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Hello everyone, Back in 2020, ArmaModFrance presented a new custom unit: The German Shepherd. Years have passed and the dog was never finished. Missing animations, no proper scripts, missing sounds... A lot of things made the release difficult but we always wanted to share this creation with all of you. I actually didn't really want to continue modding anymore but some kind people from the community convinced me to work on one last mod. So, after 2 years, I can finally say that the work on the "doggo mod" has resumed and we plan to release a preview version of this mod very soon. Diwako (AI/Scripts), Louis (QA), Krogar (3D art) and myself (3D art/anims) are now actively working on the mod and I'm happy to tell you that it will be made available as a standalone mod. AMF will also release another version of the dog that is made specifically for their mod with unique features. What you can expect: - A custom unit with cool and realistic anims and sounds - Equipments made specifically for the dog (harness, patches) - An AI that features multiple behaviors and actions - ACE compatibility What is planned but not really sure yet: - A kennel - A camera When will this mod be released? Giving release dates is ALWAYS tricky because we are not sure that we can actually make it in time. While I still can't give you a specific release date, I can tell you that we will release it in Early Access first (we will call this version "Preview") so you can already test it while we still develop the mod. If you want to help us, don't hesitate to contact me on discord: Moonie#7777 I'll be back soon with more information. And while you wait, here are some screenshots taken the last few days:
Just a little snippet that you can put in the init-field of a unit in oder to spawn a dog in its place. The dog is actually attached to the unit and the unit is made invisible. Therefor you can simply play, command or remotecontrol the unit in order to move the dog. Action menu (or the button to hold your breath) allows you to bark. If you go prone without moving, the dog will sit. if (isServer) then { 0 = [this,"Fin_random_F"] spawn { params ["_guy","_class","_act"]; private ["_dog"]; _dog = createAgent [_class, getPos _guy, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _dog setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; _dog attachTo [_guy,[0,0,0]]; _guy hideObjectGlobal true; [_guy,["Bark", { params["_me","_you","_id","_d"]; _d playMoveNow "Dog_Idle_Bark"; _me setVariable["bark",true,true]; sleep 1.5; playSound3D [format["A3\Sounds_F\ambient\animals\dog%1.wss", ceil random 3], _me, false, getPosASL _me, 40, 1, 10]; sleep 2; _me setVariable["bark",false,true]; }, _dog, 0, false, true, "holdBreath", "_target isEqualTo _this", 0, false, ""]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0]; while {alive _guy && alive _dog} do { if (speed _guy > 10) then { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Sprint"; } else { if (speed _guy > 6) then { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Run"; } else { if ((speed _guy > 2) || (speed _guy < -2)) then { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Walk"; } else { if !(_guy getVariable ["bark",false]) then { if ((stance _guy) == "STAND") then { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Stop"; } else { if ((stance _guy) == "PRONE") then { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Sit"; } else { _dog playMoveNow "Dog_Idle_Stop"; }; }; }; }; }; }; sleep 0.05; }; deleteVehicle _guy; }; }; Note that this is not meant to feel like playing as a dog, it is just a tool for gamemasters to have some easily controllable dogs that they can use.
script AttachTo Vest to a Dog [Script]
PortalGunner posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - EDIT: Solution here. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Hi all, I've been spending a while trying to figure out the proper method to attach a vest to a dog and correctly move it with the animations. Creation of dog and initial AttachTo are working fine, but I'm having trouble matching the direction of the vest to the dog's position. This is what I have been trying to work with so far, but it does not match correctly: _dog = dogDmy; _vest = "Vest_V_HarnessO_gry" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _vest attachTo [_dog,[0,-0.4,-0.54],"spine2"]; _n=[_dog,_vest] spawn { _dog = _this select 0; _vest = _this select 1; while {_vest in (attachedObjects _dog)} do { _vest setVectorDirAndUp [(_dog selectionPosition "spine2") vectorFromTo (_dog selectionPosition "hips"),[0.01,0.01,-0.99]]; sleep .1; }; }; There are similarities between this and a couple other scripts people have written, but they don't seem to work entirely for a dog. At the minute I am using While instead of a Draw3D or EachFrame EH to avoid unnecessary use of resources. Dog creation for testing: Thank you in advance! -
Hi All, having a little problem ; When I use the following piece of code, the script works (Arma 3 Animals: Override Default Animal Behaviour Via Script). Here the working code : _Master = _this select 0; _DogAgent = createAgent ["Alsatian_Sand_F", (getPos _Master), [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _DogAgent setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; _DogAgent playMoveNow "Dog_Sprint"; while {alive _DogAgent} do { _DogAgent moveTo (getpos _Master); }; When I perfect this script, the dog no longer follows me and walks in a straight line to infinity. Here my reworked code : _Master = _this select 0; _DogAgent = createAgent ["Alsatian_Sand_F", (getPos _Master), [], 5, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _DogAgent setVariable ["BIS_fnc_animalBehaviour_disable", true]; while {alive _DogAgent} do { if ((_DogAgent distance2D player) > 12) then { sleep 0.01; _DogAgent playMoveNow "Dog_Sprint"; sleep 0.01; hintSilent "SPRINT"; }; if (((_DogAgent distance2D player) > 6) && ((_DogAgent distance2D player) < 12)) then { sleep 0.01; _DogAgent playMoveNow "Dog_Run"; sleep 0.01; hintSilent "RUN"; }; if (((_DogAgent distance2D player) > 2) && ((_DogAgent distance2D player) < 6)) then { sleep 0.01; _DogAgent playMoveNow "Dog_Walk"; sleep 0.01; hintSilent "WALK"; }; if ((_DogAgent distance2D player) < 2) then { sleep 0.01; _DogAgent playMoveNow "Dog_Sit"; sleep 0.01; hintSilent "SIT"; }; sleep 0.01; _DogAgent moveTo getPos player; }; I want the dog to follow me, sprint when I'm away from him, walk when I'm near him, and sit down when he is very close to me. If someone found a solution I'm interested ! Bye