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Everything posted by Meiestrix

  1. I mean scenarios like in the 2D Editor. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/2D_Editor#Merge
  2. Meiestrix

    Robin DR 400

    Someone else noticed, that you will explode if you roll fast and turn hard to the left / right?
  3. Oh forgot to change the language. Yes I mean this part. Just notices that the first error is different. https://www.dropbox.com/s/u459rr1jvue1zv7/C-Ram%20RPT%20Spam.JPG?dl=0
  4. Thanks for your answer. Looks like there was something wrong with my mod setup. Now there are hints and chat massages and the C-RAM is aiming and firing in the direction of the round. But there are hundreds of script errors and the C-RAM is not able to destroy the round. http://pastebin.com/HF08ULDf This is only a small part of the rpt, but it always repeats. In my case the rpt has over 100000 lines in 20 seconds with this repeating error. Looks like the error stops when the mortar round hits the ground.
  5. Meiestrix

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    I have found some Bugs in the latest release. Testet with dev build in the eden editor. - The siren sound is still playing when the vehicle is destructed - At night the light of the siren reflects in the windshield and you cant see the road https://www.dropbox.com/s/q3je2gjx0mz4xsb/arma3%202016-02-15%2016-00-50.jpg?dl=0 - Sometimes there are to much tires in the GAZ https://www.dropbox.com/s/1aw6w09dsqezuh3/arma3%202016-02-15%2016-25-20.jpg?dl=0
  6. Meiestrix

    Robin DR 400

    Someone else have the problem, that the texture for the destructed / damaged plane is missing? Tested on a multiplayer server. 3:24:45 Warning Message: Cannot load texture e:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\arma 3 tools\sab_robindr400\data\destruct_surface.paa. 23:24:45 Warning Message: Cannot load texture e:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\arma 3 tools\sab_robindr400\data\destr_glass_armour2_half_ca.paa. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xqlfdq2wm8li2h0/arma3%202016-02-14%2023-25-35.jpg?dl=0
  7. Meiestrix

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Yes, same here. The sounds are way to loud.
  8. Meiestrix

    Robin DR 400

    Hi, I really like this plane. Thanks for your work. I only noticed the bugs you have already said. - The instruments - The Sabre typical tilting to the front :D There is something else I noticed but it isnt really a bug. When you have two passengers in the back, they sit inside each other. https://www.dropbox.com/s/3o86z0l0xn4e3cn/arma3%202016-02-13%2012-46-32.jpg?dl=0
  9. Meiestrix

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    Oh, yeah it makes sense. The problem will fix itself with the next arma update. There are no informations on the front page that this release is for dev brench / next arma version, but now i know. :)
  10. Meiestrix

    RDS A2 Civilian Pack

    There is a RPT Error, directly after starting arma, with the latest release: Error in expression <_t = time +15; private _c = true; if(_d getRelDir _v > 180)then{_d setDir (getDi> 1:21:51 Error position: <getRelDir _v > 180)then{_d setDir (getDi> 1:21:51 Error missing ) 1:21:51 File rds_a2port_civ\scripts\spareWheel.sqf, line 43 1:21:51 Error in expression <_t = time +15; private _c = true; if(_d getRelDir _v > 180)then{_d setDir (getDi> 1:21:51 Error position: <getRelDir _v > 180)then{_d setDir (getDi> 1:21:51 Error missing ) 1:21:51 File rds_a2port_civ\scripts\spareWheel.sqf, line 43
  11. Here is a little test: Also there is a texture failure at mission start. The texture of the missile tube is broken.
  12. Meiestrix

    Fantasy Air Allegro 2000

    Hi, thanks for this release. I have noticed that there is some strange bug in your planes. After a landing the plane starts to wobble to the left and right, like here in the video. This also happens with other planes for example the camels. In this situation I have landed the plane on the field with stopped engine. Also there is a graphics glitch in the instruments.
  13. Hm okay, thanks anyway.
  14. I want to use a radio to play music in the FOB at mission start. For example a 1 hour long music file. When somone connects to the server, the file always starts at the beginning. So the clients all hear different music because they are not in the same "position" of the music file.
  15. Hi, does someone know if it is possible to limit the hearing range of CBA_fnc_globalSay3D? At the moment I am using the command playSound3D to play a radio sound, which is able to limit the hearing range, but the problem is that the music is not in sync between the clients. When a client joins the music always starts at the beginning. I think I am looking for something like CBA_fnc_playSound3D but this command does not exist in CBA.
  16. Tanks for the update. Can you explain how to use the C-RAM against incoming mortar? When i place them with zeus they just attack CSAT helicopters and vehicles, but they dont fire at incoming mortar rounds.
  17. Meiestrix

    Fantasy Air Allegro 2000

    Thanks for this plane :) When flying the plane from the lastest release i have noticed that the plane is constantly tilting down, even with full flaps. Maybe this will help you with the working instrumens. Its old but maybe it will help. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/92539-open-source-air-vehicles-instruments-gauges/
  18. Meiestrix

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    I am not sure. I think it was somewhere in the mountains south of Abdera. It would be nice if you could use the functions of this mod with the Zeus interface.
  19. Meiestrix

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Okay I think there is still a problem with the opening of the parachute. When you drop off a full transport pod with 16 soldiers in it, on a large hill, the parachute opens too late and the pod crashes into the ground.
  20. Meiestrix

    JSRS4 - APEX 1.2

    Nice mod thanks for the release. If have just one question. Is it normal that your explosives nearly all have the same sound, or are some sounds just placeholder? For example i could not tell the difference if there was a explosion of a big IED or a claymor.
  21. Meiestrix

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Yes I know. I just wanted to tell you that is is possible to build your modified script with the addon builder, because I did and it looks like everythind works fine.
  22. Meiestrix

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Thanks zebra1993, Your changes are working :) You just have to make small changes to use this code for a mod version.
  23. Hi does someone know if there is a command to enable a object as a manual vehicle rearming object? I want to use a big crate instead a HEMTT Rearm in my base, for manual vehicle rearming.
  24. Hi, I have a problem with my 5.1 sound setup in Arma 3. I am using a AV-Receiver ( Denon AVR-X1100W ) which is connected via S/PDIF to my Asus Z-97 Pro ( Realtek ALC1150 ). The Realtek driver is set to the optical output as the default sound device and the output type is set to DTS Interactive ( 5.1 Surround ). My receiver shows that there is a DTS signal incomming but there is just stereo 2.0 sound in Arma 3. Is there any way to tell Arma that there is a 5.1 sound configuration? After a little research I found this ticket on the feedback tracker. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=18371 Is this problem still not fixed?
  25. Meiestrix

    XENO - Taru Pod Mod

    Does someone else have the problem, that JNS Skycranes is not combatible anymore? Also when you detach a pot again on a rope, the ropes are very short. See here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ktjwdju2yk2yab1/arma3%202015-11-01%2014-12-35.png?dl=0