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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. Hi Unsung fellows. I hope you'll have fun with this SP/MP [1-8] mission in Vietnam. Mission MIETTE NAM coming soon! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl5UCfOyV-E You'll need Unsung mod + medium utility helicopter(@med_util_heli) + @HAFM_A3 Note: anyone could tell me how to upload this video? I've an "my media" icon in editor but i don't know how to use it. Tks
  2. Hi, I downloaded version Alpha 0.0.0 from http://armanam.eu/index.html. I probably missed something because I have infantry, Jeep and Ural. No helo and no patrol boat as announced in the site.
  3. pierremgi

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Playability and realism. Sometimes incompatible, sometimes outstanding success in Arma to meet both. The good question is: is fatigue/stamina parameterizable with difficulty, like HUD, extended armor and so on? If not, I guess many addons will correct this mistake.
  4. pierremgi

    EricJ Release thread

    Hi Eric, Thanks for your Taliban fighters. NIce mod and plenty of coop missions to be issued. Could you tell me if there is a way to reduce uniform armor? I decreased skill but it takes 5 bullets to shoot a Taliban at torso. Thanks
  5. I you don't need anything, read the buliwyf answer! Why is it so difficult to set difficulty for a custom MP mission ?
  6. pierremgi

    Eden Feature Requests

    Fantastic, indeed! Could you make triggers area semi-spheric as an option. Cylindric areas are a little bit "mud minded" for infantry. Semi-sphere (or sphere in fact) is a 3D distance could be useful to avoid air sub-marine assets triggering, without scripting for distance.
  7. Hi all, I've done a custom grenande based on standard smoke shell. Nothing difficult for cfgAmmo and cfgMagazine. I've added my mag in cfgWeapon: class UGL_F : GrenadeLauncher { access =2; magazines[] += {"1Rnd_MGI_Lacrymo_mag"}; }; Then I can throw it with EGLM (single burst) GL. Problem is to make it recognized with GL_3GL_F which is the most employed GL (3 bursts). For example, i can see this muzzle in MX GL riffles classes, something inherited from UGL_F but I can't change magazines array as for UGL_F. Any idea? Thanks
  8. Hi everybody, I'm looking for hours and days with a "bug". When in ARMA3 1.48 vanilia , player can throw a hand grenade. OK. When i add my little addon, defining a custom smoke grenade, I can throw it (throwmuzzle, magazine, ammo are OK) but the standard handgrenade are no more throwable (present in inventory but no more selectable). I read some posts on how to make custom grenades but I didn't see anything about a loss of selection/muzzle for standard grenade. Here is my code. in cfgPatches, i'm not sure to manage requiredAddons. In configWeapons i added all grenade classes with their magazines and the problem still remains. Why smoke are OK and not grenades? Please help! tks class CfgPatches { class MGI_Grenades { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"MGI_LacrymoMuzzle"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Data_F","A3_Functions_F","A3_characters_F"}; }; author="Pierre_MGI"; }; class CfgFunctions { class MGI { //tag = "MGI"; class MGI_Grenades { class smoke_init { postInit = 1; description = "Enable Tear gas and flashbang grenades"; file = "\MGI_Grenades\smoke.sqf"; }; }; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class GrenadeHand : Default {}; class SmokeShell : GrenadeHand {}; class MGI_Lacrymo_ammo : SmokeShell { timeToLive = 90; smokeColor[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; // External class reference class CA_Magazine : Default {}; class HandGrenade : CA_Magazine {}; //class 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell : CA_Magazine {}; class SmokeShell : HandGrenade {}; //class 1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell : 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell {}; class MGI_Lacrymo_mag : SmokeShell { ammo = "MGI_Lacrymo_ammo"; scope = 2; author = "Pierre MGI"; descriptionShort = "Type: Smoke Grenade - Lacrymo<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used in: Hand"; count = 1; displayName = $STR_MGI_lacrymo; displayNameShort = $STR_MGI_lacrymo_short; model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\smokegrenade_white"; picture = "\MGI_grenades\gear_teargasgrenade_ca.paa"; class Library { libTextDesc = "These grenades alter the vision of player and inflict progressive damages to Ai units";}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class GrenadeLauncher; class Throw : GrenadeLauncher { muzzles[] = {"HandGrenade_Stone","HandGrenadeMuzzle","MiniGrenadeMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellYellowMuzzle","SmokeShellGreenMuzzle","SmokeShellRedMuzzle","SmokeShellPurpleMuzzle","SmokeShellOrangeMuzzle","SmokeShellBlueMuzzle","ChemlightGreenMuzzle","ChemlightRedMuzzle","ChemlightYellowMuzzle","ChemlightBlueMuzzle","IRGrenade","MGI_LacrymoMuzzle"}; class ThrowMuzzle: GrenadeLauncher { aidispersioncoefx = 6; aidispersioncoefy = 6; autoreload = 1; cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursoraim = "throw"; enableattack = 0; keepininventory = 1; magazinereloadtime = 