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Big Dawg KS

BD MultiGunFix v1.4

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As you can probably tell by the stupid name I have it, I had trouble trying to think of a good name for this addon. So instead I'll just try to describe it.

In vanilla ArmA 2, the vehicles only have one firing point for each type of weapon. So for example, missiles on the Avenger only fire out of the left pod, or the Tunguska's cannons only fire from one of the left barrels. This addon properly simulates the weapons firing from their correct places. Now initially I only made this for myself, but I figured since it works so nicely I'd share it. I dunno if someone's already done it before or if anyone would really appreciate it but I figured what the hell.

Update: 1.3 Released

This new version now contains fixes for the weapons on all of the BIS aircraft. In addition it contains a system where addon makers can define multiple positions in their models and configs and a script to allow fired rounds/missiles/what-have-you to be distributed among these positions. For example, if you have a vehicle with two AA cannons you can place named memory selections in your model for both muzzle positions of both weapons, add some stuff to your config and the script will simulate both barrels firing. There are details on how to do this in the readme.

Update: 1.4 Released

This version should make the addon fully MP compatable. It only needs to be installed on the server to work for all clients, and must be installed on the server/host for it to work for any clients. In addition, I improved some of the scripts.

Readme (v1.4):

BD MultiGunFix v1.4



Big Dawg KS



Big Dawg KS - scripts

oyman - testing





Initial Release



-added more BIS vehicles

-added support for addons



-fixed minor script error

-reworked MP compatability

-improved support for addons



BIS Vehicles:


This addon contains a few simple scripts that fix the simulation of bullets and missiles firing from the correct places on BIS vehicles.

This addon enhances the following vehicles:

Mi24 (all factions & varients)

ZU23 (all factions)

Shilka (all factions)


Ural ZU23 (all factions)

BRDM ATGM (all factions)

Avenger HMMWV

BM21 GRAD (all factions)


Igla AA Pod

Stinger AA Pod








Ka52 (both varients)

Su25 (all factions & varients)

All gun barrels, rocket and missile launchers are correctly simulated for these vehicles.

This addon contains only scripts, no config changes to vehicles or weapons.



In addition, this addon includes a system that allows addon makers to easily enable multiple barrels/launch positions for new vehicles using

only model and config changes and little scripting knowledge.

How to use the system for new vehicles:

1. Create a memory point with a named selection in your model for each position you want the projectiles to be fired from

2. In the vehicle's config, define a class called BD_MultiGunFix

3. In class BD_MultiGunFix, you can define any number of 'weapon groups'. A weapon group is one set of guns or launchers that when fired,

the projectiles will be distributed among all the positions defined in that group. For example, if your vehicle has 4x30mm cannons and 2 missile

launchers, you would have a 30mm cannon group and a missile group. The groups are defined as classes

4. For each group class, define an array called 'weapons' and an array called 'positions'. The positions array contains all of the selection names

you defined in your model that you want this group to use, and the weapons array contains the classnames of all the weapons that will use

that set of positions.

5. The last step is to simply ensure that BD_MultiGunFix is installed and loaded when you start up ArmA 2. Using this system will not make

your addon require BD_MultiGunFix, rather when the user is running your addon while using BD_MultiGunFix the fix will be applied, and

if not your addon will function normally without the fix (with a limit of only 1 firing position per weapon type).

Here's an example:

Class MyVehicle {


class BD_MultiGunFix {

class 30mm {




class Missiles {








As of v1.4 this addon should be fully MP compatable. The addon need only be installed on the server, and the changes will be applied

for all clients. If the addon is not installed on the server, it will be disabled for all clients, regardless of whether they have it installed.

Required Addons:



This addon should also be compatable with any other addons provided they don't interfere with the XEH stuff.



I am not responsible for ANYTHING that happens to your computer by using this addon. Use at your own risk.



Install the pbo & bisign files into the Addons folder in your ArmA 2 directory or any mod directory. Install the

bikey file in your Keys directory.

If you are still unsure what this does, check out this video:


Requires CBA's Extended Eventhandlers

CBA Forum Thread

Download (v1.4):

ArmA Files

BD MultiGunFix v1.4 @ Armaholic

DOWNLOAD - BD MultiGunFix (v.1.4) - [7 KB] from ArmedAssault.info

Additional mirrors would be appreciated.

