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Everything posted by prototype1479

  1. prototype1479

    _forEachIndex is null

    Well don't you have to use _x in OFP if you are using foreach command? His code is hella flawed yeah I know he really needs to give more info about what are these arrays and variables. But he probably figured out by now
  2. prototype1479

    _forEachIndex is null

    you need to use _x instead of _foreachindex
  3. prototype1479

    Conditions in EventHandlers?

    vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {if (_this select 2 == player)then{hint "You entered the vehicle"}}]
  4. What about taking the original OFP models and remastering them? I don't mean change it completely like most of the mods do but it should have higher LOD and texture resolution
  5. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    Haven't I already done it already? AI take cover script remember? But in the mod there's more improvements so wait for the mod
  6. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    You are right on both : I don't wanna do it and I think don't have the skills for making textures and also I'm really not motivated to start on it like the reason that I like scripting is that I can make AI more tactical and strategical that's is also why I love and play this game because of the tactics there's nothing tactical with textures :D and I guess from now on I'm not really going to make another post like this
  7. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    Ok so I don't get this part can you explain again ? :D Well yeah I have been playing this game for more than 10 years and I have been scripting in this game for 3 - 4 years and yes I am modding (Improved AI script , 3D sights , Climbing script and potentionally reloading while moving and boxing) I think I have said this before so I think you must mean moddelling? I'm not sure Ah now it makes sense and yeah I have someone else hosting a vanilla 1.99 server for me and there was 14 people last week :D (With my own ANTI TKC script and admin tools script) and some of them were new
  8. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    I mean I already clarified that I understood so I don't get why you posted this
  9. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    Well I didn't think that much of modelling or texturing too seriously but I got a question for you : why did you asked me that question ? :D I think its obvious
  10. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    Here's an idea : Lets post a picture (or name) of what model we think is close to a remaster or is a remaster of an addon
  11. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    I don't know :D 3 people actually thought I'm a modeller one was on facebook other one PM'ed me on this site and last one was from steam even though title says "Just an idea" :P At first I really didn't thought anyone would have thought about remastering the original models this entire 17 years because just like I said before none of them really felt to me like a remastered model but now reading all of these I was absolutely wrong and if I gave a little bit of thought I might have figured that out. And I was just hoping to get lucky and someone to do it anyways since I do actually see people still making models this game (But few) and I thought why not even if there is a possibility of no one doing it I'm not losing anything anyways and if you think I actually do lose something then LETS DEBATE ABOUT IT >:). Okay now back to the textures - why there is a setting thing to change textures quality anyways is it for mods or was it just planned and dropped? And can OFP support 8K textures? I heard it doesn't.
  12. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    Speaking of textures what's the OFP's original models max resolution for soldiers houses etc.
  13. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    I have a question to everybody : why you all thought I am going for modelling or I'm a modeller? :D Some people even outside forums thought I was a modeller and asked me to help them with their project
  14. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    I guess you are right TBH WW4 mod is the closest one i see but its still not good enough there are some additions that doesn't make it look like a remaster
  15. prototype1479

    Just an idea (Remastered models)

    The reason I'm posting this here is because I never really felt like the other addons feels like remastered version just feels different and I'm not gonna go for it at all :D but just an idea for any modellers out there. Yeah other mods and addons make it look different but making it look like a remastered version rather than making it look totaly different than vanilla is much better imo. I have seen some arma 3 mods or bi's work that uses ofp's buildings but with better textures and LOD just like that thats the idea
  16. prototype1479

    OFP Bugs

    Post a comment if you know more OFP bugs/glitches I'll write it down here Unit Action "Ladder down" and "Ladder up" command is same for AI Giving _x action "Ladder down" or "Ladder up" command to a house with no ladders crashes the game DisableAI command re-enables the AI after a save and load Getpos command on some objects crashes the game (Like craterOnVehicle or slop) When turning config.bin to config.cpp you can't use your pistol properly you need to add some enum command inside it All houses has bad furniture hit boxes - you go trough them Paratroopers can't die AI can see trough and shoot trough bushes and forests and fallen vegetation AI doesn't shoot at tanks with its turret damaged AI keeps shooting at stationary MG's (M2's) even though they aren't manned If a spetnatz has NVG and binos , and when they use binos NVG model pops up instead but still uses binos Left overs of the bullet when you shoot gets bounced if ground is moving up and down like the sea
  17. I have figured out a way (I think) on how to find the position of a bullet by attaching another object and giving the same velocity as the bullet to the object. But the problem is I can't find anything that sticks to ground/wall if I can then we can find the position of the bullet land perfectly with 100% efficiency so any ideas?
  18. prototype1479

