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[coop 24] BattleField2

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Well its done 3 months in the making and i wish to thank all the people that helped me test the missions, THANKYOU ALL

This is a Battlefield2 style mission and it is a 24 player coop / cti

there are 2 missions 1 for each island






IE: BattleField2_MyMission



Game Play

--------- You can have the same amount of fun with one or many

players, The AI can do almost everything a Player can do Sometimes Better.

AI will use eveything on the map, All vehicles and Weapons they will also

fill the Gunner spots and cargo spots of a vehicle whether it is used by an

AI or Player.

They all look after themselves and will complete the mission without any help.

But its nice to have support .

There are enemy planes , tanks , minefields ect

Everything the enemy can throw at you they will.

Get to a base and stand close to it until the flag changes.

The Flag will not change if there is any Enemy close.

If you need a Gunner or Crew for your Vehicle. Just pull up near an AI thats on foot

and he will get in filling the Gunners spot first.

Feel free to jump in a AI's vehicle as a gunner as they already know what to do.

As you kill off the AI the Game will Spawn more to keep the selected amount on the island.

You select how many AI to be on each side in the Parameters menu.

You can also select thier skill level , Where they spawn from , How many vehicles spawn at each base. and if the Vehicles can respawn.

Time of day can be selected also.

Most USA and Russia Vehicles are in this mission.

Vehicles will respawn when they can no longer be used.

If you take over base 4 and base 5 you will also have planes at the airport while you

own those bases.

There is always intense action happening on the island somewhere.

The game play can change as each base is won or lost.

It is good for RAMBO/SNIPER/ACTION or STRATEGIC Team Game play.

Added in this version


Heal Script -- If you can not walk a player can heal you by comming within 1 meter of you.

Respawn Script -- If you are dead a player can respawn you to where you died by comming within 1 meter of you.

AirSupport -- To make it that little harder to win i added Air Support for the side that has lost 7 bases

Planes will come in and destroy as much of the winning side then leave, this will happen

every time a base is taken over 7 bases.

Parameters menu


Set time of day

Set the AI units Skill Level

Set the amount of AI units

Set the mission not to end

Set the amount of vehicles per Base

Set the vehicles to respawn or not

Set the Spawn points for the AI units

Set the grass on , off or medium

Set The AI amount per side

Set the mission to Quickstart

Set Minefields on , off or random

Set PlayerMarkers on or off

Dont let the size of the file fool you. The mission packs alot into it.

I hope you enjoy it as much as i did making it

Have fun


DownLoad Here


Edited by Zonekiller

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(?) I started the mission on Utes with 10 AI. within one minute of mission beginning, all of the bases (10) were captured by one side or the other. How are the AI capturing the bases so quickly?

ss for reference below.

(-) I capped a base by hovering in a chopper, it took 10 seconds.


just my opinion, but the cap time should be increased. and the AI, well, it should take longer than a single minute to capture every base on Utes.

I assume you have para-dropped them all over the island, maybe that should be delayed...forever ;)

I can see a lot of effort went into the mission, thanks!

Edited by [DirTyDeeDs]-Ziggy-

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Thats because you had quickstart on "which is default" it populates all the bases on the map randomly but still 5 per side, so the mission is in full swing straight away. realy needed for big maps also good for small maps. you can disable this feature in the parameters.

It also gives a good even start.

with the time limit thing i know its short but the ai wont hang around forever so its a happy medium, thats why i added landmines and air support the mission does get realy hard just as you think your winning

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This sounds really cool, good work :cool:

Link doesn't work for me though:

The requested URL /missions/arma2/ZoneKillers_BattleField2.rar was not found on this server.

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Link now fixed

Sorry not sure what happened but all working now :)

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Played this mission last night very late and I must say I'm VERY VERY impressed. With Zeus AI and the fire and smoke mod the whole island of Utes was on fire at the end !

Absolutely loving it !

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Nice mission. :bounce3:

Error in expression <e = vehicleVarName _vehicle; 
while {((alive _vehicle) && (endgame == 0))} do
 Error position: <alive _vehicle) && (endgame == 0))} do
 Error alive: Type Script, expected Object

From rpt playing it on a local host.

1) Please safeX/safeY/safeW//safeH for dialogs to make them work on

all GUI size.

2) Please make the dialog when being dead full screen and items larger.

3) Please make an option to disable the feature "camera scene to see

who killed you".

4) Please make an option to disable the camera feature to watch other

units while being dead (in pvp and to get into action faster).

5) Please make the map more zoomed out by default when dead.

At max zoom you have no idea where the unit actually is.

I had at times moments from 20 FPS to <2 FPS.

Not sure if was an addon or your mission though.

Played with all settings maxed.

