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Everything posted by draoth

  1. Hey thanks for your reply, i kinda know how to use remotexec in some cases, but using it with addaction to pass a argument to a different script is beyond me. I've been trying some things since you've posted this but it has all been trash so far. [[[_veh,_pass,_AI],_veh,["Please stop here.",{Stop.sqf}]]] remoteExec ["addAction", 0, true]; This is something i've tried but it's probably rubbish
  2. Thanks guys, the murderous AI drivers can't hurt me no more! I still wish someone at Bohemia Interactive will notice that their, oh so friendly civilians aren't as friendly as they seem and correct their behavior once and for all ;)
  3. Hello everyone, I'm creating a mission where there are alot of AI driving around with waypoints and when the civilian driver comes across my walking OPFOR player he always tries to hit them with their vehicle. Is this because of the current waypointbehaviour: "Aware" , or because of the relation between Civilian and Opfor, or is it just the pathfinding? Draoth
  4. Oh that's a bummer, do you perhaps know a way to disable vehicle ramming damage with a script? Or do you have any idea what i should look for?
  5. Thanks, do you have links for those scrips you named?
  6. Hello everyone, I've got multiple playable units and have some scripts that include those units. But i want the script to ignore that part when no one is playing with them. I've tried this: if (unit1 != nil) then { //Very cool script that includes unit1 }; Any efficient way to do this?
  7. Thanks, but it doesn't seem to work. When i use this there are no error messages and it just doesn't do anything sadly.
  8. Thanks man, will try it out if @Grumpy Old Man doesn't have a simpler solution :).
  9. I hope so, i'm all in for a simple approach ;) This script i'm trying to make checks if one of the two guys is near a car and makes the car stop and take take them for a ride. I just want to make the script work if a player joins man2 instead of man1. It should also work on man1 if man2 is also playing and vice versa. This here is the whole "hitchhiking" script for anyone who needs more context:
  10. Thanks, and what if i want to use a "unit1" and "unit2" in for example, a waituntil? waituntil {unit1 distance _veh <10 || unit2 distance _veh <10};
  11. Hey, I'm trying to globally execute a script. but i get an error. Script i use to execute: Script i'm executing: Error: I hope anyone can help me
  12. Thank you man, i will checkout the links! Have a good day
  13. Ok, everything works with BIS_fnc_mp. But since it's unstable and laggy, how can i use remoteExec and still pass my arguments? I tried: [_veh,_AI,_AI2,_AI3,_wp,_pass] "hitchhiking.sqf" remoteExec ["execVM", 0]; but it doesn't seem to work. (no errors but script doesn't work)
  14. Thanks man. I'm just a guy with almost no scripting experience and i'm not a native english speaker so i don't know all the technical terms. No need to act so clever ;)
  15. Oops, i've copied the wrong one. I was really desperate so i tried multiple variations of the code to make it work. The correct one is BIS_fnc_mp instead of spawn. Do you believe this will work on a script that has been filtered by isserver? That would be even better since BIS_fnc_mp kills your framerate if you use it alot.
  16. Hello everyone I'm trying to create a mission where vehicles are constantly driving in the area of the players. I've accomplished it by creating a random vehicle min. 1000m and max. 2000m away from the player. This vehicle then gets a random waypoint somewhere on the map, but this means that they can drive away from the player and they won't even see it making it useless. So is there a way i can make it so the random waypoint will always be sorta crossing the player? (The player just has too hear/see it) If anyone has an idea how i could make this that would be great! Here's a little illustration if my explanation was too vague.
  17. _Spawnlocation = _this select 0; //Starting location _Location = player getpos [1.2 * (_Spawnlocation distance2D player),player getRelDir _spawnlocation] ; _Road = [_Location, 1000, []] call BIS_fnc_nearestRoad; _Destination = getPos _Road; This should be correct right?
  18. That's exactly what i need. Thank you for being so active on this forum. I like to learn scripting just by doing something out of the box and figuring out what i need for it. But sometimes i can't seem to figure it out by myself. Thanks again Pierre.
  19. First of all, Thanks everybody for helping me. So if i read this right (I probably didn't), this will create a destination that will be somewhere around the player. But i'd like if the car just drives somewhere trough the 1km area around the player to get to his waypoint that is further away. I'm not that familiar with the vectorFromTo so can you explain how it works? Thanks for your time but this is also not exactly what i meant either. I'd like the vehicle to drive past the player but just to get for example to the other side of the island. (And despawn when it's 3km away from it) I want to make this script so it feels like Altis is populated. Forgive me if i'm just an idiot that doesn't understand what you guys just wrote down, but i'm trying to learn so every explanation is very useful for me to learn.
  20. The Vehicle currently spawns on a road segment minimal 1km away from the player and the driver has a waypoint with safe behaviour on it leading tot a random location on the map.
  21. Hello everyone i'm trying to create a unit that spawns in a vehicle and goes to a random location. But when i spawn the unit with createvehicle it won't move... *I tried waypoints and domove* I've done a lot of trial and error and can't figure it out. It's probably something very stupid since i'm not that familiar with scripTing in general. this is my code that is being called with an addaction: _Location = [] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _Road = [_Location, 1000, []] call BIS_fnc_nearestRoad; _Destination = getPos _Road; _group = createGroup civilian; _AI = nil; _AI2 = nil; _AI3 = nil; _Pass = selectrandom [1,2,3]; _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _VEHChoose = selectRandom ["C_Offroad_01_F","C_Offroad_01_repair_F","C_Truck_02_covered_F","C_Truck_02_transport_F","C_Hatchback_01_F","C_Hatchback_01_sport_F","C_SUV_01_F","C_Van_01_transport_F","C_Van_01_box_F","C_Van_01_fuel_F","C_Offroad_02_unarmed_F"]; _veh = createVehicle [_VEHChoose, position Pris1, [], 0,""]; //Add passengers _AI = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI doMove (_Destination); _AI enableSimulation true; if (_Pass > 1) then { _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _AI2 = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI2 setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI2 enableSimulation true; }; if (_Pass > 2) then { _AIChoose = selectRandom ["C_man_1","C_man_polo_1_F_euro","C_man_polo_6_F_euro","C_Nikos_aged","C_Nikos_aged","C_man_sport_1_F_afro"]; _AI3 = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _AI3 setBehaviour "Aware"; _AI3 enableSimulation true; }; //Add Movein _AI moveInAny _veh; if (_Pass > 1) then { _AI2 moveInAny _veh; }; if (_Pass > 2) then { _AI3 moveInAny _veh; }; I hope someone can help me with this rookie problem. Draoth
  22. Thanks guys! I lol'd at the wax museum. Have a good day!
  23. Hey panther thanks for your response, I want to create the vehicle with a random amount of units in it. And i don't want them to look the same so i went with createUnit I switched this line : _AI = createVehicle [_AIChoose, position Pris1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; With this line : _AI = _group2 createUnit ["_AIChoose", position Pris1, [], 0, "FORM"]; But now they won't even appear. It doesn't even throw an error. Any idea what i'm doing wrong?: or is there a better way to accomplish what i want to create? Draoth