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Everything posted by cybercoco

  1. cybercoco

    Loading screen

    See this screenshot :
  2. cybercoco

    Loading screen

    Why is there two bars in the loading screen in Arma 3 (one small and one long). Is one loading the world and the other the scenario files ? And why does they each have to fill twice ?
  3. cybercoco

    Display text with RscTitles

    Ok, trying Larrow's method... This is the code for the progress bar : with uiNamespace do { my_awesome_progressBar = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscProgress", -1]; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; my_awesome_progressBar progressSetPosition 0; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlCommit 0; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlSetTextColor [0.4,0.804,0,1]; }; Do I do this ? with uiNamespace do { my_awesome_text = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscTexts", -1]; my_awesome_text ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; my_awesome_text ctrlCommit 0; my_awesome_text ctrlSetTextColor [0.4,0.804,0,1]; };
  4. cybercoco

    Add background video

    Did you try it and make it work ?
  5. cybercoco

    Splash screen

    Oh, yeah. This seems very advanced indeed...
  6. cybercoco

    Display text with RscTitles

    Yes I did. There was no use of hpp file of the description.ext file in Larrow's approach ...
  7. cybercoco

    Display text with RscTitles

    Currently using this : text.sqf disableSerialization; 1 cutRsc ["Jagger","PLAIN"]; waitUntil {!isNull (uiNameSpace getVariable "Jagger")}; _display = uiNameSpace getVariable "Jagger"; _setText = _display displayCtrl 1001; _setText ctrlSetStructuredText (parseText format ["Wonno"]); // _setText ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,1,1,0.5]; dialogs.hpp class RscTitles { class Default { idd = -1; fadein = 0; fadeout = 0; duration = 0; }; class Jagger { idd = 1000000; movingEnable = 0; enableSimulation = 1; enableDisplay = 1; duration = 99999; fadein = 0.1; fadeout = 2; name = "Jagger"; onLoad = "with uiNameSpace do { Jagger = _this select 0 }"; class controls { class structuredText { access = 0; type = 13; idc = 1001; style = 0x00; lineSpacing = 1; x = 0.103165 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.757996 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.778208 * safezoneW; h = 0.0660106 * safezoneH; size = 0.020; colorBackground[] = {0,0,0,0}; colorText[] = {1,1,1,1}; text = ""; font = "PuristaSemiBold"; class Attributes{ font = "PuristaSemiBold"; color = "#FFFFFF"; align = "CENTER"; valign = "top"; shadow = false; shadowColor = "#000000"; underline = false; size = "4"; }; }; }; }; }; Any simpler way ?
  8. Hi all ! I have a small problem, I would like to add a trigger and set two conditions for it's activation. _won is the name of the car. The first is "this", player is present in the area (cicle 3,3 around _won). The second is "!(player in _won)", player is not in the vehicle. I can't find a way to make it work... // _won is the name of the car _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _won, false]; _trg setTriggerArea[3,3,0,false]; _trg setTriggerActivation["WEST","PRESENT",true]; _trg setTriggerStatements[ "this && !(player in _won)", "hint 'yes yes yes'", "hint 'no civilian near wonno'" ];
  9. cybercoco

    Arma 3 Forum Member Title

    All right, thank you all !
  10. cybercoco

    Arma 3 Forum Member Title

    Hi all, everyone has a member title assigned on this forum. Mine is Newcomer. Is it related to the number of posts/thread published ? And does anybody know what are the different titles ?
  11. Final code : // script for trigger _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _won, false]; _trg setTriggerArea [3, 3, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",true]; _trg setVariable ["won", _won]; _trg setTriggerStatements [ "this && !(player in (thisTrigger getVariable 'won'))", "(thisTrigger getVariable 'won') addaction [ '<t color=""#FF0000"">Hello</t>', 'staz\staz.sqf','',5]", "removeallactions (thisTrigger getVariable 'won')" ];
  12. This doesn't display the addAction, while approaching the car.
  13. cybercoco

    Arma 3 Forum Member Title

    Does anybody know if that's the case here ?
  14. cybercoco

    Add background video

    I'm also interested in learning this. Anyone knows how ?
  15. cybercoco

    Splash screen

    Same thread https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/186798-add-background-video/
  16. family1 = _unit addAction ["<t color='#9A2EFE'>- </t><t color='#FF0000'>M</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>u</t><t color='#0000FF'>r</t><t color='#FF0000'>i</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>c</t><t color='#0000FF'>a</t> <t color='#FF0000'>A</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>i</t><t color='#0000FF'>r</t><t color='#FF0000'>l</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>i</t><t color='#0000FF'>n</t><t color='#FF0000'>e</t><t color='#FFFFFF'>s</t>", "flyingDestroyerT1.sqf"]; In player's init, _unit is a local variable in global space...
  17. cybercoco

    Arma 3 Forum Member Title

    Only for those who deserve it :)
  18. Working ! :o I knew that "#FF0000" wouldn't work because it went red in the code editor. However I wasn't aware double " existed ! Thank you Heeeere's johnny!, lesson learned !
  19. cybercoco

    Arma 3 Forum Member Title

    You Sir, seem special :D "Poly Bully". Congratulations for RHS !
  20. Strange thing, when I try this, it works : "(thisTrigger getVariable 'won') addaction [ '<t>Hello</t>', 'staz\staz.sqf','',5]", When I try this, it doesn't : "(thisTrigger getVariable 'won') addaction [ '<t color='#FF0000'>Hello</t>', 'staz\staz.sqf','',5]",
  21. When I launch the script, it doesn't display the addaction (while stepping into the 3 meters zone).
  22. Larrow, is that an addaction with a condition ? Seems like a good idea... I didn't mention something in the first post, the deactivation is not : "hint 'no civilian near wonno'" but "removeallactions (thisTrigger getVariable 'won')" Basically each time the player gets in the vehicle or out of the 3 meters area, the addaction ealier added will be gone.
  23. I don't think the file linked makes any differences because it's not yet run. Ok, do I just write this ? "(thisTrigger getVariable 'won') addaction ['<t color='#0000FF'>Hello</t>', 'staz\staz.sqf','',5]",
  24. Oh, I didn't pay attention, but it still doesn't work...