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Tell your most EPIC and fun moments with ARMA 2

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I was wondering has anyone ever started thread like this? I did a little search but didn't found anything. If one exists be free to delete this.

Last week i had my first real EPIC moment. I've been playing this series since Flashpoint and there's been dozens of funny moments but let's concentrate on the newest one, ARMA2.

I was playing ACE Domination with few other Finnish players and our plan was to move MHQ by chopper near main mission. I went inside MHQ and colleague took the chopper. We flied about 2 mins and then begin the triple A. Few secs after that Mi-24 was after us. Our skillfull pilot managed to drop me right on time, except the MHQ dropped on its side.

Luckily rocket fired from Mi24 flipped it back on track :) Mi24 made several attempts to destroy MHQ, missing it always by few meters. Chinook was hovering over us and it was also taking damage and it was without gunner. I got only M4 and one LAW. Chopper was closing in for a final attack. I saw the rockets blazing towards me. I took the LAW and aimed. What are the odds to hit moving chopper flying in 100m altitude with anti-tank missile? Well against all odds, i hit it and danger was eliminated. MHQ and chinook was saved! That was the EPIC moment, here comes the funny

After saving MHQ, another team mate was driving Stryker to main target. He drove it uphill and it also flipped on its side. There goes our heavy armour support. I suggested that i'll give a little push with MHQ. After taking some speed i hit the stryker but suddenly it disappeared. Nanosecond after that i hear loud "WHAT THE F**K?" from my headset. I turned my head on the game and saw stryker flying in the air over the nearest mountain. Guess that push was a little too much.

After its "maiden flight" we decieded to give another push (it was still sideways). The unusual sight has woken enemy and we engaged dozen of infantry while laughing our asses off. Next attempt was succes but with very strange way. I hit the stryker with MHQ but this time stryker only flew straight up about 10m and MHQ rose up 2m and did 360degree turn and landed. Quite realistic dont you think? :yay: After alternating physics, the MHQ and Stryker were Ok and ready for battle. Rest is history.

So please tell me your epic and funny moments!

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I think there are tons of epic and fun moments for every customer of BIS´games because of the games general unpredictability ;)

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Doing some nostalgia gaming on vanilla ArmA2 with Phoenix on the 101AD server a couple months ago. Feeling good to have a team mate with me again.

In typical DRTB style we HALO'd in near the AO ( area of operations ), choosing a hilltop west of Berezino that afforded some initial cover and was near a communications tower that needed demolition in order to suppress reinforcements arriving.

The old adage of no plan survives 2 seconds of contact kicked in - the area was red-hot with leg infantry. As I dove behind a rock wall two Mi-8's dropped more paratroopers just north of our position. Phoenix was just a few seconds behind me and soon was hugging the same rock I was while bullets whined over our heads.

Earlier that mission we'd had 1-2 gunships on station doing a superb job of knocking out troop concentrations and generally keeping the bulk of the enemy forces focused in directions other than ours. But they were back at the airbase refueling and rearming, no hope of help from them for at least 5 minutes.

Phoenix was as usual our explosives guy, packing a SMAW launcher with a couple anti-armor rounds, 2 satchel charges and one of the M4 varients. My role was overwatch, a M8/M320 and some frag/smoke grenades. Not the ideal loadouts to take on half a platoon of angry Russians moving up the hill towards us. We'd each already taken a couple of hits just getting to that wall, no chance for accurate fire with arm/hand wounds and no medic.

Final scenes of the Battle of The Alamo flashed past us. Neither of us are from Texas.... :omg:

"Got a plan."

"Glad you do, I got nothing."

"Select full-auto and hold for my signal."

*Lobs a smoke nade over the wall and 15m down the hill*


"Wait for it. On 3 - pop up and hose down your wedge to the right. I'll take wedge left. Go to ground when empty."

"Your smoke is in the way, won't be able to see a thing!"

"Neither will they... Get ready... 1, 2, 3."


"Ok. Now what?"

"Reload. And on 3...."


*Lobs another smoke*


"Hey, it's all I had left. On 3..."

After the fourth clip the incoming fire had dropped to just an occassional bullet whining by. The smoke was clearing and we heard the whop-whop of incoming Cobra gunships.

Another guy managed to blow the tower that time, but Phoenix and I did not care. We had managed to kill 18 and wound who knows how many more in a situation we had no expectation of walking away from. Both of us happily ready for the evac to base for healing and more ammo.

