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Sub_Radio - A lightweight and simple Radioscript

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made by Subroc


Version : 0.1


Adds ten custom channels for the ingame VoIp radio. Use dialog to add the player to the channel and then switch to that channel with the chats default "Next Channel"/"Previous Channel" to activate it.


copy the sub_radio folder to your mission folder.

Add this to your init.sqf :

_null = [] execvm "sub_radio\sub_radio_init2.sqf";

Add this to your description.ext :

#include "sub_radio\sub_radio_UI.hpp"

then when you launch the mission you shoud have a "Open Radio Menu" in your actionmenu.


- Extend the default chat VoIp channels.

- Scriptbased no addons needed.


V0.1 - First public release

Known Bugs:

- Doesnt check if the player hasweapon radio, will be fixed later

- When a channel is selected from the dialog the old channel is still active until custom channel is selected with default next/prev channel keys, i think it cant be fixed as the default chat is somewhat hardcoded.

- Some strange behaviours when player inside vehicle.


copy the sub_radio folder to your mission folder.

Add this to your init.sqf :

_null = [] execvm "sub_radio\sub_radio_init2.sqf";

Add this to your description.ext :

#include "sub_radio\sub_radio_UI.hpp"

then when you launch the mission you shoud have a "Open Radio Menu" in your actionmenu.


Download Here


Use it, Abuse it or improve it. All up to you, but it would be nice to be mentioned in the credits

Edited by subroc
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Very nice, works perfectly for ground units but I'm having trouble in helicopters. I had two people flying and using the same channel but more often than not we couldn't hear anything. It would sometimes work for a few seconds. Like I said, works perfectly for ground units. Super awesome.

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strange, and you toggled the next/previous chat channel to be shure the channel change got activated?

Do the persons spawn inside the helis (as editorplaced heli player is pilot och with moveindriver) or do they enter the helis manually?

It could be that when a unit in a vehicle is added to a radiochannel array it would rather add the unit and not the vehicle, will look in to this.

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thanks for this great mod. i have it working on missions now but after a respawn the radio menu is gone. What is the command i should use to make the init.sqf run each respawn?

thanks in advance,


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You should add:

this addEventHandler ["Respawn",{ _setCh = player addaction ["Open Radio Menu","sub_radio\sub_radio_menu2.sqf"];}];

to your units in the editor to have the command reappear efter respawn (someone correct me if im wrong, im not used to do mp scripting).

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This is...GREAT.

No more annoying whisper lists on Teamspeak ;)

I'll start using it in my missions and play them with around 20 other guys. I'll let you know how it goes!

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You should add:

this addEventHandler ["Respawn",{ _setCh = player addaction ["Open Radio Menu","sub_radio\sub_radio_menu2.sqf"];}];

to your units in the editor to have the command reappear efter respawn (someone correct me if im wrong, im not used to do mp scripting).

thank you very much. this seems to work.

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fantastic to see new features appear in the in VON. Is there a command to mute channels/players that could be used in making a simple radio addon ?? thanks..

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I need some advice, i cant get this to work on multiplayer :confused: but it works when i preview the mission in editor

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I need some advice, i cant get this to work on multiplayer :confused: but it works when i preview the mission in editor

check your ports...I assume arma 3 is the same as it's predecessors.

port UDP (used for game)

port+1 UDP (used for server reporting)

port+3 UDP (used for VoN transmissions)

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...and check that the server is VoN enabled.

gonk: No, i havent found a way to mute specific players. But now as Acre is prereleased for A3 there are more qualified addons for running full blown radio simulation...but not as lightweight and scripted ;)

I will probably not do any updating on this now that Acre is out, but as stated in the first post if anyone feel a need to alter/update feel free to do so.

Edited by subroc

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Im very new to scripting in Arma3. I stumbeld on your script and find it great so i would like to use it, however i also would like to adjust it. My wish is to somehow force the channel on the player so that he doesnt has to search for it by using . to swap through channels. At the moment when i push the button for a channel it just adds the specific channel. I want that the channel is added and automatically becomes activated so that I dont have to use . anymore. That way additional channel could be opend and the gui would allow a quick way spwapping channels with some adjustment.

Does anyone know if that is possible at all ? Otherwise im wasting my time looking for a proper function. For a try I placed a trigger and tried this on activation

[["Channel 1",0,1],"BIS_fnc_radioSetChannel",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

but it doesnt swap the channel ..maby im doing it wrong or function is used for something totally different :\ im lost

:icon_wink:. I mean its possible to binde the normal channels (side groupe direct) to a key so it should be possible to do it by script and for the additional channels as well ..somehow

Any help will be great.

Edited by Kumeda

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i havent looked at that function so i dont know how its used, but as i see no scripting command to force a chat channel, i doubt it is possible. But feel free to change my script. All i wish for is a line in the credits :D

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hmm thats what i was afraid of... hmm i guess i will post a ticket than when no one else has something. It would be nice swapping channels by command ... i could think of some nice gui :)

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anyone been adding to this ? My scripting is very limited.

With this script, when you select a channel, it does not automatically set you to the selected channel. You have to use the >< keys to select the new channel. Anyone know of a command to change/set your VOIP channel, so ppl do not have to cycle channels? The other problem is, that after changing channels, your original custom channel is still visible until again you change channels.


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If it would be possible to activate the channels by command you could at least work arround the problem i guess. You only would have to check if there is only one extra channel left and than swap to groupe channel before removing the last coustom channel.

By the way im reworking the script which im probably gonne release. The difference however will be that it is manly used to open the additional channels. Here is a WIP http://i.imgur.com/TJ8pjZM.jpg (163 kB) .

Edited by Kumeda

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that looks nice.. have you solved the problem it does not work in a vehicle ? eg the person that hops in the vehicle with be silenced after the vehicle moves or the other players move...

Edited by gonk

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unfortunately not ... well i were not able to test that yet as i work at the gui and try to understand this strange Arma script language. But if there is a problem with the VON channels and vehicles i guess this is a problem of Arma in itself. Therefore i hope that these problems will be solved at some point before or after release of Arma3. By that time this aplication will be running. It is not comparable to ACRE after all .. but still extra script based channel do have their advanteges for public game servers.

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you are correct.. This not comparable to acre... at the moment. If they fix the vehicle problem, add ability to assign a key to transmit on the custom VOIP channel, and the ability to mute players. This would give the community enough flexibility to make an ACRE Lite. Which will probably suit most people. Having to organise people to get on to TS3 has always been a problem for Randoms.... but with this being built in, it should tidy up the comms and stop ppl using Side/Global to chat to other squads.

Have you worked out what the point is this command ? radioChannelSetCallSign

And how to use it ?

Edited by gonk

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Havent testet that yet but i guess its for additional specification of channels how they are gonne showed in chat. Will test it later on. My script is now in early alpha stage ..im probably gonne open a new thread soon. :)

Edited by Kumeda

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Looking for someone to port this to arma 2 (epoch), or is arma 2 not supporting multiple VOIP channels?

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Looking for someone to port this to arma 2 (epoch), or is arma 2 not supporting multiple VOIP channels?

Multiple VON channels was recently added to A3 so don't think this is available in A2 unless they back ported it there too.

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