to-target while aiming down (iron sights or scope) then pressing "Lock Target" or "Reveal" button (default "T"). Added new module: Enable Simple Jump - enable player to perform a simple jump while pressing SHIFT + "Get Over" button (default "V"). Player can select any insignia by holding CTRL then double-click at uniform icon (uniform slot) on inventory screen. Consumable items can possibly support AGM (Food items increase Blood: Drink items reduce Pain). Optional to compatible with ASDG Joint Rails. Fixed: Bomb Vest can be activated by holding CTRL then double-click at vest icon (vest slot) which is showed on inventory screen. Fixed some critical issues. v0.1.0 Changed bikey signature from coreva3a to coreva3b. Added new weapons: FN SCAR-L/H,FN SCAR-L/H + EGLM (Black & FDE color). Added new faction: Terrorists Faction. Added new vehicles: Tactical Wooden Cart, Tactical Camping Chair, Tactical Tent (A-Shaped), and Tactical Deer stand. Added new Vest: Flak Jacket with Pistol. Added new uniforms: Takistani Burqua (disguised) and various Terrorist uniforms in black. Added new insignias. Added new map markers. Added new various map objects. Changed: Reduced some vest armor value. Changed: AKs reloading animation to Toadie's HLC style. Changed: G3A3 and G3A4 reloading animation to Toadie's HLC style. Changed: Takistan Militias/Insurgents looked more liked civilians. Increased some GLs zeroing to 500m. Most of weapons could possibly compatible with Dev-branch 1.43 (Marksman DLC). Fixed cannot load model "\A3\weapons_f\launchers\RPG32\pg32v_rocket.p3d" (since update 1.40) Fixed cannot load model "\A3\Structures_F\Items\Can\TacticalBacon_F.p3d" (since update 1.40) Fixed all "OREV_" classnames prefix to "COREV_" (previously missing the "C" letter). Fixed Land Rover passenger seats. Fixed world magazine model for Rahim. Fixed Item hatchet. Fixed some minor issues. v0.0.9 Fixed Video Camcorder held animation. Fixed TI texture for a LandRover Defender. Removed LandRover Defender (MAG-58) variants. Fixed static weapons cannot be dissasembled. Fixed static Video Camcorder. Fixed D-30 Turret. Fixed M2s not ecjected a dead gunner. Reduced static M2's magazine capacity from 500 to 100. Added static DShK-M. Added fictional PPK-74U SMG (a 7.62x25mm conversion of AKS-74U). Added Instant Noodle for Food. Fixed stacked goggles for TK Insurgents. Improved 7.62x25mm penetration. Changed weapon and item rvmats. Fixed some minor issues. v0.0.8 Changed bikey signature from coreva3 to coreva3a. Changed M320 UGL Attachment to HK GLM UGL Attachment. Renamed "V_PlateCarrier_heavy_blackCamo" to "V_ChestRig_heavy_A". Renamed "V_PlateCarrier_digiCamo" to "V_Ballistic_A". Fixed wounded textures for new uniforms. Fixed insignia not showing for all uniforms. Fixed some strange errors when using with MCC Sandbox. Improved some vests. Added new insignia emblems. Added many items and tools. Added new weapons: TT-33, Beretta 92FS, Mk.18 SBR, HK G3, PPSh-41, FN Mimimi Para, and more... Added few new headgears, vests, and uniforms. Added Land Rover Defender and variants (FFV and Slingload supported). Added few new static weapons: Igla Pod, .50 M2, SPG-9, and D-30. Added new faction: Asian Drug Cartel. PPSh-41 can swap magazine between Box-type and Drum-type by Dragging the alternated one then Dropped-over on its current active magazine slot. FN Minimi Para can swap magazine interface between Belt-feed and STANAG well by Dragged the alternated one then Dropped-over on its current active magazine slot. Fixed some minor issues. v0.0.7 Fixed error cannot found weapon "Auto545x39_AKMSU" Added animal: Cow Added Flak Jackets Added items: Camping Lantern, and Kitchen Knife Added M16A4, M16A4/M320 and AK-105 Added animals can be gutted by double clicking at kitchen knife. Changed raw meats can be cooked by double clicking in front of any flaming object. Fixed some minor issues v0.0.6 Fixed error cannot found "w_face_cover_white_ca.paa" Changed swap the rail for M16A1/A2 from left side to right side. Added AK-104 and Norinco NDM-86 Fixed some minor issues v0.0.5 Fixed sound config structure. Changed M16A1/A2 can now attach any optic. Added consumable items : can be consumed by double-clicking item pictures on inventory screen. Fixed some minor issues. v0.0.4 Added new factions: "COREV_CDFLocal", "COREV_CDFLocal_Green", "COREV_CDFCiv". Added