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Everything posted by bullsh

  1. bullsh

    Chechen Volunteers Unit

    Wait... PWS says this is a mod for ArmA 3, but on the forum it's posted under ArmA 2 :/ please, which one is it?
  2. bullsh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    If this is only version, does that mean you'll be adding approximately 2,5 times more equipment and/or models, or will it be mostly finetuning, bug fixing and only small additions from now on?
  3. bullsh

    [WIP] Rhodesia Bush War

    You seem to be very motivated which probably means this'll be a good quality mod, so I can't wait! Will you also be adding new models or texture of uniforms, or will you stick with making maps?
  4. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    How much of the work for the initial release you'd say is finished now? And will the mod be compatible with ACE2?
  5. St. George's ribbon is a Russian patriotic symbol dating from Imperial times, dedicated to a christian saint. I know the ribbon was sometimes awarded in the Soviet Union from 1941 onwards (albeit often under a different name), but the contemporary connotations with the St. George ribbon are Russian patriotism and loyalty to the Kremlin. I don't know any 'communist' groups who use the ribbon outside of Russian nationalists who uphold the Soviet Union, including the official Russian CP, and there is no way to make the ribbon compatible with communist ideology. I do support the idea of coloured armbands however. They wouldnt even need symbols imo, a red armband for the commies, black for the fascists and yellow/blue for the liberals would improve this mod a lot already.
  6. bullsh

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will you replace the vests of the guerrilla faction with custom models eventually?
  7. bullsh

    RoC Republic of China (Taiwan)

    Great mod, thanks a ton! Hope to see this expanded
  8. Hey everybody, I was wondering if there is a relatively simple way to use Virtual Arsenal to create your own custom squad/faction that is permanently available to you in the editor, without having to copy/paste all the loadouts again and again to individual units? Thanks in advance!
  9. bullsh

    3CB BAF Units

    Loving the mod so far! Will DPM camo be added at a later point as well, as to simulate the British or RUC troops in Northern Ireland? (Or possibly even the addition of IRA fighters in the future? :D )
  10. Did it ever come out? I would also like to point out Massi's new mod which presents visually more pleasing Altian rebels!
  11. Great, have been waiting for something like this since release!! Any plans on maybe adding red armbands to the commies or something like that?
  12. Looking good! Renewed Falklands/Malvinas conflict, here we come! If only somebody were to make an appropriate map... EDIT: btw, how many unique models does this mod add? The uniforms and helmets are new models or retextures?
  13. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    At the least rivalling RH Studio in quality I see! Which camouflage patterns can we expect?
  14. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Could we get a preview of the soldier models please??í ½í¸
  15. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Will you use the vanilla play models or will you create your own?
  16. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Impressive! Really excited to see another high quality mod in the making
  17. IMO, removing the absurd amount of night vision goggles on the AAF troops would already improve them as a believable modern faction loads.
  18. Sadly the new version isn't working for me! I can't start the campaign and an error comes up saying the description is missing or something?
  19. In the mission 'Death Valley', I can't seem to find the dead soldier that is supposed to have the UAV equipment?
  20. Great campaign, loved it so far! Only I got stuck at the part where you have to blow up the crashed helicopter, any suggestions? :/ (I'm using ACE3 btw, is that a problem?) One thing though, I noticed that especially around Camp Maxwell there are a lot of native Bohemia Interactive items and even soldiers, will they stay in this campaign?
  21. bullsh

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Mod is looking great!
  22. Maybe you could borrow the uniforms from the Ukraine and Novorossiya mod or await some of the gorkas RHS has planned? If not I'll respect your decision of course and I'm looking forward for release!
  23. Why not opt for FIA uniforms more akin' to the mix of outfits used by Ukrainian militias? A mix of whatever they got their hands on/got gifted to them?
  24. This is fantastic! Are there any plans to replace the AAF and guerrilla uniforms at a later time as well? Can't wait to play the release!
  25. Ah that's sad to hear! I hope progress will speeden once you find more time, I and surely many others would love to see this mod completed!