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  1. hello, so I'm making an experimental mission in ARMA 3 and I have a single chat session between two characters at the beginning of the mission and I'm trying to make multiple chat sessions later on, I've figured out how to make one chat session with a trigger work but don't know how to script multiple sessions. Here is what I have so far for the First Chat Session. (i'm new to scripting. any advice would be nice thanks.) chat1.sqf description.ext cardialog.bikb
  2. Hi, is it possible to get arguments from sentence config .bkib file and use them in BIS_fnc_kbTell as you can do so with kbTell? class Sentences { class Sentence1 { text = "$STR_HelloThere"; speech[] = { "\Sound\hello.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "obi1"; }; class Sentence2 { text = "$STR_GeneralKenobi"; speech[] = { "Sound\gk.ogg" }; class Arguments { class Team { type = "simple"; }; class Location { type = "simple"; }; }; actor = "griev"; }; class Sentence3 { text = "$STR_YouAreABoldOne"; speech[] = { "Sound\bold.ogg" }; class Arguments { class Name { type = "simple"; }; }; actor = "griev"; }; }; class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = { hour }; startWithConsonant[] = { europe, university }; I dont know, how to get arguments from sentence 2 and sentence 3. I thought I could have use of the code parameter, but Im clueless honestly right now, and I failed to make it working. ["Topic", "MissionName", "", false, [{}[]], [player, NPC], 1, true] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell; Thank you folks.
  3. Hello! I've ran into a strange issue with the Conversations system. Here is my relevant code: radio.bikb: class Sentences { class Say { text = "%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10"; speech[] = {"%1","%2","%3","%4","%5","%6","%7","%8","%9","%10"}; class Arguments {}; }; }; class Arguments{}; class Special{}; startWithVocal[] = {hour}; startWithConsonant[] = {europe, university}; My script: fn_GetTellArrayLocal = { params ["_receiver", "_fileName", "_subtitle"]; _array = [_receiver, "Say", "radio", ["1", {}, _subtitle, [_fileName]], "DIRECT"]; _array }; zeus_indfor kbAddTopic ["Say", "radio.bikb"]; _tellSub = "Cut the bs, Petrovich. You know exactly why we're here."; _tellArr = [Petrovich, "\rs\petro_j2_real.ogg", _tellSub] call fn_GetTellArrayLocal; zeus_indfor kbTell _tellArr; The problem is, on Dedicated Server it only works if zeus_indfor is an AI. It does not work if zeus_indfor is a player. However it always works fine in Singleplayer or Local Multiplayer, even if zeus_indfor is a player. The strange thing is that this code returns true: zeus_indfor kbHasTopic "Say" Is there some special magic that I'm missing when it comes to using kbTell on players on dedicated servers?
  4. Hello everyone, I've been thinking about implementing some sort of AI radio chatter based on AI generated voices (for my future maps). I'm fairly new to ARMA scripting but so far I've found it pretty interesting. My plan is to convert some text to voice via any of the numerous voice AI generators available, and then to use it with the Conversations system/framework to give indications or to notify the player about some scripted events, for example. I prefer this alternative to recording my own voice since I'm not the most expressive human being 🙂 and my microphone is not the best. So far I've found an easy YouTube tutorial for creating a basic conversation between AIs, but only for natural voice (with no radio effect). My only issue is that I have no idea how to implement the radio chatter effect. I haven't yet found an AI voice generator which also applies specific effects to the generated voice. Does arma provide any tool for applying this effect or do I have to manually edit the natural voice, in Audacity for example? Also, is it mandatory to have an actor in order to "emit" a voice/radio chat?
  5. What's up Arma community! Throwing this out there because I am terrible at this and stuck with getting a conversation scripted. Below all the posted scripts I describe how I am currently experimenting with it What I am trying to do is get an interactive conversation flow between the player and an NPC with the scroll menu and different response options, like in Arma 2. BI has a pretty decent conversations page for this exact subject, with lip synch and all, I have copied it and made only minor tweaks to make it more readable for myself, and for my sound files to play. The example mission is here if someone who knows this stuff wants to take a look or if someone wants a good starting point for conversations in their scenario ----> Google drive example mission What works - I have kbTell working fine, so I know the code and folder set ups are ok, and my sound files play just fine. What is the problem? - when using kbAddTopic nothing! No errors!, no RPT log suspects, no stuttering... but also no functionality 😔. It must be something I am doing wrong but I cannot for the life of me debug it or figure out why. So here we are. It would be super cool to have AI conversations with player choices, especially for the SP crowd My directory - kb --------------- folder with bikb and sqf sounds ----------- folder with a few test samples in .ogg that are confirmed 100% to work in game description.ext mission.sqm Scripts - Description.ext class CfgSentences { class event1 { class talk { file = "kb\talk.bikb"; #include "kb\talk.bikb" // avoids a double declaration }; }; }; kb\talk.bikb class Sentences { class sentence1 { text = ""; textPlain = "Shuuuush"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_1.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; class sentence2 { text = ""; textPlain = "Go Away"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_2.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer" }; // these sentences are EH options for later class response{ text = "response"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option1 { text = "op1"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option2 { text = "op2"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; class option3 { text = "op3"; speech[] = { "\sounds\squelch.ogg" }; class Arguments {}; actor = nomad; }; // the Interrupted sentence triggered when the conversation menu is closed without answering (e.g using backspace) class Interrupted { text = "SideChat text"; speech[] = { "\sounds\officer_intro_3" }; class Arguments {}; actor = "officer"; }; }; // Needed parameters. class Arguments {}; class Special {}; startWithVocal[] = { hour }; startWithConsonant[] = { europe, university }; kb\talk.sqf I am also not entirely sure how this one works, I am somewhat scripting literate (after so many hours trial and error) but I don't know if I should replace all the private _variables with the planned interlocuters or...??? that cant be right can it?, idk!? 