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    • Yes You can name it whatever you like, TAG is just a general wording to denote replacing it with your own so for instance you could name it KRAK_fnc_## as per your username or whatever you like. predifined! params is a command for defining variables passed in _this TAG_fnc_someFunctionParams = { params[ "_var1", "_var2" ]; } TAG_fnc_someFunctionThis = { private _var1 = _this select 0; private _var2 = _this select 1; } These two functions do exactly the same thing, define private local variables _var1 and _var2 from whatever was passed to the function in _this. [ "Hello", "World" ] call TAG_fnc_someFunction# _var1 would be "Hello", _var2 would be "World" We make a public local variable called _vehicleName and its equal to vehicle variable name in all lower case. When you name some object in the editor by filling out its variable name property two things happen when the mission loads... The vehicle is given a vehicleVarName of the STRING we gave in the property A global variable of the same name is made referencing said object SplitString returns an array of STRINGs of the original string broken up by the string passed to splitString, e.g _string = "1,2,3,4,5"; _split = _string splitString ","; // _split would be [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" ] _string = "Hello World"; _split = _string splitString "l"; // _split would be ["He","o Wor","d"] So by splitting "blackhawk1" by "backhawk" we end up with an array of just [ "1" ]. Select 0 just chooses the first thing in the array so "1". We end up with just the STRING number for that blackHawk based on its varName. _x is just the current thing being evaluated for that iteration of the forEach. So first time round its blackHawk1, second time its blackHawk2 etc etc.   Well each blackHawk is already a global variable. As explained for varName above in 4. So in the script when we say blackHawk1 or similar this IS a global variable that references the object because we gave it a variable name in the editor. You can place the addAction in the new function as the same thing happens for every blackHawk. No, when the blackHawk gets deleted the global variable will still exist but it will be Objnull as the OBJECT it references no longer exists, is null.       Is this for MP or SP? There maybe some other things you need to take into consideration if this is for MP, like... Should not be initiated through init.sqf as this happens everywhere. So for each machine client/server. So should be in initServer only If so action would need remoteExec'ing to all clients and JIP
    • +1 for this issue. No vehicles at all available for spawn even with GameMaster.
    • I did it!   I reached a solution: creating a trigger that deletes the spawnpoint entity.    You will use the components Area, Layer, and Slot (You can find them via Resource Browser: ArmaReforger > Prefabs > ScenarioFramework > Components);   1) Delete your old Spawnpoint and create a new one in this way: Drag and drop an Area.et somewhere; Drag and drop a Layer.et inside the Area recently created; Drag and drop a Slot.et inside the Layer recently created; Clicking over your new Slot, go to the Object Properties, and select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotBase: In the Asset area, set in the Object To Spawn field a spawn point entity, for example, SpawnPoint_US.et; In the ID field, define a name, for example, us_players_spawn;   2) Create a move task (or add some steps down below in one of your current tasks): Drag and drop an Area.et somewhere; Drag and drop a LayerTask.et inside the Area recently created; Drag and drop a SlotToMove.et inside the LayerTask recently created; Clicking over your new SlotToMove, go to the Object Properties, select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotExtraction: In the Plugins area, set in the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginTrigger: Set the best trigger range for you via the Area Radius field; Set in Activation Presence field, use Player; In the Activated By This Faction field, set the ID of the faction the spawn point represents, as US or USSR or FIA; In the Minimum Players Needed Percentage field, set the number 1, which means the trigger will be activated when all players are inside the trigger area; In the OnTaskFinish area, on the Actions On Finished field, add SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionDeleteEntity: In the Getter field, add SCR_ScenarioFrameworkGetEntityByName; In the Entity Name field, set the spawn point ID exactly as defined before, in my example is us_players_spawn;   3) Now just take your tests. When the spawnpoint is deleted, a message will appear right-top corner confirming the faction has no spawnpoints available anymore. 😉   Debug: if you are facing a hard time, I suggest you try to delete a visible object (any) only to confirm you are doing everything right.    Cheers.
    • Hi, i would suggest a new rpt, as what you have there doesn't really show anything, need a full rpt from here C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Start the game, get on the server and play like normal, make sure you have your logs on, to do that in the arma 3 launcher under the parameters tab look for [ ] no logs make sure that box is unchecked.   Once the game crashes then go to that folder and open the rpt, copy it all and paste it here:  https://justpaste.it/ the paste the link in your reply, it will be alot faster and simpler then uploading a file.     Does you get crashes in singleplayer, like if you placed a vehicle, plane ect,. in the editor and drove and flew them there would the crash still occur? Also have you tried other servers?   You should also google search arma 3 breaking point and see if anyone else is posting about any similar issues and if they fixed them or discovered something about them, it could not be your computer, it could be the mod itself in combination with your ingame settings.       It could be a new bug with that mod in relation to the latest version of the game, so make sure you get the latest rpt it will reveal alot.