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Hello, I am trying to make a TreeView dialog that allows me to select units (in fact what I would like is exactly the same treeView of the Eden Editor) and I have been making filters and using the configClasses but I just did not like the result. Anyone know how I could get something like that? I'm using this to filter, but it doesn't seem to be a good approach I think, because some strange units still appear fn_load.sqf _cntrlTree = (findDisplay 1500) displayCtrl 0; _ManList = ("configName _x isKindOf 'Man' AND configName _x isKindOf 'SoldierWB' AND (getText (_x >> 'faction')=='BLU_F') AND (getText(_x >> 'editorSubcategory')=='EdSubcat_Personnel')" configClasses (configFile / "CfgVehicles")); { _text = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "displayName"); _text0 = getText(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> configName _x >> "editorSubcategory"); _cntrlTree tvAdd [[],_text]; _cntrlTree tvSetTooltip [[_forEachIndex], configName _x]; } forEach _ManList; _cntrlTree tvSort [[], false]; The following is in case someone serves as I am doing the treeVIew, although to solve the problem it may not be necessary. Thanks for the help.
Greetings, i am a budding modder i'm currently in the process of making a mod that allows users to sort their loadouts using treeview. however i hit a roadblock when trying to implement a drag-and-drop system for usability, i have thus far been unable to successfully implement drag-and-drop, i have looked over the code Bohemia used in their layer system (used in the Eden editor), but could not find any code related to drag-and-drop. can anyone help me figure this out? any help would be appreciated.