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Everything posted by TedHo

  1. 1. It is possible to make your own support script. You can get the coordinates of where player is aiming at with _pos = screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]; This would return a 3D position array [x,y,z] in meters. You could convert that to 2D map coordinates. If you want to support designating locations on the map, use the onMapSingleClick eventhandler. 2. It might be possible to modify the vanilla module. You can use function viewer to get the functions used by the support module and modify that.
  2. In my experience getting choppers to land using triggers and waypoints only works 50% of the time. If the chopper comes under contact it might decide to ignore all waypoints until contact is dead. With that said, this should not be a problem when you're not expecting contact. It might be easier to use BIS_fnc_unitCapture and BIS_fnc_unitPlay for scripted helicopter flights. If you need dynamic pickups and landings at random locations and must therefore use waypoints, maybe it would help to use {this disableAI _x} forEach ["TARGET","AUTOTARGET","FSM","AUTOCOMBAT"] on the pilot to prevent combat behavior.
  3. For unconscious units, _unit getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", false] will return true. You can probably do "_unit allowDamage false" as soon as this variable returns true, and "_unit allowDamage true" as soon as it returns false. I would suggest against using "handleDamage" event handlers because they tend to be overridden by ACE. ACE does not have a lot of scripting documentation right now, but you can view the source code on Github https://github.com/acemod/ACE3
  4. Turning ON "Prevent instant death" in the ACE medical module in the editor should do it. If not, ACE might be running into some conflict with a script in your mission or your modset. Try testing that without additional mods in a simple mission, if you're still having troubles, I would recommend reporting this to the ACE team.
  5. If I understood correctly, you're trying to change the dispalyName of inventory items in the inventory menu? It might be possible to do without addons, but solutions would be VERY, VERY clumsy. It might be easier to make your own inventory menu if you want to implement functionalities like that. Even then it's not a trivial task. If you really want to do this I would suggest looking at the vanilla inventory menu GUI config, clone it, and make changes to that. But it's probably more trouble than it's worth.
  6. I think the pre-eden way to do this (by script) would be: _weapon = "arifle_katiba_f"; //Class name of weapon _pos = [0,0,0]; //position of the weapon _holder = "Library_WeaponHolder" createVehicle _pos; _holder addWeaponCargoGlobal [_weapon,1]; It might be possible to get the exact coordinates for "_pos" from EDEN.
  7. Another alternative is canMove, which actually detects wheel/engine damage but is unaffected by hull/peripheral damage.
  8. It would be interesting if the command still works for existing CfgAchievements entries. Being able to define custom achievements would be cool.
  9. Your mod list seems fine, and whichever launcher should not be a problem. The first mission is "Green Zone" and the second is "Bear Over the Mountain". You should not be able to see mission 02 before completing m01. Yes that could be it. In the future I'll make sure all init scripts are done in the loading screen for slower CPUs to catch up. For now you could try waiting for the script to complete before continuing, but I would suggest waiting for a fix. Running through a mission with performance issues like that can be quite painful.
  10. { if (side _x == west && handgunweapon _x == "hgun_P07_F") then { _x setAmmo [handgunweapon _x, 1]; }; } forEach playableUnits;
  11. I don't know.. could you put up a list of all the mods you have activated including any nonrequired mods? This is most likely a CPU performance issue as the typing should have been completed way before you get in the truck. The init scripts can be quite CPU intensive. Would you mind sharing you PC specs? CPU RAM and GPU should suffice. I'll try to optimize things for lower specs.
  12. It's a good point. The thing with RHS is it's lack of cold-war era weapons (AK-74s/RPK-74s), and VTN does an amazingly detailed job with the weapons. If the mod requirements turn out to be a deal breaker for people I'll just make nonessential mods optional. We'll see in a couple of months before release.
  13. Yeah, ACE's damage eventhandlers would override the mission's. Thanks for reporting.
  14. Hmm... That's strange. I've set it up so that essential teammates can only be damaged by player. Are you sure it wasn't friendly fire? Otherwise are you using any additional mods?
  15. I think KK meant: Either use a string: ["A3_intro_video.ogv", "What a beautiful day."] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard; Or nothing for the second parameter: ["A3_intro_video.ogv"] spawn BIS_fnc_titlecard;
  16. TedHo

    Stop Side changing ?

    Each player has a unique uid (tied to either their computer or steam account, I'm not quite sure which). See getPlayerUID. Perhaps upon disconnect you can store a player's uid and side on server missionNamespace, and upon reconnect kill/warn the player if they switches side. Variables stored in missionNamespace are reset upon mission restart so it should work.
  17. private [_x,_r]; needs to be: private ["_x","_r"]; private only accepts variable names as strings.
  18. _unit assignCurator _curatorModule; //_unit is the unit you want to set as curator //_curatorModule is the name of your Zeus module assignCurator needs to be executed on server in order to take effect. So if you're running multiplayer on a dedicated server: [_unit, _curatorModule] remoteExec ["assignCurator",2];
  19. TedHo

    Local AI Voices

    Hello Connor! Try this: enableSentences false; It disables all voice communications except those created by kbTell.
  20. TedHo

    Switch weapon to hands.

    player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 99];
  21. You need RscFrame for the border. You can define it in your .hpp file or you can create it on-the-fly using ctrlCreate. Then use one of these commands to change the color of the frame. I'm not sure which one works on RscFrame so it might be good to try it out. ctrlSetTextColor ctrlSetBackgroundColor ctrlSetActiveColor
  22. I think the issue is that setVelocity, setVectorDir and setVectorUp only takes local arguments. But they have global effect so you would only need to execute unitPlay once wherever the object is local. I think we might be going off topic since karl1206 is probably working on an SP mission?
  23. TedHo

    Mission Performance

    I stand corrected. Sorry about the misinformation.