Edited by Big Dawg KS
Update released

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Great work again Big dawg. Nice to see your still working on stuff dude. Keep up the good work!

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Ain't you the person who made the BD grenade pack back in OFP?

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Nice good work.


would be nice if we could fire single Hydra rockets.

fits somehow to this scripts

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Nice good work.


would be nice if we could fire single Hydra rockets.

fits somehow to this scripts

That's kind of beyond what my original plan was, which was just to fix these annoying inaccuracies without changing the configs or functionality.

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Ok, no prob. i drag it to addon request hehe

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Anyone tested this in MP? It would be interesting to know if this just have to run on the server or on both: server and client.

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Anyone tested this in MP? It would be interesting to know if this just have to run on the server or on both: server and client.

I only tested it on a non dedicated server with me and the other client having the addon installed. I'm not sure about the locality of the XEH (extended eventhandlers) but as long as the eventhandler is fired on any one client or the server, the effects should be broadcasted globally. Whether or not that means that only for clients running the addon or if only the server need have it installed I don't know, but at least the effects should be synchronized.

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Will throw out the SDP cannon fix and replace it with this right now!

Must-have add-on! Thanks, Big Dawg! :-)

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Thx for the new version! :thumbsup:

ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


Required Addons :

DOWNLOAD - CBA's Extended Eventhandlers

We have also added this release to your personal author profile

If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


[b]Required Addons :[/b]
[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1002]DOWNLOAD - CBA's Extended Eventhandlers[/url]

If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

[b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1422]DOWNLOAD - BD MultiGunFix (v.1.3) - [6 KB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url]

[b]Required Addons :[/b]
[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1002]DOWNLOAD - CBA's Extended Eventhandlers[/url]

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Will throw out the SDP cannon fix and replace it with this right now!

Must-have add-on! Thanks, Big Dawg! :-)

My congratulations, he made the job for which I did not have the time.

Great addon - Kind regards.

Sudden Death

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Oh - Sudden Death, sorry if my remark seemed clumsy - I didn't mean it to sound deprecative in any way. Your original SDP Guns was - and still is - a great add on, especially in ArmA! :)

On another note: As for server / client locality, it seems to be enough if only the client runs it on a listenserver.

Guess one could invest more time in testing all combinations and observe their locality effects on clients, but we just let the dedicated server load the add-on and had no problems whatsoever for both, clients with and without the add on.

Edited by The.D

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Hey guys, thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate some of you guys doing some conclusive MP testing as I just can't find the time to do it myself.

I did find an small mistake in the latest release. The scripts still work fine, just be aware that it will put an error into the ArmA2.rpt (or on screen if you have -showScriptErrors enabled). It's a really tiny fix (just need to delete 1 line of code), and it really has no effect on the addon working. I could release a hotfix for it if you guys really want, but since it's not a big deal I'd rather not go through the trouble of updating all the download mirrors & making you guys download another version for such a tiny update. I dunno, it's your call if you guys want me to.

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Well, I for one would very much appreciate an update, BD :)

If it's no bother for you, that is!

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Version 1.4 released. Check the first page.

The addon now works correctly in MP. If you have it installed on the server it will take effect for everyone connected regardless of whether they have the addon themselves. If you connect to a server that does not have the addon installed it will be disabled.

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New version updated on Armed Assault.info :cool:

ArmedAssault.info Mirror and News:


We have also added this release to your personal author profile

If a release or contact information is missing, feel free to drop a PM, it will then be added.

And here is the BBCode if you want to add our Mirror to your release post :


If you prefer a text only BBCode please copy and paste the code below :

[b]ArmedAssault.info Mirror :[/b]
[url=http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&game=1&id=1422]DOWNLOAD - BD MultiGunFix (v.1.4) - [7 KB] from ArmedAssault.info[/url][/spoiler]

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Has anyone been able to test v1.4 in MP yet? I'm particularly interested to see how it works on a dedicated server without any clients running it.

Oh, and also waiting to see how it works for addon makers trying to add support to their vehicles.


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