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Everything posted by cybercoco

  1. I'm interested in creating a progress bar. At the moment I'm using this simple loop to display a countown. _counter = 21; while { _counter > 1} do { hint ""; _counter = _counter - 1; hint format ["%1", _counter]; sleep 1; hint ""; }; hint "finished"; The progress bar would fill up as the value would approach the value 0. I don't understand a thing on this page from the wiki. Thank you, C.Coco
  2. Is there a way to set a border and border color of a dialog on the fly (without using a .hpp file). Do I use ctrlSetTooltipColorBox ? Thanks in advance, C.Coco
  3. _test = "hello"; with uiNamespace do { my_awesome_progressBar = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscProgress", -1]; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; my_awesome_progressBar progressSetPosition 0; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlCommit 0; my_awesome_text = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1]; my_awesome_text ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; my_awesome_text ctrlCommit 0; }; [ "TIMER", "onEachFrame", { params[ "_start", "_end" ]; _progress = linearConversion[ _start, _end, time, 0, 1 ]; (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_progressBar") progressSetPosition _progress; (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_text") ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["%1%2", round(100*_progress), "%"]; if ( _progress > 1 ) then { [ "TIMER", "onEachFrame" ] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; ctrlDelete (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_progressBar"); ctrlDelete (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_text"); ///// hint format ["%1", _test]; // HERE ! ///// }; }, [ time, time + 20 ] ] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; How can I present the var as a param and make the hint format work properly ?
  4. _id = "FirstAidKit" // _id is holding the name : "FirstAidKit" if (magazines player find _id > 0)
  5. I would like to search if the player has a certain object in his person. If so, code will be executed. I've used the following : if (magazines player find FirstAidKit > 0) It works fine, but I would like to have a variable instead containing the object's id. I tried the code bellow, and it didn't work : _id = """FirstAidKit""" // _id is holding the name : "FirstAidKit" if (magazines player find _id > 0) Is it actually possible to make it work that way ?
  6. Thank you, I just realised that I was actually using this double condition on my version but I didn't notice that the thing was working.
  7. I have the following code in init.sqf : _won = nearestObjects [player, ["C_Offroad_01_F"], 50]; _won = str _won select [1,5]; _won = call compile _won; // script for trigger _trg = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos _won, false]; _trg setTriggerArea [3, 3, 0, false]; _trg setTriggerActivation ["WEST","PRESENT",true]; _trg setVariable ["won", _won]; _trg setTriggerStatements [ "this && !(player in (thisTrigger getVariable 'won'))", "(thisTrigger getVariable 'won') addaction [ '<t>Title</t>', 'jack\jack.sqf',"",11]", "removeallactions (thisTrigger getVariable 'won') && hint ''" ]; This will look for the nearest vehicle (id : C_Offroad_01_F) name and store it in _won. The result is that only one trigger has been created for only one vehicle (the nearest). What I would like is to have a "constant" search for the nearest vehicle for each player and then create a for this vehicle trigger. If you didn't understand the text above, then read this : Final objective would be to have an addaction on any vehicle that's in a 3 meters range of a player.
  8. Is there a way to delete the addAction if someone gets in the vehicle (only remove the addAction from this one vehicle) ? But then add it back when the player gets out... Tried it, but doesn't work : _type = "C_Offroad_01_F"; { if (typeOf _x isEqualTo _type) then { while { alive _x} do { if (!player in _x) then { _x addaction ["Hello","jack.sqf","",11, true, true, "", "_this distance _target < 3"]; } else { removeallactions _x; }; sleep 2; }; }; } foreach vehicles;
  9. _fnc_Hp = { _this select _i from 0 to 2 do { round (((_this * -100) + 100)); }; }; _all = [_won getHit "motor",_won getHit "palivo",_won getHit "karoserie"]; hint format ["%1", _all]; sleep 2; hint format ["%1", _all call _fnc_Hp]; How do I take the array _all containing [_won getHit "motor",_won getHit "palivo",_won getHit "karoserie"] through the function _fnc_Hp
  10. I get how it's working now, thank you Greenfist. That will be very handy indeed ! Thanks for the solution Heeeere's johnny!, it's a quick way to solve the problem.
  11. Thanks, I think I'll have to leave this problem for now...
  12. cybercoco

