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Everything posted by riten

  1. I'm not sure, but you probably don't need while loop for setvelocity. Hoever test both, haven't tested it. while {true} do { vehiclename setVelocity [2, 0, 0]; sleep 1; };
  2. test with: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVelocity
  3. Thanks, now I have all files I need :) Well I know SQL, but studying Altis Life to find what I really need to store some variables in database will be pretty hard ;) I'll keep trying. Thank you. That would be perfect if you could create one day some extremly basic example of extdb3 usage. For example: 1. Basic mysql strucutre database, users tabele with lets say 2 variables - name && test or something like that 2. Basic mission structure (do I need to initialize something from init.sqf? etc) 3. Some basic SQL querry in sqf files like create/update
  4. @SuppaTim Nice to hear :) I'm already working on game mode:
  5. Is there any good tutorial how to setup this for custom mission (new game mode)? Things that confuse me: 1. Downloaded files from https://bitbucket.org/torndeco/extdb3/downloads, but can't find there: tbbmalloc.dll and extdb3-conf.ini 2. Where and how can I setup SQL querries? For example I have set variable in mission like: player setvariable ["test",1,false]; How to store it via extdb3? I mean where should I put SQL querry etc. maybe it's just me, but can't find answers in documentation on download page. It's awesome mod, but pretty hard to start.
  6. Hi, Can someone explain me please how to target ground vehicles with Macers II? I have tried everything and I'm able to lock my target randomly, no idea how it works (sometimes it locks, most of time can't lock). I have no problem with GBU and AA, just can't understand macers..
  7. That's correct it was my fault, i was just pressing space instead of holding it ;) Catapult works.
  8. Thanks for info. So.. player allowdamage false and you can try walk on it :) I hope they will fix bugs. btw. catapult doesn't works yet :(
  9. Hi, Is there any way to have two guns fire effect in jet? I mean is it possible to have 2 kulomets and 2 usti hlavne memory points or maybe some trick/workaround for that?
  10. addaction is local so it will run only for one player. Just remove publicVariable and it shouldn't be broadcasted to others :)
  11. "_x" is local variable, you need global or make it publicVariable. For example: script: speed=0; ##(you need to define it before you use addaction) ... addaction: _Car addaction ["Faster:", "speed=speed+10;publicVariable 'speed';"]; You can test it via hint hint format ["My speed variable: %1", speed];
  12. nvm I'll just use eventhandler and ppeffect
  13. It's just my concepction for new jet, there is no such plane in real life. I don't have name for it yet, but I'll find something soon I hope. Not sure about armament, but It will be probably fighter with vtol enabled. Feel free to discuss, shape and everything else is still open for any changes :) Some images without materials and textures, I've just added glass for cockpit.
  14. riten

    Jet concetpion WIP

    If I keep payload internal then it will be more like spy aircraft then fighter, I'll see what I can do :) Maybe I should add some camera so pilot will be able to fly really high to spot enemies without being detected :D
  15. riten

    Jet concetpion WIP

    Hi Veles, thanks for your post. My main concept was to make this plane looks light, if I add engines pods as mentioned then it will be wide and heavy like those PAK FA's for example - which I don't like :p Other reason engines looks like this is because I want them to rotate, let's say 70-80 degrees to enable vtol. As you can see there is also hatch in middle of fuselage which will open when pilot enable vtol (something similar to F/A 35). You are probably right that tail should be reduced, but damn I like it :D I was thinking about same cockipit as in your image, just main screen with important informations in the middle. However for now I have to finish main lod, still need to make gear and need to find out where to put weapons (maybe I should hide rockets like in AH-99?).
  16. riten

    Jetpack v1

    Short answer: yes it is possible, but with limited functions of jetpack. Long answer: I've connected both vehicle and backpack in one addon via script for better immersion. So if you use just vehicle part, you won't be able to land and walk with jetpack, it will bascially act like vehicle which is useless in my opinion and your players will lose a lot of fun:)
  17. and what about variable "activatedPlayer", you get your ID right? If so you're getting false in your if codnition, because you're asking if your ID is equal to your player name which is false. You could fix it by adding another variable for example: if ((typeOf player) isEqualTo 'uns_US_1ID_PL' || (typeOf player) isEqualTo 'uns_US_1ID_RTO' || (typeOf player) isEqualTo 'uns_US_1ID_SL') then { deleteVehicle intel1; deleteVehicle intel2; deleteVehicle intel3; table addAction ["Place Intel", "mission_scripts\intel\placeIntel.sqf"]; ActivatedBy=[]; activatedPlayer = _this select 1; ActivatedBy=ActivatedBy+activatedPlayer; hint format ["%1 took the intel",name activatedPlayer]; } else { hint "Only commanders or radio operators can take the intel!" }; then in your second script if (activatedPlayer in ActivatedBy) then {...}
  18. hint format ["%1 took the intel",name activatedPlayer]; What do you get in hint as "name activatedPlayer"? That is a key I guess, do u call this via trigger?
  19. Hello, I'm getting missing texture "reflect.co.paa" error in game, I've found this texture in my object builder library, but it's not assigned to any face and also I can't delete it (it is in "external dependencies" category). Is there any way to fix it?
  20. riten

    OB - External Dependencies

    Thanks that fixed errors :) I should have check this before posted here :P
  21. riten

    Blender > O2

    You need to create model.cfg. All you need, you can find there: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Model_Config
  22. Hello, 1. I've added Elevator and Aileron animations to my model.cfg, but it is getting wreid... my elevator works like aileron and aileron works like elevator. I'm sure that I've named everything right in my model - selections & axis, but it still doesn't work. 2. Second problem is commander, I've proxy named proxy:pilot001 which works fine and proxy:commander001 which doesn't work in game, there is just pilot slot. Object builder (open image in new tab to zoom) model.cfg config.cfg
  23. @hnchmc - told you, that I've already tried without rotation :) and I've exactly same code in my previous jet that is working like that. I had to change values, no idea why it doesn't works like in my previous jet mod, but that is how I made it: class AileronL: Rotation { source="aileron"; type="rotation"; selection="aileronL"; axis="aileronL_axis"; minValue=-1; maxValue=1; angle0=-0.43633199; angle1=0.52359903; }; class AileronR { source="aileron"; type="rotation"; selection="aileronR"; axis="aileronR_axis"; minValue=-1; maxValue=1; angle0=0.43633199; angle1=-0.52359903; }; class ElevatorL { type = "rotation"; source = "elevator"; selection = "elevatorL"; axis = "elevatorL_axis"; minValue = -1; maxValue = 1; angle0 = "rad 30"; angle1 = "rad -30"; }; class ElevatorR : ElevatorL { selection = "elevatorR"; axis = "elevatorR_axis"; angle0 = "rad -30"; angle1 = "rad 30"; }; and commander slot fixed by adding turret :)