😟 /* -------BI notes I kept-------- here we will be storing all the sentences from which the player will choose (left side menu) if there is only one option in the array, the sentence will replace the "Talk to" action name we want the player to be able to approach his buddy and talk to him via the action menu. we need to check: if the player is pointing at his buddy if the player is not answering any of his buddy's sentences if the player has not told him hello already then we add that array to _convMenu - the parameters are mostly self-explanatory: ------BI Params--------------- (do these have to be replaced?) _this: Object - the player receiving the sentence. Must have had this particular script assigned via kbAddTopic Player, AI player talking with or both?? _from: Object - the unit that told the sentence _sentenceId: String - the sentence the player is reacting to. Defined in .bikb in class Sentences _topic: String - topic name used in kbAddTopic */ private _convMenu = []; if (_from == officer && _sentenceId == "" && !(_this kbWasSaid [_from, _topic, "sentence1", 999999])) then { _convMenu pushBack ["menu text", _topic, "sentence1", []]; }; // here we make the unit say the proper sentence based on the one he just received // switch-case-do is used here but it is only one solution to manage sentences (if-then etc could do) switch (_sentenceId) do { case "sentence1": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "a player response?"]; }; case "sentence2": { _this kbTell [_from, _topic, "????"]; }; case "responses": { // the player will have 3 answers to choose from: _convMenu pushBack ["op1", _topic, "option1", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op2", _topic, "option2", []]; _convMenu pushBack ["op3", _topic, "option3", []]; }; }; // return the sentence list pool _convMenu; the above is kind of hard for me to make sense of honestly with all the scopes and the switch-case-do wizardry. I have the player named nomad and a BLUFOR AI named officer. I have two triggers one for kbTell and one for BIS_fnc_kbAddTopic When I trigger kbTell all is good, would be great if you only needed to fire off some sentences and be done. ["the topic", "Cfg of topic"] spawn BIS_fnc_kbTell - no issues all is good But with kbAddTopic no such luck here using the following on player only, officer only, both, as objects or as strings, and for any of the methods below: X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "kb\talk.sqf"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb"]; X kbAddTopic ["myTest", "kb\talk.bikb", "compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "kb\talk.sqf"]; what I mean by X --> (player, nomad, officer, with and without"") from trigger, from unit init, from a script. Nothing Again no errors or anything to start chipping away at like usual. Here are the resources I have already tried and poured many hours over: Conversations official Biki, 99% of what I have is from the source already, read many times over kbAddTopic Jezuro's old posting HateDead's old posting IndeedPete's pretty cool conversation system that I may just have to adopt if I cant figure this out. Also where I got the sample sound files. Youtube, but kind of like the BI fourm threads a lot of the stuff is outdated Google of course Prayer and hope Anything you guys have would be MUCH appreciated. Thank you so much!
  6. I've been working on a little something and discovered the function BIS_fnc_kbTell which makes conversations so much easier. I thought .bikb files were barbaric until I discovered this function, now it's a breeze to just throw down some audio/lip files and let it do its thing. However, there is one caveat. The normal radio channels, for discussion within vehicles, are not up to what I want. If I set it to vehicle chat (which is the default if you're in a vehicle), it will only display unit names if the unit is passenger. If they are a function seat (which includes FFV), it will display their seat name (see fig 1). This is really annoying since I'm using the CUP Huey which, on the transport, has FFV seats on the sides, meaning my team is split up into displaying as their actual names and as the seat they're occupying. I've tried to make a custom radio channel to use for it, but despite the wiki saying otherwise custom channels don't seem to work with the command (putting in the string name of the channel will make the internal function throw a hissy fit and putting in the id will say "Not expecting number"). Is there any other way I can force the game to use unit names ONLY? Also, for the record, I tried direct chat but it was far too quiet. Even a unit sitting less than 3 feet away was practically silent. Fig. 1: Problem Example
  7. Hello all, So I have just finished the voice script for a mission I have completed, and now looking for all of the ways I can implement the voices and subtitles. Previously, I have used some like this for subtitles, and then calling the voice file (we'd record the entire conversation in one voice file) and the radio messages will follow the voice using sleep. But I am heavily reconsidering it as it creates HUGE files with just these same lines of code: unit sideChat "Depending on how long the conversation is, this can be a huge file!"; I feel, and know there is an easier way to implement such a thing along with voice scripts. I have watched this video by Feuerex, and it seems like the best overall way to do it (he uses kbAddTopic, kbTell, etc.). However, I have some conversations that will go on for upwards of 30 seconds or so. My fear is creating a huge, and complex .bikb file and very long conversation.sqf, which could affect performance b/c the engine has a lot to do and handle already. Is the best overall way to implement conversations and subtitles is through kbaddtopic and kbtell? Is there a better option for better performance? I have found this on the forums and will probably be checking it out, but I don't believe it accounts for actual voices (audio). Thanks guys for all the help.