    Add background video

    Thank you very much Kaysio, that's nice !
  13. _fnc_Hp = { params ["_array", "_return", "_i"]; _return = []; _array select _i from 0 to 2 do { round (((_array * -100) + 100)); _return set [_i, _array]; }; _return; }; _all = [0,0,0]; _alldamage = [_all] call _fnc_Hp; // tested _all and [_all] and [0,0,0] hint format ["%1", _alldamage]; Tried with an array of [0,0,0], still doesn't work...
  14. It is already defined as the vehicle name...
  15. Thanks Davidoss, however the code doesn't work yet : _all outputs [0,0,0] _alldamage outputs [] _fnc_Hp = { params ["_array", "_return", "_i"]; _return = []; _array select _i from 0 to 2 do { round (((_array * -100) + 100)); _return set [_i, _array]; }; _return; }; _all = [_won getHit "motor",_won getHit "palivo",_won getHit "karoserie"]; _alldamage = [_all] call _fnc_Hp; // debugg hint format ["%1", _all]; sleep 2; hint format ["%1", _alldamage];
  16. Thank you very much, that's awesome !
  17. I think there are only three types of medic : "B_medic_F" "B_recon_medic_F" "B_G_medic_F" if ( (typeOf player == "B_medic_F") or (typeOf player == "B_recon_medic_F") or (typeOf == "B_G_medic_F") ) then {hint "I'm a medic"} else {hint "I'm not a medic"};
  18. Changed it, _x works, thanks Shuko ! { _x addaction [format ["<t>Title Here</t>"],"jack\jack.sqf","",11, true, true, "", "_this distance _target < 3"] } foreach vehicles; Just curious, do I do forEach ["C_Offroad_01_F"] if I want it for a particular type of vehicle ?
  19. cybercoco

    Spawn car with script

    Not tested, might as well not work ... _veh = createVehicle ["B_G_Offroad_01_F", getMarkerPos "markerName"]; _veh call compile format ["%1=_this select 0","vehicle1"]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal vehicle1; // clears all weapons clearMagazineCargoGlobal vehicle1; // clears all mags vehicle1 addWeaponCargoGlobal ["hgun_Rook40_F", 1]; // adds a gun -EDITED-
  20. My code doesn't work : { _this addaction [format ["<t>-Title Here-</t>"],"jack\jack.sqf", "", 11, "", "", "", "_this distance _target < 3"] } forEach vehicles;
  21. How nice is that ! Good work, I was looking for a Dijkstra Algorithm for Arma !
  22. Another test working, but I can't manage to delete the my_Awesome_Text with ctrlDelete ... with uiNamespace do { my_awesome_progressBar = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscProgress", -1]; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; my_awesome_progressBar progressSetPosition 0; my_awesome_progressBar ctrlCommit 0; [ "TIMER", "onEachFrame", { params[ "_start", "_end" ]; _progress = linearConversion[ _start, _end, time, 0, 1 ]; (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_progressBar") progressSetPosition _progress; with uiNamespace do { my_awesome_text = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscStructuredText", -1]; my_awesome_text ctrlSetPosition [ 0.345, 0.3 ]; //ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,0.1]; //[0.5,0.1]; // my_awesome_text ctrlCommit 0; my_awesome_text ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format["%1%2", round(100*_progress), "%"]; }; // ctrlDelete (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_text"); if ( _progress > 1 ) then { [ "TIMER", "onEachFrame" ] call BIS_fnc_removeStackedEventHandler; ctrlDelete (uiNamespace getVariable "my_awesome_progressBar"); hint "FINISHED"; }; }, [ time, time + 20 ] ] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler; }; Basically, this code outputs a % value and repeat the progress to 100%, the values overlay on each other !
  23. cybercoco

    Spawn car with script

    Thanks for the trick ;)
  24. cybercoco

    Spawn car with script

    Plus, that doesn't do anything bad to the code, might as well leave it...