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  1. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    Ok..i tried lots of combination where put code in initPlayerLocal.....still not working menu on roll mouse. Any idea why? :) Damnn... Here is my initPlayerLocal.sqf: //Executed locally when player joins mission (includes both mission start and JIP). See initialization order for details about when the script is exactly executed. //[player:Object, didJIP:Boolean] //FirePlace [] execVM "fire.sqf"; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { deleteVehicle ((_this select 1) getVariable ['mycampfire',objNull]); [] execVM "fire.sqf"; }]; waitUntil { !isNil {player} }; waitUntil { player == player }; params ["_player","_jip"]; _name = name _player; if (_name == "headlessclient") exitwith {}; if (_name == "HCSlot") exitwith {}; #include "Code\Shared_Arrays.hpp" swing = false; titleText[format ["%1 ","-= " + missionName + " =-\n\nBY\n-=Bombajack=-"], "BLACK FADED" , 100]; sleep 1; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _player addeventhandler ["HandleDamage",{ params ["_man","_hitSelection","_damage","_shooter","_projectile","_hitPartIndex","_instigator","_hitPoint"]; _my_grp = group _man; _his_grp = group _instigator; _newdamage = ((getAllHitPointsDamage _man) select 2); if (_my_grp == _his_grp) then { //_man setDamage [0, false]; _man setDamage 0; _lastdamage = _man getVariable ["MY_DAMAGE",[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]]; _z = 0; {_man setHitIndex [_z, _x];_z = _z + 1} foreach _lastdamage; _newdamage = ((getAllHitPointsDamage _man) select 2); }; _man setVariable ["MY_DAMAGE",_newdamage,false]; } ]; [_player] execVM "IniDBi\Player_Start.sqf"; keyDown_EHId = ["",0,false,false,false]; [] execVM "briefing.sqf"; waituntil {!isnull (finddisplay 46)}; //--------------------------------------------------------------- (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown",{ keyDown_EHId = _this; if (vehicle player == player) then { if ((_this select 1) == 59) then { if (((player distance cursorTarget) < 5) && (leader cursorTarget == player)) then {player action ["Gear", cursorTarget]}; }; }; }]; //----------------------------------------------- (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "keyDown_EHId = [(keyDown_EHId select 0),(keyDown_EHId select 1),false,false,false]"]; //----------------------------------------------- (findDisplay 46)displayAddEventHandler["MouseButtonDown",{ _anim = ["AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_start","AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_throw","AwopPercMstpSgthWnonDnon_end"]; if((animationState player in _anim) or (stance player == "PRONE") or (currentWeapon player != "")) exitWith {}; MouseDown_EHId = _this; if (!(dialog) && !(swing)) then { if (str(MouseDown_EHId) == "[Display #46,0,0.5,0.5,false,false,false]") then { _wep = if !(isnil {player getVariable "MELEE"}) then [{player getVariable "MELEE"},{""}]; _delay = 2.5; switch (_wep) do { case "zk_axe": { [player] spawn chopfAxe; }; case "zk_shovel": { [player] spawn chopSvl; }; case "zk_hammer": { [player] spawn chopHam; }; case "zk_knife": { [player] spawn stabKnf;_delay = 1; }; case "zk_wrench": { [player] spawn chopWrn; }; default { swing = false; }; }; _delay spawn {swing = true;sleep _this;swing = false;}; }; }; }]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //[hud, info, radar, compass, direction, menu, group, cursors, squadRadar] showHUD [true,true,true,true,true,true,true,true,false]; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- player addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { _islocked = 0; _tents = nearestObjects [player,["Land_TentA_F","NMIB_Plot_Workbench"], 4]; if (count _tents > 0) then { _uid = getPlayerUID player; _tent = (_tents select 0); _tent_uid = if !(isnil {_tent getVariable "OWNER"}) then [{_tent getVariable "OWNER"},{[]}]; if (_uid != _tent_uid) then {_islocked = 1}; if (_islocked == 1) then { {if ((_x select 0) == _tent_uid) exitwith {_islocked = 0}} foreach (player getvariable "FRIENDS"); }; }; if (locked (_this select 1) == 2) then { _islocked = 1; }; if (locked (_this select 1) == 3) then { _islocked = 0; }; if (_islocked == 1) then { _inv = (nearestObjects [player, ["GroundWeaponHolder","WeaponHolderSimulated","WeaponHolder"], 3]); if (count _inv > 0) then {deletevehicle (_inv select 0)}; _VEH = (_this select 1); _vehname = if (!isnil {(_VEH getVariable "WHOSVEH")}) then [{(_VEH getVariable "WHOSVEH")},{""}]; if ((name player) != _vehname) then { vehicleorders_PD = [_VEH,"alarm",[]]; if !(isserver) then {publicVariableServer "vehicleorders_PD";}; }; }; }]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [] execVM "Code\Missions_Arrays\No_Fuel.sqf"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Color waitUntil {alive player}; [] execVM "GF_ColorCorrections\GF_ColorCorrections.sqf"; //Breath [] execVM "GF_Breath\GF_Breath.sqf"; #include "AL_strigoi\functions.hpp" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////// Blowout /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _bul = [] execVM "Addons\Blowout\module\blowout_client.sqf";
  2. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    I use your code what you represent here..
  3. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    So i try it today...fire cant be placed..still write "You need matches and wood..." but i have it in inventory...any idea whats wrong?
  4. Hello. I need help with this code...need change (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) for arma III command for switch 3rd to 1st in combat mode (if you fire or if fire on you) MP compatible. Thank you. //////////////////////// if (!isDedicated) then { waitUntil {!isNull (findDisplay 46)}; if ((difficultyOption "thirdPersonView")==1) then { while {true} do { waitUntil {cameraView == "EXTERNAL" || cameraView == "GROUP"}; if (ExileClientPlayerIsInCombat) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; }; sleep 2; }; }; };
  5. Hello. Im using map Chernarus2035.There is too much garbage on roads and i need delete it. Is it possible with some script or in editor?I saw tutorial how delete object from map in editor but i need all same on map. Thank you.
  6. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    And will be visible my fire for others players?
  7. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    Hello. This is better called from init or initServer? [] execVM "fireplace.sqf"; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", { deleteVehicle ((_this select 1) getVariable ['mycampfire',objNull]); [] execVM "fireplace.sqf"; }];
  8. Working it perfect! Thank you
  9. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    Nice!Thx!Ill try tomorrow on server
  10. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    Items are : zk_matches , zk_wood And yes,remove it from inv. Thx!
  11. bombajack

    [RELEASE] Camp fire

    Hi...nice script. Have question. 1.Is possible implement some items what you need for place fire? Ex.: If you have matches and wood then you can place fire. 2.is it MP compatible? Thank you.
  12. Win server...mods are:zk_items,zk_ibuild,Chernarus2035,CUP terrains core....servermod Is inidb2
  13. Hello. I used on my server 4 mods+1 server mod.I tried add Zombies And Demons mod,add some modul in editor and start server.But server have this error and cant read mission. Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. ryanzombiesfunctions My start parameters are: -mod=@mod1;@mod2;mod3;mod4;@zombies -servermod=@inidb2 ... Can someone help me with this?
  14. Thank you.I will test and give feedback..?