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Everything posted by mazix

  1. mazix

    Wrong color format

    Hello, i cant edit my mission with EDEN. RPT error: Wrong color format. What is it? How fix it?
  2. What is message? All server how i see write in log this. A lot of times... 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 23:32 not found (message Type_119) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 51:1 not found (message Type_119) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 40:9 not found (message Type_119) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 40:7 not found (message Type_119) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 6:4 not found (message Type_119) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 22:24 not found (message Type_91) 2016/01/28, 16:58:51 Server: Object 22:21 not found (message Type_91) After this: Streaming anim ... anim 1 Streaming anim ... anim 2 Streaming anim ... anim 1 Streaming anim ... anim 1 Error decompressing LZO: ... anim 1 After this and crash: ARTM Loaded 2740 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 3721 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 4702 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 5684 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 6667 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 7649 -> 103 | 103 ARTM Loaded 8630 -> 103 | 103 I think all problems with cyclical call animation in 1.54 version. Clien <-> Server For life server this repair, medical, restrain and etc. animation call in mission with function
  3. Hello, i cant normaly signatures files at my server. I use program DSUtils and after to check result all good, but on my server i get error "Wrong signature for file D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\@RevoOne\addons\rds_a2port_civ.pbo" I wanna protect my server and me need only one key for all addons. What I did wrong? Help please.
  4. Now create folder @ca/addons/ca.pbo and test game launch with check signs. I know how sign but servers show me error with bikey.
  5. It's doesn't work. I can just give this file. If u can sign, say me how. https://www.dropbox.com/s/arlevhgbuliwx4q/ca.pbo?dl=0
  6. I start with parameter "-checkSignatures" and i found error: 3:42:19 Signature C:\arma3server\@RevoOne\addons\rds_a2port_civ.pbo.test_v2.bisign is wrong. Err 0x20. Test FAILED! 3:42:19 Warning Message: Signature C:\arma3server\@RevoOne\addons\rds_a2port_civ.pbo.test_v2.bisign is wrong. Err 0x20. Test FAILED! 3:42:19 Signature tests for C:\arma3server\@RevoOne\addons\rds_a2port_cman.pbo.test_v2.bisign PASSED! 3:42:19 Signature tests for C:\arma3server\@RevoOne\addons\rhsusf_a2port_air.pbo.test_v2.bisign PASSED! How fix it? My config hostname = "SERVER_NAME";password = "fgasd"; passwordAdmin = "password"; logFile = "server_console.log"; // MOTD motd[] = { "Text", "Text" }; motdInterval = 60; // JOINING RULES checkfiles[] = {}; maxPlayers = 100; kickDuplicate = 1; verifySignatures = 2; equalModRequired = 0; timeStampFormat = "short"; // STEAM + BATTLEYE BattlEye = 1; // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 99999; voteThreshold = 999999; // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; // SECURITY onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; doubleIdDetected = "kick (_this select 0)"; // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 10; persistent = 1; // regularcheck = ""; // MISSIONS CYCLE class Missions { class ARMA3 { template = Misson.Altis; difficulty = "Regular"; }; }; what is wrong?
  7. Hello, how add this mode in my server, me need bikey. Where i can take?