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Well there are no addons in the mission

1/ i will look into the GUI size

2/ sure

3/ 4/ you can only have 10 params so i would have to loose something

im sure it could be done tho

5/ you can zoom the map to full island view and back to just you while you are dead

fps/ there is alot going on in the mission i think i have done well to have the action that it has and still keep the fps up , 90% the code is written to be run from a server it does run faster in MP the game is rather ballanced so you dont need to have everything maxed out even on utes 35 a side is still full on action sometimes , the code error i have noticed it is the vehiclerespawn.sqf and for the life of me i cant find out what is generating it, that part of the script runs once when the vehicle is created , there is no pattern to when the error shows up ive played for 10 hrs and not seen it then again 10 times in an hour , so it has me stumped.

but i will keep looking for a solution as i hate errors

thanks your your comments as i said in my post feel free to edit this mission to your liking


---------- Post added at 08:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

Absolutely loving it !

I like to hear that Kremator thanks :)


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No I had many client side addons running. They impact FPS too.

For a real test we will play in on our dedicated server. :)

> you can only have 10 params

What is that? I think to recall the Warfare BE has more?!

I already ported an earlier version. :)

It would be great if the scripts were made that flexible to reduce or increase the

zone numbers requires no manual editing of the scripts.

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i tried to add more and they didnt show up well i can only try again

the safeX/safeY/safeW//safeH i have not seen these commands yet but if they do what i think they do

that will make life alot easier

I already ported an earlier version. 
It would be great if the scripts were made that flexible to 
reduce or increase the zone numbers requires no manual 
editing of the scripts. 


i think i know what you meen but im not sure

if i update the scripts you should just be able to copy your mission.sqm into the new scripts and not change your mission as the only change i have made to the mission in the last 2 months is add one trigger and it will not change again.

im looking at setting up a post on how to edit battlefield2 and i will add some stuff into the init to turn things on or off so as you say no going through each script


Edited by Zonekiller

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Sorry I meant safeZone :)




Scripting_Commands_ArmA2 - search for safeZone.

About number of zones. From what I recall I tried to reduce it to 4 zones.

This does not work, without modifying your scripts, does it?

About params. First check Warfare BE. I am pretty sure it has more than 10.

Edited by kju

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ive had a few ppl send the missions that they create and im modifing my scripts to compensate for what they wish to do soon i will have a how to edit bf2 manaul and post


now what do you class as a zone "the bases to take over" ??

if it is the bases i will get you a list of the 2 or 3 scripts that set how many bases.

everything only referrs to 1 to 4 scripts for every action, when i finished the templates

as long as i get enough input all actions will be in 1 script.



All vehicle arrays and soldier arrays in 1 script called funny enough Arrays.sqf


now you can remove some bases ,well you would not want to remove all of them. so you can have only 3 bases if you want instead of 10. and also some vehicle spot triggers , so if you wanted to have 2 vehicles at 1 base and 4 at the next you just keep the parameter set for 4

but it will only put a vehicle there if there is a trigger. all this is done in the mission editor. the scripts will automaticly adjust to the new settings. if you add stuff. im sorry but you will have to script that your yourself.


The parameters hint is now in the menu , Looks much better.


Made into a 48 player mission


Made it so you can recute AI just get close to them and a action appears to get them to join you

They will only stay in your group while there within 100 meters of you and while not in a vehicle , you cant recute leaders or AI in vehicles.


Edited by Zonekiller

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ThankYou Kremator

Which is your favorite map for this mission

Mine is utes

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Finally got a chance to try this out last night. I played Utes, I can easily see that being my favorite though I haven't given Chern a go yet. (smaller area suits this well) As always I was running JTD fire and smoke and absolutely trashed that island. :) Great fun.

Edited by HyperU2

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This definitely reminded me of BF2.

We enjoyed this change in game play, thanks.

We had it set to "insane" and "no end"...lol at the poor suckers trying to leave their base.

After awhile, it became repetitive, so it would be nice if it actually did end at some point. Just taking over all camps went by to quick.

That was Utes, next time we try the large map. :)

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I noticed that if I takeover an OPFOR vehicle after killing the crew that my team engages me. This is the only mission I've had that happen.

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thats a new one for me i will look into it and see why it happens

Im making a new mission , a little the same but alot different, its called "Living Island"

This one will have all sides including Civilians "Some will be suicide bombers and terrorists"

all the AI will go into all the buildings during the mission and check out the rooms.

so far there is no set mission its just a live island , AI walk around and interact , shoot and kill.

So far its working well

if you want a sneek peek at it join my server [ZDS] zonekillers test server if its running.

and yes to can even pickup girls and take them for a motorbike ride :)

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Hey where is zonekiller these days? I would love to get this gamemode converted to a better FPS island like quesh or sahrani. If anyone could help me in this endeavor as zonekiller has yet to answer my PM. Thanks

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Yeah I've had some issues post 1.05 I'd love to see an update ;).

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