new units: Chernarus Insurgents and Chernarus Civilians. Added new headgears: Basques, Berets, and Ushankas. Added new weapon: "PKP Pecheneg". Fixed some minor issues. Changed: Auto556x45_TAR20_GL to Auto556x45_TAR21_GL. Changed: Auto545x39_AKMSU to Auto762x39_AKMSU. v0.0.3 Added new factions: "COREV_ThaiFree_Green", "COREV_Thug", "COREV_Thug_Green", "COREV_TKLocal","COREV_TKLocal_Green","COREV_TKArmy","COREV_TKCiv","COREV_CDF","COREV_CDF_Green". Added new vests: "V_TacVest_TK". Added new weapons: "AR-15 Family", "MAG58", "PKM", "MG 3", "Type 69 RPG","AK family", etc. Fixed Black Tavor-21 GL issues. v0.0.2 Added new uniforms: "Skater", "Business Casual", "Shirt + Tie", "Sport Outfit". Added new vests: "Police (light - medium - heavy)". Added new weapons: "Black P07", "HK G36C", "HK G36K", "Norinco NR08A", "KAC SR-25". Added new magazines: "9mm 30Rnd NR08 Mag", "5.56mm 30Rnd G36 Mag", "7.62mm 20Rnd SR-25 Mag". Added new faction: "Gangsters". Fixed V_Vest_light_Invisible. v0.0.1 first release 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted March 19, 2015 Thanks for always sending us your latest work :cool: New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. WarfareThai Ex. Thai Armed Force v0.1.0 ================================================ We have also "connected" these pages to your account on Armaholic. This means soon you will be able to maintain these pages yourself if you wish to do so. Once this new feature is ready we will contact you about it and explain how things work and what options you have. When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sonsalt6 105 Posted March 19, 2015 Updated mod v0.1.0 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plinskin 23 Posted March 19, 2015 I love... the Flack Jackets!!! :bounce3: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 20, 2015 (edited) Thanks Foxhound, Sonsalt6, and SSplainskin! I'm adding more screenshots: Edited March 20, 2015 by lordbooka Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pulstar 55 Posted March 22, 2015 Anyone else getting crashes? At least it isn't RHS mods. Too many folders to figure out what's the incompatibility :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 22, 2015 Anyone else getting crashes? At least it isn't RHS mods. Too many folders to figure out what's the incompatibility :( I do. Tried removing it, and installing it again. Now i get the "Data file too short" error on startup... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 23, 2015 Anyone else getting crashes? At least it isn't RHS mods. Too many folders to figure out what's the incompatibility :( In theory, this mod shouldn't have any issue with compatibility with other mods (because all classes inside are inherited from the BIS existed one). Have you tried to launch this mod with Dev-Branch? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 23, 2015 In theory, this mod shouldn't have any issue with compatibility with other mods (because all classes inside are inherited from the BIS existed one).Have you tried to launch this mod with Dev-Branch? I get the "Data file too short" error. How can i fix it? It's the "corevweaponsextaf.pbo" that's giving me the error. ---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ---------- I get the "Data file too short" error. How can i fix it? It's the "corevweaponsextaf.pbo" that's giving me the error. Seems like i fixed the "Data file too short" error, but the crashes still persists... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 24, 2015 I get the "Data file too short" error. How can i fix it? It's the "corevweaponsextaf.pbo" that's giving me the error.---------- Post added at 16:08 ---------- Previous post was at 16:03 ---------- Have you tried to download the mod files from the alternate links? Just click spoiler button under Armaholic Download Link, it will show the direct links to mediafile. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 24, 2015 Have you tried to download the mod files from the alternate links? Just click spoiler button under Armaholic Download Link, it will show the direct links to mediafile. yes, i fixed the "Data file too short" error, but crashes still persists, and i don't know why. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 24, 2015 yes, i fixed the "Data file too short" error, but crashes still persists, and i don't know why. Even with only single mod (Warfarethai ex taf) launch at the time? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 24, 2015 Even with only single mod (Warfarethai ex taf) launch at the time? I will try that. ---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ---------- Yup. Still crashes.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted March 24, 2015 Just tried this addon today, no problem to report on my end. Nice gear by the way! Thanks for this. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 24, 2015 I will try that.---------- Post added at 16:24 ---------- Previous post was at 16:16 ---------- Yup. Still crashes.... I will upload the new one with another compression method (7-zip), it may take time for a while. Just tried this addon today, no problem to report on my end.Nice gear by the way! Thanks for this. ;) Thanks for hearing that, Pepe Hal! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 24, 2015 I will upload the new one with another compression method (7-zip), it may take time for a while.Thanks for hearing that, Pepe Hal! Sounds great Lord! Keep up the great work, i've always enjoyed your addon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 25, 2015 Sounds great Lord! Keep up the great work, i've always enjoyed your addon! Here is the link for the new one: http://www.mediafire.com/download/1va9h7h0dqmjxh0/wftextaf01.7z Please let me know, if you still confront the same issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chain 10 Posted March 25, 2015 Heyo, something seems to be broken with the Takistani Force, whenever they are placed in the editor, zeus or via MCC, both my game and Arma 3 server crashes. Everyone else who is participating in a mission also crashes. It seems to only be the the Takistan Force (faction) though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 25, 2015 (edited) Heyo, something seems to be broken with the Takistani Force, whenever they are placed in the editor, zeus or via MCC, both my game and Arma 3 server crashes. Everyone else who is participating in a mission also crashes. It seems to only be the the Takistan Force (faction) though. 1. Is this occur in Dev or Stable branch (or both)? 2. Would you mind to list me the entire addons which were used at the time when it crashed? 3. When it crashed: 3.1)Spawn with only infantry 3.2)Spawn with a vehicle 3.3)Spaw with a static weapon? Edited March 25, 2015 by lordbooka Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 25, 2015 1. Is this occur in Dev or Stable branch (or both)?2. Would you mind to list me the entire addons which were used at the time when it crashed? 3. When it crashed: 3.1)Spawn with only infantry 3.2)Spawn with a vehicle 3.3)Spaw with a static weapon? Damn, crashed again. I tried installing from your new link, but that didn't sort it out :S Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 25, 2015 Damn, crashed again. I tried installing from your new link, but that didn't sort it out :S Is it crash when you tried to launch the game? or crashed when you played in game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 25, 2015 Is it crash when you tried to launch the game? or crashed when you played in game? It crashes when i place units from the addon, onto a map in the editor. That's when it crashes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Plinskin 23 Posted March 25, 2015 Here is the link for the new one:http://www.mediafire.com/download/1va9h7h0dqmjxh0/wftextaf01.7z Please let me know, if you still confront the same issue. Question, Is this file have some patches for the issues we talked about?. Regards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lordbooka 159 Posted March 25, 2015 It crashes when i place units from the addon, onto a map in the editor. That's when it crashes. Any unit from this addon? or just a specified unit? Question, Is this file have some patches for the issues we talked about?. Regards. No, it is just a regular mod file. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lurifox 1 Posted March 25, 2015 Any unit from this addon? or just a specified unit?No, it is just a regular mod file. All units, bro. The only thing i've been able to place on the map is the Takistani offroaders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites