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The following are several error in expression messages that I found written to the client/local.rpt log file: 16:46:11 Error in expression <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 16:46:11 Error position: <distToWater interpolate [0.2,0.21,-1,1]> 16:46:11 Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater 16:48:54 Error in expression <(distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1> 16:48:54 Error position: <distToWater interpolate [-10.0001,-10,-1> 16:48:54 Error Undefined variable in expression: disttowater 18:00:05 Error in expression <forceSize interpolate [150,150.1,-1,1]> 18:00:05 Error position: <forceSize interpolate [150,150.1,-1,1]> 18:00:05 Error Undefined variable in expression: forcesize 18:14:00 Error in expression < []]; private "_item"; _item = _queue select _index; if (_timerType == "fram> 18:14:00 Error position: <select _index; if (_timerType == "fram> 18:14:00 Error Zero divisor 18:14:00 File A3\functions_f\Misc\fn_loop.sqf, line 152 Game version: 1.58.135742 See also: Error in expression - fn_groupIndicator
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- Error
- Error in expression
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The following error message was written to the client.rpt log file: 21:47:03 Error in expression <0.5],[1,1,0,0.5]] select _teamID; _map drawEllipse [_pos,.4,.4,0,_colorTeam,"#(> 21:47:03 Error position: <drawEllipse [_pos,.4,.4,0,_colorTeam,"#(> 21:47:03 Error 0 elements provided, 4 expected 21:47:03 File A3\functions_f\GUI\fn_groupIndicator.sqf, line 85 These error messages have occurred on multiple occasions when playing co40 Domination! Blufor. Full .rpt file available on request.Game version: 1.56.134787
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- Error
- Error in expression
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sqs help, 1 error left (vtol/stol)
dr death jm posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
_vcl = _this select 0 _aID = _this Select 2 _vcl RemoveAction _aID _vtolOnID = _this Select 2 _vtolOffID = _this select 0 _vcl removeAction _vtolOnID _helpmsg = Format["HOW TO USE vtol\nIn options the keyboard keys which control the following moves will control vtol.\nMOVEUP - THRUST +\nMOVEDOWN- THRUST -\nMOVELEFT - ROTATE L\nMOVERIGHT - ROTATE R\nMOVEBACK - STOL BRAKE\nMOVEFAST - STOL TURBO"] _max = 15 karr_maxvtolSpeed = 200 ;;#vtolInit ?karr_vtol : karr_vtol = FALSE; PSOn = 0; _vtolOnID = _vcl addAction ["ACTIVATE VTOL","karr-vtol-On.sqs"]; _vtolOnID = _vtolOnID; exit ?!karr_vtol : karr_vtol = TRUE; PSOn = 1; hint _helpmsg; _vtolOffID = _vcl addAction ["DEACTIVATE VTOL","karr-vtol-On.sqs"] ;;#Waitforvtol ~0.1 ?IsNull Driver _vcl OR !Alive _vcl OR !Alive Driver _vcl : Goto "Finish" ;;hint "vtol on" #vtolLoop ;;hint format [" ProSphere Controller Lite\n\n X-Axis %1\n Y-Axis %2\n Z-Axis %3\n A-Axis %4\n B-Axis %5\n C-Axis %6\n\nTurbo?: %7\n\nPSOn: %8", PS select 0, PS select 1, PS select 2, PS select 3, PS select 4, PS select 5,vtolturbo,PSOn] ~.001 _x = PS Select 0 _y = PS Select 1 _z = PS Select 2 _a = PS Select 3 _b = PS Select 4 _c = PS Select 5 _xThrust = (velocity _vcl select 0) _yThrust = (velocity _vcl select 1) _zThrust = _max * _z #Lateral Thrust ?_x > 0 && _xThrust < +10 && _yThrust < +10 && Speed _vcl < +20 && Speed _vcl > -20 : _factor = _x*.1; _dir = GetDir _vcl; _xThrust = (_factor*(cos _dir))+(velocity _vcl select 0); _yThrust = (_factor*(sin _dir))+(velocity _vcl select 1); ?_x < 0 && _xThrust > -10 && _yThrust > -10 && Speed _vcl < +20 && Speed _vcl > -20 : _factor = _x*.1; _dir = GetDir _vcl; _xThrust = (_factor*(cos _dir))+(velocity _vcl select 0); _yThrust = (_factor*(sin _dir))+(velocity _vcl select 1); ;;hint Format["XThrust: %1\nYThrust: %2\nZThrust: %3",_xthrust,_ythrust,_zthrust] #Vertical Thrust ?_zThrust == 0 : _zThrust = -.30 #Rotation _rotation = 0 ?_c > 0 : _rotation = .4 ?_c < 0 : _rotation = -.4 _speed = [_xThrust,_yThrust,_zThrust] #STOL Turbo Brake ?_y < 0 AND Speed _vcl > 0 : _xThrust = (-.2*(sin getDir _vcl))+(velocity _vcl select 0); _yThrust = (-.02*(cos getDir _vcl))+(velocity _vcl select 1); _speed = [_xThrust,_yThrust,_zThrust] ?_y < 0 AND Speed _vcl <= 0 : _speed = [0,0,Velocity _vcl Select 2] ?!karr_vtol OR !Alive _vcl OR IsNull Driver _vcl : goto "vtolOff" ?(speed _vcl) < karr_maxvtolspeed AND (Fuel _vcl) > 0 : _vcl SetVelocity _speed ?(speed _vcl) < 80 : _vcl SetDir (GetDir _vcl) + _rotation ?jm_vtolturbo AND (Fuel _vcl) > 0 : Goto "vtolTurbo" Goto "vtolLoop" #vtolTurbo ~.001 ?(Fuel _vcl) > 0 AND (jm_vtolturbo) : _vcl SetVelocity _speed; _vcl SetFuel (Fuel _vcl) - .0003 ?(Fuel _vcl) > 0 AND (_z > 0) AND (Getpos _vcl Select 2 < 1) AND Speed _vcl > 10 : _vcl setvelocity [(velocity _vcl select 0),(velocity _vcl select 1),(velocity _vcl select 2) + _height];_wait = 3; _vcl SetFuel (Fuel _vcl) - .1 ?!jm_vtolturbo AND Alive _vcl AND !IsNull Driver _vcl : Goto "vtolLoop" ?!Alive _vcl || IsNull Driver _vcl || !Alive Driver _vcl || !karr_vtol : Goto "vtolOff" _fuelfactor = 0 _factor = .11 ?Speed _vcl > 300 : _factor = .35; _fuelfactor = .001 _xThrust = (_factor*(sin getDir _vcl))+(velocity _vcl select 0) _yThrust = (_factor*(cos getDir _vcl))+(velocity _vcl select 1) _zThrust = (Velocity _vcl Select 2) + .15 ?(Getpos _vcl Select 2) < 2 : _zThrust = Velocity _vcl Select 2 hint format["%1",_factor] _speed = [_xThrust,_yThrust,_zThrust] ?(Fuel _vcl > 0) : _vcl SetVelocity _speed; _vcl SetFuel (Fuel _vcl) - _fuelfactor Goto "vtolTurbo" #vtolOff PSOn = 0 karr_vtol = FALSE jm_vtolturbo = FALSE ?isNull _vcl || !Alive Driver _vcl : Goto "Finish" Exit #Finish _vtolOnID = FALSE _vtolOffID = FALSE Exit