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Everything posted by Levia

  1. Any idea if this implementation will be in 1.34 Helicopters DLC release?
  2. What, like player processing and distributing new positions, etc? No. HC is just another player that you can tell to execute a little bit more than other players. That's how you should see it.
  3. Waypoints and that still get lost sadly when transferred :( Could build a generic system around it where you define waypoints and skill separately (in a separate function) so you can restore it more easily on transfer. By adding an eventhandler Local to the spawned object you can determine when its locality changes and you can reinitialize waypoints etc. Obviously this could be a bit complicated when you have to do this on the HC - the server won't have the event handler then. Multiple ways to deal with that. Haha I've started Arma 3 scripting a while ago but never been on these forums. Figured I might aswell try and help people out. Most of this info comes from screwing around with the new HC in my own mission and the resources listed in this thread. The wiki was very useful but Monsoon's PDF even more so. As for locality, learned that from KillzoneKid's blog on Locality. Search on google for 'ArmA Scripting Tutorials: Locality' I would link you to each of the resources but I'm not allowed to yet apparently due to being a new member :)
  4. I can answer most of these for you :) Yes. Chances are windows will assign a different core automatically since the HC is simply a separate client and as far as windows is concerned a separate application alltogether. However, still best to set different cores so windows doesn't even attempt to run them on the same core. I think if you have a server that has enough cores and clock speed you can easily run the HC off of that one since it is likely the Arma 3 server isn't using all of your resources. Yes, ownership of all entities in multiplayer get transferred to the server immediately upon a disconnect. This goes for players aswell (HC is simply a hidden 'player').