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Guerrilla Pack Beta

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DanAK47's Guerrilla Pack Beta 1

Started working on these a year or so ago because I was tired of slow reacting AI teammates getting me killed. I sped up their engagement time, then expanded the pack to add on other things. I don't have any more time to work on it, so I'm releasing it as a beta with the hope that someone will learn from it and implement the features in their own addons.

Units are under Res > DanAK47's Soldiers and West > DanAK47's soldiers.


-Weapon specific animations, for original BIS weapons. Three animation schemes: rifle, machinegun, sniper weapon. Organic to the weapons and not to the unit (in other words, not using statesExt). Pick up a MG and you will change to "MG stance" and so forth. This allowed me to change how much recoil is dampened for each stance for each weapon. MGs are now controllable in prone but much less from a kneeling or standing position. Sniper weapons are also less wobbly from prone.

-AI engages much faster. They will outshoot all of the original units and most addon units, at least at close range. AI will also use double taps now.

-Various animation tweaks. Recoil effect looks better now because the entire upper torso doesn't move with the weapon. Added a low ready position for standing and kneeling and a "hide" position for prone (press "back" once). Smoothed out the "walk" animations so aiming wasn't as rough. Iron sights no longer lost when transitioning to and from kneeling.

-Carryable "Commando" mortar. AI can be commanded to fire on specific targets by selecting "Fire mission" through the "Action" group menu and clicking a target on the map. Mortar is correctly zeroed and will not shoot miles off to the left or right if used on a slope like all of the other mortar addons I have tried. It also fires smoke and illum rounds.

-McMillan TAC-50 rifle will disable light vehicles with one hit, but does not do much damage to armored vehicles. Shoot a jeep and it will stop working, but the ammo config is not beefed up so it will take a lot of rounds to scratch a BMP. It will also shoot through some barriers. Machineguns have the same effect but implemented randomly (not every round will take out a jeep this way).

-M112 charges with a remote detonator. Detonator takes up a pistol slot. Charges can be detonated one at a time and individual charges can be detonated alone when using the detonator. Only a 30 second and 5 minute timer are available without the detonator.

-AI bounds foward, automatically if lead by an AI soldier (and in "combat"), but only when "Vee" formation is selected with a player as commander.

And now for the bad news.

-CTDs with random units the first time they are used. Seems to go away or happen infrequently.

-"Missing addon BIS resistance" message in MP when using a soldier equipped with a pistol.

-Crappy shadows. Could only use crappy ones or have no shadows at all thanks to setobjecttexture.

-No blood textures. No time.

-Brief freeze at mission start. Caused by uniform application/other script initialization.

-Long loading times. Lots of textures loaded.

-Units look like crap. Didn't make them to look good, made them to be functional.

-M112s not fully MP functional

-Animations override other packs (DMA, etc)


-Earl for the weapons. I changed the AKM and AK74 handguards. Their suckiness is my fault and not his.

-Blackdog for hosting and beta testing.

-Peter Pan for getting Blackdog banned from the forums.

Edited to amend readme.








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downloading now, they look nice, even as a Beta smile_o.gif

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Looking rather impressive. I'm going to have to download these and check them out. Shame you're missing the time to get them to a 1.0 status instead of this Beta 1, but thanks for your work and your release all the same. Again, looking great.


Had the opportunity to test them out. They have the potential to be kick ass, but are let down by a few things. Shame, that.

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These units look and sound far more advanced than just a beta. Hopefully someone might be able to fix the mentioned bugs as this addon pack has some great features. Thank you smile_o.gif

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Is there a unit equipped with the McMilan tac-50 in the editor?

The machine gun effect and the bounding are pretty impressive, the single round firemissions with the mortar limit its use but it's still a great little idea.

Good stuff.

Hopefully other Addon makers will adopt some of these features, perhaps perfecting them and integrating them into existing addons in updates?

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The only "serious" bug you have that ive seen so far is that the desert grenadier causes a CTD.

It'd be nice to see these finished though...they are a good start.

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Is there a unit equipped with the McMilan tac-50 in the editor?

No, but you can place one as an object. It's under Empty > DanAK47's objects. The class names are DanTAC50 and DanTAC50Mag.

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Man your units are kick ass!Ok,again....YOUR UNITS ARE KICK ASS!!!!!

I hope that you will relase soon an updated version notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

-your units are not working with DMA pistol anims(maybe its caused by your new animations)

-If I enter the mortar, my unit will lost his helmet/cap

-Some of your guerrilas causes a CTD

BTW:Go and make an updated version whistle.gif

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Man your units are kick ass!Ok,again....YOUR UNITS ARE KICK ASS!!!!!

I hope that you will relase soon an updated version notworthy.gif  notworthy.gif

-your units are not working with DMA pistol anims(maybe its caused by your new animations)

-If I enter the mortar, my unit will lost his helmet/cap

-Some of your guerrilas causes a CTD

BTW:Go and make an updated version whistle.gif

Thanks for the reply and complements. I will try to smooth out the rough edges over Christmas break if I have time.

-DMA anims: Most animations are overridden (for my units only). Pistol states should not be effected by using a third party anim.pbo. I'm assuming this is how the DMA anims work.

-Cap lost in vehicles: Necessary - the headgear is applied using setobjecttexture, which makes it visible when in vehicles. I had to "erase" the headgear when you are in a vehicle so you could see to drive/aim/etc.

-CTDs: I think this is related to the "missing addon.. bis resistance" error in MP. Seems to put a "missing module" error in the crash log when I get this type of CTD - but it seems to happen very rarely, often the first time the units are used.

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Looks like a decent pack. One bug I've noticed was the shadows are incorrect. I'd post a pic but it's pretty obvious. smile_o.gif

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