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Using Altis Life v5.0.0 I have tried to set the texture to global (so everyone sees it). So far the player can see it on their screen but everyone else on the server cannot see it, They see the base uniform used. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you. //Set jail uniform hint "Your gear has been placed in the evidence locker!"; old_gear = getUnitLoadout player; removeUniform player; removeHeadgear player; removeVest player; removeGoggles player; removeBackpack player; removeallWeapons player; //removeallAssignedItems player; player forceAddUniform "U_IG_Guerilla2_1"; player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"textures\prisonuniform.paa"];
Marker on text not showing on map
Steel_Dragon posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Working with Altis life 5.0.0 I have a marker being created and working as intended but the Text does not show up. I am wondering how to set the text color also. The Text was fine until i changed the marker color. Heres the original that works - i want a red ellipse as i would like it to be a Kill On Sight zone - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ICON"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [1,1]; }; I adapted it to this and it shows the ellipse but no text - if(_Create_Markers) then { _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [625,625]; Thank you Tried this - if(_Create_Markers)then{ _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "STR_Airdrop_Items"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; AND _Marker_Number_Pos = format ["%1",_Pos]; _Marker_Pos = createMarker [_Marker_Number_Pos,_Pos]; _Marker_Pos setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerText "AIRDROP"; _Marker_Pos setMarkerSize [600,600]; Did not work I went back to the original and only changed the marker shape to an ELLIPSE - this seems to be the problem of the text disappearing - _Marker_id = format ["%1",_pos]; _Marker = createMarker [_Marker_id,_pos]; _Marker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _Marker setMarkerType "mil_marker"; _Marker setMarkerColor "ColorUNKNOWN"; _Marker setMarkerText format ["Airdrop : %1",_a]; _Marker setMarkerSize [600,600];