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Everything posted by snippers

  1. ACE3 spectator automatically calls the setSpectator function so you shouldn't need to do anything further to make it work. Officially ACRE only supports push-to-talk, results with voice activation may vary. Check out - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/signal-lossIt's possible that this is intended behaviour you may wish to disable some aspects of the radio signal simulation. There is also a possibility you have encountered a bug in which case filing a ticket on our bug tracker would be helpful - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues You need to ensure that the spectator system you are using makes a call to the ACRE api (F3/ACE3 do this automatically).
  2. I am not too familiar with EG spectator, but that looks fine to me.
  3. This feature requires using a mission/spectator system that uses the ACRE2 setSpectator function - http://acre.idi-systems.com/api/api_general.html#acre_api_fnc_setSpectator The ACE3/F3 spectator systems do this. The vanilla (endgame) spectator does not.
  4. I'd recommend giving this ACRE2 wiki page a bit of a read on how the signal system works (the model can be customised to a degree as well)- http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/signal-loss In principle the direction matters but the antennas in use are pretty good at radiating in every direction. What tends to cause signal loss is when there is a height difference between yourself and another person with the radio (assuming everyone is standing up). Particularly if they are directly above/below you.
  5. If it were true that the unit moves with the camera the behaviour would be the same as in TFAR. ACRE uses the player position for direct speech (unless spectator mode is active in which case it uses the camera). Just did a simple test with a virtual zeus unit and 'getPos player' remains constant as I move the camera around. Nope, it's a feature. If you wish to talk with people out of game simply disable your plugin and make sure they have it disabled too. ACRE tends to mute players that are far ingame (This saves bandwidth as the TS server doesn't send you voice data for muted clients). If people tend to leave midgame there's a good chance they will remain locally muted. What this setting does is if you the ACRE2 plugin loaded it will automatically unmute anyone that joins your channel on teamspeak or when you move channels. ---- Just a reminder our ticket tracker is here - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issuesYou are best off filing bug reports there. Including RPTs/description and mission files goes a long way in helping us!
  6. Hi gatehead, thanks for the detailed report. Certainly helps! I have never heard of this happening which is really strange. My gut is telling me this is something to do with the dlls hanging which is really weird. This doesn't seem normal at all, does this issue persist even after a full PC restart? There sure are a lot of 'possibilities' for better zeus tools. I can imagine some users wanting to be able to hear players from the zeus camera as you mention (to be technically correct it the zeus entity remains in place, it is the camera that moves) and others may not want this. I can also see some wanting the ability to communicate from zeus to zeus to coordinate (which can be achieved by having two zeues next each other and talking on direct as long as they dont remote control units). The reality is there are several desirable usecases here. The proper way to make everyone happy is to allow the zeuses to decide themselves. There's quite a time cost in developing a system to handle all these cases and we may look into this a later point but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon. At present there is no way to mount radios into vehicles (like in Arma 2). Vehicle racks are something we would like to see in ACRE2. Re-148 speaker. You can see in this video how to enable to it -> https://youtu.be/io3uzbYO0iU?t=859(Watch from the linked timestamp). This is using old artwork for 148 but the buttons are still the same.
  7. Damn this will happen if using a module/setupMission API function with headless client. The good news is the error message is harmless, the bad news is it spams. We messed up here and I will see to getting it fixed (no ETA).
  8. I wrote a page which roughly outlines the complexity of the simulation here - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/signal-loss The general question you need to consider - Is the person I am trying to communicate with behind a hill/in a depression? - As this typically gives a good approximation of whether or not your radio signal will reach them. There are of course other things at play with multi-pathing and refraction though. Beyond that you need to understand the radiowaves better or get a feel with ingame experience. For now at least terrain objects (trees/buildings) do not effect radio signals but that is subject to change.
  9. Looking at the rpt this is because you are the server. In order for ACRE to reliably provide unique IDs a full inventory scan is regularly conducted by the server (and the server alone) which causes a small delay. On a dedicated server this works just fine. The system does check a bit too frequently at present and this is something that will be addressed in a future release. If you do have steps to reproduce the 117F menu error please do report on our tracker - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues
  10. Do you have the plugin enabled in teamspeak? Does it show in the list of available plugins in teamspeak? Manual Installation instructions (as per main post):
  11. Appreciate the report. ACRE2 now parses the island (wrp) files directly to get the terrain heightmap. No doubt it starts loading here but fails. ACRE: Loading Map: \veterans\angel\angel.wrp This is also an issue on the 'Takistani Mountains' terrain but with every other terrain we have tested it works. This only effects a few terrains, I'll take a look into the wrp parser with this island at somepoint. You can follow the progress on this ticket: http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues/86 The teamspeak plugin does not connect in singleplayer/editor, but will in multiplayer. Perhaps this is the issue?
  12. Would it be possible to get a copy of the mission file and a copy of the rpt?
  13. Congratulations ACRE2 team on the new release :D! Ensure that you are running teamspeak and that you have installed the latest plugin to teamspeak. See the main post for instructions and that both arma and teamspeak both have the same privilege level (both running as admin or both not running as admin). Stating 'huge FPS drops' is not useful. With due respect this lacks an adequate description of the problem to help you. You should provide as much detail as possible to reproduce. What is happening when this occurs? is it only when people are broadcasting/speaking. What radios are being used. How many people are present? What mods are running? Feel free to issue a a bug report on the ACRE2 tracker with more information: http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues ns ACRE2 team on the new release :D!
  14. snippers

