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Found 5 results

  1. Rozek Poland showed me a way to display the knowsAbout value an AI has of the player, but it only works in OFPR / ARMA CWA. ARMA 3 says the On Activation field line contains an invalid number in the expression. Can someone alter the grammar so that it works in A3? Units: west init : t1=tr...
  2. Hello all!! Im trying to create some script that every 2 minutes (maybe handled with a trigger) will share all knowsabouts of between side groups. What i want to achieve is a side total awareness on the mission, if group A is engaging with an enemy BMP, group B, far away, wil...
  3. hi all. After 4 hours researching im left no option but to ask! I want to reveal all units in a given area / distance to a SINGLE UNIT .(In this case a sniper) Ive found lots of examples of revealing enemy to allies etc but not enemies to a single unit and then ta...
  4. Can someone help me with a simple debug script, i am trying to actively display the value of "knowsabout" for the player, via the radio/call command. thanks! i thought somthing like this would work wantedlvl = blufor knowsAbout player; hint wantedlvl but it d...
  5. (Another perhaps impossible request.) Can anyone think of some kind of a "trick" to unnoticeably increase a unit's knowsAbout value of another unit to the maximum? In other words, I'd like to imitate: Unit_A reveal [unit_B, 4] Thanks in advance for any input.