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Some warfare moments:

I shot down a kamov with a wildcat in warfare...felt very good, and the kamov pilot wasn't a crappy pilot either. We had a one on one fight, but luckily the kamov cannon is not very flexible. Not that the wildcat gun is.

Shot the pilot out with the HE rounds. Was very damaged after the fight and was running out of fuel and managed to land and refuel in a town center :).

Also some other great moments like having an epic fight with Kamov (with AA) vs my Cobra (also 2 AA missiles), we both evaded the missiles and after that, I charged him and took him down with the cannon before he could rearm.

Also the moment where I shot down a Kamov with a Warrior. I heard a chopper on the other side of hill and I shut the engine of my warrior and deployed smoke, after which I just waited for him to come over, he came and one shot with HE round and kamov was pretty much history.

Shooting F35B pilot from his cockpit with a KSVK when he just took off :P.

Doing a massive assault with 6 Tusks to enemy base accompanied by 2 apaches. First the apaches took down enemy armor, after which our tusks proceeded to take down everything else. Felt pretty awesome at the time.

A massive paradrop with about 7 Hercules planes to Rasman. We also called in additional paradrops. Looking this spectacle from an apache pilot's view was pretty amazing: about 200 guys paradropping while apaches and F35s take care of the heavy armor. Lot of smoke and action.

Some great moments, and I'm sure, great moments yet to come.

Edited by Arksa

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It's all about great moments! That's why i've been playing the series since Flashpoint. We got this small squad with few "old-skool" players and bunch of newbies. It's just plain fun to see them doing all dopey stuff. Like driving in the middle of enemy squad, killing few by driving over them then surviving trough the intense firing.

More stories please, they are fun to read!

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I remember an incident from a joint coop session with GOL and KellysHeroes. After the op all players (a lot) had gathered in one of the hangars at Paraiso airfield to do the after action reports. A vulcan was parked just outside the hangar.

An SU comes flying overhead, somebody jumps into the vulcan and opens fire. He obviously missed and i guess he had to reload at the moment where the SU finished its turning. It rained some missiles, some into the vulcan, some into the hangar which collapsed and killed everyone.

Whole TS channel bursted out laughing, about 20+ guys. :D

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Epic moments, um well theres at least one of those every Mission.

Don't know if you could really call this Epic, more funny and WTF.

Just playing Dom on our clan server and in the process of cleaning up the objective we came across this, how it got up there in perfect nic I do not know lol.

First 3 shots are from my perspective and the last is my mates looking at me the jeep and our over head friend putting some light on the matter.

http://www.mvmclan.com/mvmfiles/AriseAbove/oajeep1.jpg > 100kb

http://www.mvmclan.com/mvmfiles/AriseAbove/oajeep2.jpg > 100kb

http://www.mvmclan.com/mvmfiles/AriseAbove/oajeep3.jpg > 100kb

And from my mates point of view,


Edited by Zipper5
3 images > 100kb

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I can just tell you the moment in video! :D

Part 1/3 (2/3 has the most action), unfortunately the camera man died by that tree, the rest of us were running through 30mm HE fire absolutely in tears laughing.

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I tried to make a Takistani speak English (German)... makeaunitspeakenglish.jpg...Is he kidding me ? :confused:

Edited by Revlim

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Why you should always look were your going when flying

Toying around with the editor - I set the time late in the eavening, ramped up the fog and made weather stormy. I then placed an AI C130 on the map set its flying height to 3000m and put me in a A10 and tried to escort it you, (you know just like in the movies, right?;)).

Well I was following it and I was getting bored so I decided to do some aerobatics. There is one manouvere I like to do when flying jets - its pretty much roll until completely up side down, then nose down, peforming a half loop to go back upright, what could go wrong?

This time when I did it I thought I'd mix things up a little and do the upside down half loop, then when back upright, do a huge nose dive, just for lolz. After comlpleting the half loop I nose down hard and go into a nose dive, doing about almost 600km/h. Now s**t goes down...

Remember the fog? Well on top of that my viewing distance was set way low because of the lag I was getting. It was really hard to see anything, but it did not bother me that much and I continued the nose dive thinking I had plenty of time to pull up, at about 3000m in the air.