    Finding the position of bullet when it lands

    That's an ok solution but the problem is its not 100% since there may be another crater that can mess things up badly but IMO that's the best solution we have right now
  19. prototype1479

    Finding the position of bullet when it lands

    Its not perfect try it for yourself
  20. prototype1479

    Jamming script

    Well if the weapon gets jammed can't the player just switch the muzzle/weapons by pressing space?
  21. This might and probably the last time I update this script but if there's any bugs I might need to update again
  22. You are free to use it on your own will : _v = -1 _t = 0.99999 _j = 1000 _a = [0] _b = [] FPS_NOW = 0 FPS_AVG = 24 FPS_MAX = 48 #loop _t0 = _time ~0.001 _t1 = _time _v = _v + 1 _a set [_v , 1 / (_t1 - _t0) * acctime] _k = 0 _i = 0 {if (_i <= _j) then {_k = _k + _x} else {_a set [_i , objnull]} ; _i = _i + 1} foreach _a _a = _a - [objnull] _k = _k / count _a ? FPS_MAX < count _a : FPS_MAX = count _a if (FPS_MAX >= _k - _k % 1) then {FPS_NOW = _k - _k % 1} else {FPS_NOW = FPS_MAX + 1} ? _t < _time : _j = _v ; _v = -1 ; _t = _time + 0.99999 ; _b = _b + [count _a] ; _c = 0 ; {_c = _c + _x} foreach _b ; FPS_AVG = _c / count _b player groupchat format ["FPS_NOW : %1 , FPS_MAX : %2 , FPS_AVG : %3" , FPS_NOW , FPS_MAX , FPS_AVG] goto "loop" FPS_NOW = Shows your monitor's FPS realtime FPS_MAX = Maximum FPS that your monitor can achieve (Works only if it has reached that much FPS) FPS_AVG = The average amount of FPS your monitor had from the start This script is great for optimizing loop's by increasing your delays or making the unit move with setPos command the way you wanted even though it gets slowed down in a loop. I have done this on my climb script and AI take cover script but those were showing FPS per second instead of showing it real-time. For example lets say that you got a loop like this : #loop ~1.5 some code... goto "loop" And if you do this to your delay like this : #loop ~1.5 * FPS_MAX / FPS_NOW some code... goto "loop" Your loop with this script will get optimized. Now how does this work - let's say that FPS_MAX is 60 and FPS_NOW is 60 Then that means : 1.5 * 60 / 60 = 1.5 * 1 = 1.5 So that means loop's delay wont change it will be the same since the computer has calculated that this is the maximum amount of frames that you can achieve. But what if FPS_NOW is 30 then this will happen : 1.5 * 60 / 30 = 1.5 * 2 = 3.0 So your loop got optimized depending on the FPS. Here's another example - when you want to make some movement with setPos on a loop like this : #loop ~0.016 player setvelocity [0 , 0 , 0] player setpos [getpos player select 0 , getpos player select 1, (getpos player select 2) + 0.001] goto "loop" And if your frame rates drop then the setPos movement you made will slow down too. But if you add this at the 3rd element of setPos array : #loop ~0.016 player setvelocity [0 , 0 , 0] player setpos [getpos player select 0 , getpos player select 1, (getpos player select 2) + 0.001 * FPS_MAX / FPS_NOW] goto "loop" It will fix this issue. So this means that if you have started to lag and this will automatically fix your setPos movement script depending on your frame rate. By the way FPS_NOW might go over 60 FPS even though your monitor can achieve 60 FPS and can't go beyond that. This is the work of V-sync it's going to correct itself slowly or when you ALT + TAB Here's a video on this script in action : If you look closely then you will see that if my screen is aiming towards the tanks then not only I will start to lag the FPS counter will also decrease That's it if you find bugs please let me know here.
  23. prototype1479

    Animating In OFP

    What kind of tools you guys use to make animations for OFP? I heard some use 3ds max and use OFPAnim to confirm the animation details I really don't like do animate in OFPAnim because its unpolished i lost some animations that I worked hard on so I want to switch to something else If you use something other than OFPAnim to animate or know someone else who does please let me know
  24. prototype1479

    Animating In OFP

    Its probably the google's algorithm its not the same thing for everyone
  25. prototype1479

    Animating In OFP

    Can you give me link for blender? I literally find blenders instead of the program XD And for that O2Pe to