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    This will be due to how the mission is setup. I am going to assume this is using the modules. There are two issues with the modules in ACRE2 in the present release: JIP - Joining in the middle of the mission and the modules will not work properly The modules that can set babel is bugged with a particular option (as outlined earlier in the thread) Both will be fixed in the next release. This can be circumvented for now but simply not using the modules. If the functionality is still desired use the ACRE script functions in the mission. - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/mission-making-info Unfortunately ACRE is a bit of a burden for the mission maker to setup properly at present with the modules being broken in some typical use cases. For the time being a different setup in the mission could avoid these bugs.
  15. snippers

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    It seems the Basic Mission Setup module is broken for the setting "Babel Language Per Side" if you use the option "Per-Side /w Common" try using "Per-Side" instead. Everything should just fine on Tanoa.
  16. snippers

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    There is a confirmed bug for JIP (join in progress) players, this should be fixed in the next release. What I can assume happening is that the affected player isn't present at the start of the mission/rejoins the mission. An alternative for now is to not use the modules. An alternative for now is to not use the modules but rather the scripts see - http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/mission-making-info#babel
  17. This is not likely. The reality is most communities that use F3 with ACE also use other mods and as such non-vanilla loadouts are used. Therefore the assign gear loadouts are typically edited and it's not too difficult to add the ACE medical supplies to meet your own communities need. So simply just add the ACE items you need in the assign gear component. If you are unfamiliar with the process F3's wiki has a wonderful page dedicated to how to edit the assign gear component -> http://ferstaberinde.com/f3/en//index.php?title=F3_Folk_ARPS_Assign_Gear_Script
  18. snippers

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    The new RPG launcher looks great, but how are you suppose to range it? It would be great if you could make it range-able (ironsight adjustable for different ranges) as this would make using it less dependent on guess-work/experience.
  19. I appreciate the reply, though I have already increased these to be >10,000 yet the arma 3 server process still seems to at most use 1024 file descriptors.
  20. This still continues to be an issue that plagues the linux server. It is quite frustrating having to balance a modpack around a limit of ~730 pbos (ACE+CUP+RHS is still under the limit but that doesn't give a lot of wiggle room). This issue will only effect more users as mods continue to add more pbos (ACE/RHS) and apex will no doubt use more pbos. Here's something I already posted on the dedicated linux feedback thread that may be useful: So even if the user limits are increased there is still a maximum of ~1024 file descriptors used by the linux server process.
  21. snippers

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Backpacks - The PRC-77 and PRC-117F are radios that only fit in backpacks in ACRE2. The 117F was a 'backpack radio' in ACRE. At present there are no dedicated backpacks with antennas in ACRE2. Is an update coming? - Yes I am not sure why this is necessary. It will be nice to see. The handheld 152/148 radios are also capable of line of sight over 20km. The 117F has an even longer range is far more than sufficient for any aircraft on any pretty much any practical terrain. The important thing to note is that terrain is naturally the biggest blocker to radio signal and simply putting more power into a radio via vehicle rack isn't going to solve that. If terrain loss is an issue you can always disable it through the ACRE API. No, but this depends on what you want. The modules offer some customization or alternatively the ACRE SQF API offers the most customization. If you wish to do some simple scripting see: http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/wikis/mission-making-info Backpacks - The PRC-77 and PRC-117F are radios that only fit in backpacks in ACRE2. The 117F was a 'backpack radio' in ACRE. At present there are no dedicated backpacks with antennas in ACRE2. Is an update coming? - Yes
  22. Thanks for trying to help :). Though I did mention that I already raised the limits. To clarify ulimit -n returns 10000 (10 thousand)
  23. The callsign attribute in the eden editor is not synced to clients. It exists on the server but clients do not receive the group ID. Steps to reproduce: - Create a mission with a player and set the group callsign to 'test' - Upload mission to a dedicated server - Join dedicated server and slot as player - In the variable watch in the debug console type -> groupID (group player) - The groupID will not be 'test' As a note on fixing this, there is a setGroupIDGlobal script command but I believe this doesn't work during init. Similarly to how setVariable (with broadcast set to true) on a group during init doesn't get broadcast to clients. As a side note this is an example of where having an option to enable global execution of custom attributes would be great.
  24. snippers

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    I am sorry to say that full duplex is currently broken in the public release. It should be working in the dev builds atm -> http://gitlab.idi-systems.com/idi-systems/acre2-public/issues/54
  25. There seems to be a maximum number of pbos the linux server will work with. If you add too many mods the server will no longer show up in the server listing. This limit seems to be around ~1024 pbos (from all addon folders). This can be reproduced by having over ~730 pbos from various mods in different addon folders as the core game as around ~230. I have increased the maximum number of files a process can open but it seems there is something in the server process that blocks it from using more than ~1024 files. One interesting to thing to note was that by using -> " cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr " and measuring the number of file headers currently allocated between when the process was running it was no longer running the difference would always be 1024 allocated file handlers for the Arma 3 server process. This number seems pretty static.