Something small... coming closer... closer... I can see its colour now, grey... getting closer, getting bigger... now very big and - I can see... wings?... WAIT THATS TH - OH SHIIII - kBAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No explosion, no fiery death, 100% hull damage and my HUD dissapeared. Well people, that A10 dropped out of the sky like a pebble; the smoking wreck leaving a huge black stain as I falled through the sky. Now I was doing another nose dive, but this time it was unintentional. I hit the ground - HARD - and the jet blows up. Now the wierd part the game glitches out and my screen goes static; no pause menu, no alt-tab, nothing. Meanwhile the C130J kept flying and wasn't bothered by any of this ( I know this for sure because as I was busy dropping out of the sky to my death, I managed to catch a glimpse of the C130 still flying without any damage. Probably thinking, "I told him that was a bad idea!".

hope you enjoyed,

This is my first story that I have told on BIS forums, I assure that this one and all others I may tell in the future are all 100% TRUE

Edited by undercoverbrother

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Had a jet on jet fight. We both exchanged AA missile fire and we were coming towards each other.

Then my final missile hit it when it was 50m away from me and the fireball went past me like 5m. I heard the explosion even inside the cockpit and all the engine noise. This was like one of those scripted things in some flying games, but totally not so in here :p.

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Okay, another epic moment. We were playing Fallujah map with the same gang as usual. Our mission was to take over the airfield. About 2 km before airfield, our linebaker was busted and we all died. Well after we all respawned back to base there were complications.. we were all on fire!! Guys scream and moan and then died again. After huge laughter we respawned again. Guess what...we were on fire!! LOL Only way to stop that was to disconnect..

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There are two moments that really stand out for me so far.

First, we were playing on Chernarus and I was acting as recon for the rest of the section. I was being engaged by three MGs and other infantry, there was light armour coming up the road to where I was cowering behind a building occasionally leaning out to fire the 203 in the general direction of the incoming fire. With bullets cracking overhead and chunks of the building flying all around me I was wondering how I would get out of this when all of a sudden two of my friends came crashing through the trees behind me in a stolen t-90 and solved the problem for me.

Second, not so epic but funny. We had a squad training night and were dealing with combat deployments from choppers etc. We had two Wildcats for this exercise, the guy running the training session (who was the pilot of one) crashed into the other chopper whilst trying to tell us what to do thus killing everyone on the server in one massive fail...

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Playing warfare once, long ago, I chased down a guy who was using a ghillie and an M107 and shot him dead point-blank with a silenced Makarov. It was my last bullet after 3 mags through an AKM, 3 RPGs, and 7+ Makarov mags wasted on AI capturing a town. He spawned in at the last moment before it captured and tried to sneak into the woods to snipe at me. So I ran right up to him, zig-zagging like a maniac, dodging 5-6 .50 cal shots and ended him. :D

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Well, it was on OA not A2. Playing insurgency on Zargobad with fellow clan members, we had 2 motars set up, used those to good effect clearing a few squares, then it got real late so the collective stupidity of us all came out. In the middle of zago proper we got owned except for one player who was trapped in a building dropping bricks and insurgents (Gawd his cries were funny!) So those of us respawning at base decided to do a recue mission for him in a SOV hummer, but the twist was, having 2 motars crewed, we plotted the route we would take and using the motars to fantastic effect, had them perform a creaping barrage with us racing just behind the dropping shells. OMFG it was funny, 81mm shells blasting just infront of us, the front 240 blazing away and the AGL swinging left to right trying to cover the side streets. Amazingly we got to him and pulled him out, only for the driver to think if he had enough speed he could knock down a brick wall, EPIC FAIL! He got us stuck in the wall! Urghhhh! We all then legged it to the mansion on the east side of zago, screaming for the life of us to get there alive. Cleared it and got to the roof to watch the fireworks of the motars. The arty guys then said "We got a wicked barrage for you just wait where you are." So we wait, "It's comming! Going to be wicked!" Wait, and BOOM! Pricks dropped that barrage on us! Then it was time for bed, stlll giggling. Fun times.

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I was in a single player mission where there were two enemy tanks. I decided to get in an enemy jeep with a rocket launcher alone. I began driving and sped right by one tank before they noticed I was an enemy. I jumped into the gunner position, after dodging a tank shot, and shot the tank twice before it blew up. Then the second tank came and I pulled a 360 before firing twice, however, the second shot was not a direct hit but luckily I badly damaged them to the point where the tank was disabled. Then I laughed as three soldiers got out and surrendered to me a lone soldier. Of course, right after this my entire army came as I executed the soldiers one by one!!!!!!!!!!

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