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Everything posted by lucian

  1. We are using your performance.exe (1.54.133701) and we downgraded to extDB2 (66). Used version 68. Keeps crashing. Logs
  2. Change the mass of the Feldmuetzen please. 100 is to mutch. And maybe add a AGM/CSE/ACE action to switch between the feldmuetze with helmet and the helmet. I wrote a little addon for this. If you want i can sent it to you.
  3. Hi @ all, me and my community felt like there is a lag of light vehicles for the german armed forces in Arma 3 so I decided to port the G250 Wolf wich was original made for Arma 2 by Frankyman (AMT Addon). Of course i got the permission from Frankyman to use his 3D-Model. Currently i am having issues with the wheels boundary and axis. I simply dont get them to work as i want them to. So I hope I find a person who could help me with this project otherwise I am not abel to finish this project. Anyway here are some screenshots. http://fs2.directupload.net/images/150331/ry7dyio3.png (472 kB) http://abload.de/img/arma32015-04-0603-57-cms0p.png (1645 kB) http://abload.de/img/arma32015-04-0603-57-j3s57.png (1733 kB) I've decided to upload my project on GitHub so everyone can edit and test this stuff.
  4. lucian

    [WIP] G250 Wolf

    I've decided to upload my project on GitHub so everyone can edit and test this stuff.
  5. http://abload.de/img/arma32015-03-0819-33-11uec.png (1039 kB) http://abload.de/img/arma32015-03-0819-33-9zuie.png (1272 kB) I decided to do a retexture of the Officer Fatigues (Hex). The retextured uniform should repressend the service dress of the paratroppers of the german armed forces and were original created for my community 23.LLK. I am still having problems with the nohq and smdi textures because i dont realy know how they work. So if someone could help me with them would be nice. License: German armed forces service dress by Lucian is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Required Mods: @BWA3 Changelog v0.6 - added service dresses for: - Feldjäger, - Heeresaufklärungstruppe, - Jäger, - Gebirgsjägertruppe, - Logistiktruppe, - Panzertruppe v0.5 - first release Dowload ArmA3.de Mega
  6. Update Added new Uniforms with different "Litzen" colors. Changelog v0.6 - added service dresses for: - Feldjäger, - Heeresaufklärungstruppe, - Jäger, - Gebirgsjägertruppe, - Logistiktruppe, - Panzertruppe Dowload: Mega Or first post.
  7. @Miller Thanks for your Support, the berets arent black they are bordeaux red and the original paratrooper berets made by the bwmod. Maybe it look light black because of the Light. If u want i could write a little bit more about the mod in german. -Lucian
  8. @ Foxhound & kecharles28 ty for your support. @ gabravo2005 i think i took the screenshots at the airport of the map Fallujah.
  9. Only Hellcats asfar as i know by removing them :) Ty for help :)
  10. So any idea how to fix ? or does we have to w8 untill bi fixed it ?
  11. Nothing to find in this addons with the name bmp.p3d
  12. @cuel me and my clan currently cant play any map which is based on AIA... We are getting error message "Cannot open object bmp.p3d" by loading it on server or editor. Could someone tell me where i can find the p3d file in the mod so i could fix it.
  13. lucian

    Hafm nh90 wip

    Could you upload and post the .psd files if u created the textures in photoshop ?