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    • man, For the umpteenth time, I see you're having a conversation with yourself... I don’t understand at all Why you constantly tell me “I owe you nothing”,  “your shitty  opinion”, "I have no contract with you",  “YOU”, “YOU”, “YOU”, “YOU” etc. I see that you still don't understand - Everything I wrote above  - this is not my personal desire or opinion!  This desire of hundreds of thousands of people. For this reason your phrases are not appropriate. Why don't these thousands people write to you here on the forum? They probably know more about you, than I can know... Developers of @CUP, @VTN  also do not have contracts with their subscribers, they owe them nothing. However, unlike you, these people have more respect for their fans than you do. Because they still support their mods. It is impossible to argue with this.      Of course I stop answering you, but not because you told me about this, You don't dare tell me what to do.  I stop answering  because talking with you is useless. Because now I received the answer to this question for myself, that I asked you in the first message:     Now I got the answer. Good luck RHS by road to Arma4     RIP   Arma3 RHS Mods Date of Birth: January 16th. 2017 (The data is taken from the Steam) 
      Date of Вeath: May 10th. 2021 (The data is taken from the Steam)    
    • OK it seems one of the automated restarts fixed the issue. It works now as it should work. So problem solved.
    • Hello Arma traffic managers !   I've been watching some videos of contraband police on the internet, and I thought "why not have something similar in Arma ?".
      And hence I made this script !   To put it simply, this script purpose is to generation a checkpoint traffic behaviour for Arma.   Downloads : Demo mission on steam workshop ; Source code and scripts on gitlab.     Features :  Generates traffic that goes through a defined position (checkpoint) ; Randomly fills the vehicles ; Generates "ID documents" (name and registration plate) ; Generates random "non compliances" (wrong names, plates, contraband) ; ACE interactions to interface with these elements ; MP compatible and performance friendly.   Gameplay information :    How to use :  Grab the TOV_CP_framework scripts from gitlab and add them to the mission folder ; Run the following commands on the server (the parameters for TOV_CP_spawner are all positions) call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "TOV_CP_framework\TOV_CP_functions.sqf"; [vehicle_spawn_pos, vehicle_destination_pos, checkpoint_pos] execVM "TOV_CP_framework\TOV_CP_spawner.sqf"; If so you wish, edit the parameters in TOV_CP_spawner.sqf : TOV_CP_eligble_cars=[listOfVehiclesClassnames]; TOV_CP_eligble_civs= ["CUP_C_TK_Man"] call TOV_find_civs_classnames; TOV_ACE_enabled=True; TOV_enable_hint_conformity=True; TOV_CP_max_units=100; TOV_chance_of_fraud=0.01; TOV_maxtime_between_vehicles_spawn=70; And that's all for a working checkpoint setup !   Now, technically speaking the scripts include : Custom driving behaviour AI driving at close distance causes problems by default (vehicles crashing, leaving road, stuck, etc.);
      To bypass these issues, the scripts computes a path with CalculatePath and have the vehicles drive on it like on "rails", with a speed management loop (mainly slow down in towns, if distance to front vehicle is too low, stop if obstacle) Visual clues of "non compliance" Nameplates generation on the vehicles and verification with getNamePlates ; Use of Selections to spawn explosives under the vehicle and in hidden spots (notably behind mudguards, on seats) ; Use of ACE gestures to control traffic Eventhandlers to identify gestures and stop/vehicles.     Images :  
    • Hi tpw. I've been using your mod for years but only recently tried the option in the SOAP module to play my own music. However no matter what I do I cannot get it working. I have added 20 music files into the /music folder and named them 1, 2, 3 etc. They are all ogg files and all are less than 3 minutes long. I also dragged the music tracks slider up to 20 in the mod settings. But when in game I still get the default Greek style music playing on Altis. My own music never plays. I have tried in both the edior (single player) and multiplayer (hosting Antistasi) but neither works. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
    • If bohemia's goal is to make a hyper realistic sim. Here's one from my experience In my time in the field.    Vehicles should not explode, it's so rare that a vehicle explodes even if the fuel tank is the one on fire.    Only time a vehicle explodes 9/10 is because of ammunition detonation. In game you can gun down a humvee until it eventually blows up, and the body of the vehicle is heavily damaged as if it rolled down a cliff, or was destroyed via Air strike. Even though it was just regular small arms fire that caused it to explode.    What do I suggest? I suggest completely removing the blown up model, and just enhance the regular in game vehicle object by slowly decaying in the one realistic area a fire may rage at, or AT mines blowing the wheels off a vehicle instead of blowing up the vehicle. Also I should probably mention that this is the part where Bohemia will probably have to make all vehicles have realistic physical body parts that can blow off the vehicle it's self.   Anyways...   For example: You're driving a supply truck. An rpg  slams into your engine bay or fuel tank, causing a fire to start. That fuel that's caught on fire will begin to burn, but eventually when it runs out of fuel to burn, it stops. So where ever that fire was, on that one section of the vehicle, the texture should change to the same texture the blown up model has(burnt metal effect). While the rest of the vehicle keeps its natural paint job.    Bohemia is currently working on bullet holes and sound effects because they want the vehicle to tell a story and show us which direction those rounds came from. Which is awawesome. But I also think implementing something like what I brought up will also help players figure out if a vehicle is worth the trouble or not if it's still standing and half burnt.    Moral of the story, vehicles don't need to blow up to bits(wrecked bodies, tires missing) to be rendered useless. Most of the time a player will tell with just by looking at it.    Anyways feel free to add on and let me know what you think. 