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Everything posted by Midnighters

  1. Midnighters

    BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia in dedicated

    Why do people still use the mp function? It's definitely going to slow down your mission especially if you're running more scripts on top of that.
  2. Well what exactly is causing the unit to switch modes? Combat?
  3. drawIcon map display number is 12. Take a look at the first example and you'll get a pretty good idea as to how to do this.
  4. are the territories identified as "territory1" or "territory1.sqf" in script. I'm not quite sure what your full setup is like here, just throwing ideas out there.
  5. Midnighters

    Disable AI for Playable Units

    setPlayable I highly doubt this command is working, but who knows it's worth a shot since the docs don't necessarily update this kind of stuff very often.
  6. Midnighters

    Closing EG Spectator Menu

    Or just find the display in which the spectator menu is set on and use closeDisplay
  7. setDriveOnPath this may work better than just adding a waypoint, never tested it though.
  8. Question is: Do you have disableChannels [] = {}; in your description.ext? is the radio channel enabled in script? have you enabled it for the player? (IE : in the local init enabling voice and text for that channel) enableChannel
  9. Has anyone started a ticket yet?
  10. I dare you to think that one over. The plethora of commands added to allow for more creativity since the alpha has been astounding. There are a lot of different mission editing commands that work just fine and there are many ways to do the same exact thing. HELL, if you don't like the solution then make up your own solution to the problem. IE if a function isn't working then write a new function that works.
  11. Midnighters

    Huge FPS drop while online

    Well is this happening consistently or is it random? It could be something with the mission you are playing. However, huge usage on the drives wether or not it's the game drive or a work drive of such (in my experience) can cause mass fluctuations in fps during run time. Check out some of your settings like antialiasing and try turning it down a bit to see if it still keeps dropping.
  12. Midnighters

    Walking on moving decks

    Just because Dayz uses it doesn't mean the people who work on Arma can just scoop it up and use it. Plus, they'd need to do a project revamp in order for their previous assets with the RV engine to be compatible. Since I believe enfusion works on a totally different level than PhysX
  13. Midnighters

    Walking on moving decks

    Enfusion supposedly is entirely different. Not sure what the truth is thogh.
  14. Midnighters

    Walking on moving decks

    "Arma 4" What a laugh. I mean, it may happen. But.
  15. Why is the code being ran constantly? while {true} do { }; ? It'd make sense to set the texture initially, and then maybe wait for respawn in the case of the texture being reset upon respawn.
  16. Awesome job. This looks cool.
  17. As far as I know, backpacks in a ammo inventory are just represented visually until the need to pull them physically. So it shouldn't be too hard to find out the different types in a given ammo crate.
  18. Maybe limit Zeus's powers and add more progression to it?
  19. Midnighters

    Data Terminal

    Wow, interesting observation. Wouldn't have known the different colors for each phase. I would only assume the final color would be just in one RGBA or RGB format.
  20. Midnighters

    Data Terminal

    Gotcha, the params confused me at first.
  21. Midnighters

    Arma 3 scripting questions.

    Initialization Order Event Scripts The description.ext is reserved for properties that are written in the mission, for things like respawning and sound configuration. Not scripts. Remember, init.sqf will run at mission start. So it really depends on when you want to load this. Off the top of my head you can do something like this: Player Initializes > start script and start counting Server Initializes > Start the script on all players in server (JIP issues will definitely occur). Depending on how the script operates you may or may not want to run it in the init.sqf, so do some investigating. "call compile" is basically "[] execVM". so in your init.sqf : [yourRequiredParamsHere] call compile "scripts\myScriptFolder\bulletick.sqf";
  22. Midnighters

    Data Terminal

    @pierremgi the second parameter (number) is for the color correct? (BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate)
  23. Instead of allowing the command to grab the weapons for you why not just do it manually. Because I believe for all the command cares, the weapons could be of any size and any attachment. You should be able to just index the weapons from the backpack
  24. I personally hate the way players use Zeus. I think it's become too much of a instant gratification tool.
  25. Midnighters

    Arma 3 scripting questions.

    check your directory. where is the initialization script? if you place a script in then you need to execute it like this: call compile "\scripts\myScripts\aScript.sqf";