0; maxrange = 60; maxrangeprobab = 0.03; midrange = 45; midrangeprobab = 0.9; minrange = 10; minrangeprobab = 0.2; modeloptics = ""; reloadsound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; reloadtime = 0; showempty = 0; sound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; }; class HandGrenadeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[]= {"HandGrenade"}; }; class MiniGrenadeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[]= {"MiniGrenade"}; }; class HandGrenade_Stone: ThrowMuzzle { //magazines[]= {"HandGrenade_Stone"}; //displayName="$STR_DN_STONE"; minRange=5; minRangeProbab=0.0099999998; midRange=45; midRangeProbab=0.1; maxRange=80; maxRangeProbab=0.0099999998; }; class MGI_LacrymoMuzzle : ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"MGI_Lacrymo_mag"}; }; class SmokeShellMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShell"}; }; class SmokeShellYellowMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellYellow"}; }; class SmokeShellRedMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellRed"}; }; class SmokeShellGreenMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellGreen"}; }; class SmokeShellPurpleMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellPurple"}; }; class SmokeShellBlueMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellBlue"}; }; class SmokeShellOrangeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_MN_SMOKE"; magazines[]= {"SmokeShellOrange"}; }; class ChemlightGreenMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_cfgWeapons_Throw_ChemlightMuzzle0"; magazines[]= {"Chemlight_green"}; }; class ChemlightRedMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[]= {"Chemlight_red"}; }; class ChemlightYellowMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[]= {"Chemlight_yellow"}; }; class ChemlightBlueMuzzle: ChemlightGreenMuzzle { magazines[]= {"Chemlight_blue"}; }; class IRGrenade: ThrowMuzzle { //displayName="$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_Throw_IRGrenade0"; magazines[]= {"B_IR_Grenade", "O_IR_Grenade", "I_IR_Grenade"}; //cursorSize=1; }; }; };
  9. HI, I've done all of this, and the problem is the same. I can throw IR grenades, smokes but nore grenades, mini-grenades. Perhaps, the problem comes from other part than weapon class? Here is my last config: class CfgPatches { class MGI_Grenades { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {"MGI_LacrymoMuzzle"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F","A3_Data_F","A3_Functions_F","A3_characters_F"}; }; author="Pierre_MGI"; }; class CfgFunctions { class MGI { //tag = "MGI"; class MGI_Grenades { class smoke_init { postInit = 1; description = "Enable Tear gas and flashbang grenades"; file = "\MGI_Grenades\smoke.sqf"; }; }; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class GrenadeHand : Default {}; class SmokeShell : GrenadeHand {}; class MGI_Lacrymo_ammo : SmokeShell { timeToLive = 90; smokeColor[] = {1,1,1,0.5}; }; }; class CfgMagazines { class Default; // External class reference class CA_Magazine : Default {}; class HandGrenade : CA_Magazine {}; //class 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell : CA_Magazine {}; class SmokeShell : HandGrenade {}; //class 1Rnd_Smoke_Grenade_shell : 1Rnd_HE_Grenade_shell {}; class MGI_Lacrymo_mag : SmokeShell { ammo = "MGI_Lacrymo_ammo"; scope = 2; author = "Pierre MGI"; descriptionShort = "Type: Smoke Grenade - Lacrymo<br />Rounds: 1<br />Used in: Hand"; count = 1; displayName = $STR_MGI_lacrymo; displayNameShort = $STR_MGI_lacrymo_short; model = "\A3\Weapons_f\ammo\smokegrenade_white"; picture = "\MGI_grenades\gear_teargasgrenade_ca.paa"; class Library { libTextDesc = "These grenades alter the vision of player and inflict progressive damages to Ai units";}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class GrenadeLauncher; class Throw : GrenadeLauncher { muzzles[] += {"MGI_LacrymoMuzzle"}; class ThrowMuzzle; class MGI_LacrymoMuzzle : ThrowMuzzle { magazines[] = {"MGI_Lacrymo_mag"}; }; }; }; The good question could be: how modify this script to perform a throwable custom grenades addon without issue on the other grenades?
  10. Thank you for your answer. I've done this and i get an error message: Warning Message: No entry 'config.bin/CfgWeapons/Throw.MGI_LacrymoMuzzle'. And the problem is persistent: no more possibility to throw handgrenade! here is my new cfgWeapon (rest unchanged): class CfgWeapons { class GrenadeLauncher; class Throw : GrenadeLauncher { muzzles[] += {"MGI_LacrymoMuzzle"}; class ThrowMuzzle: GrenadeLauncher { aidispersioncoefx = 6; aidispersioncoefy = 6; autoreload = 1; cursor = "EmptyCursor"; cursoraim = "throw"; enableattack = 0; keepininventory = 1; magazinereloadtime = 0; maxrange = 60; maxrangeprobab = 0.03; midrange = 45; midrangeprobab = 0.9; minrange = 10; minrangeprobab = 0.2; modeloptics = ""; reloadsound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; reloadtime = 0; showempty = 0; sound[] = {"", 0.000316228, 1}; }; class HandGrenadeMuzzle: ThrowMuzzle { magazines[]= {"HandGrenade"}; }; }; };
  11. pierremgi

    How to remove prone for an AI?

    AI don't have "choice"! You have to decide in which case Ai are up or crouch. Or you can do a random possibility with _array = ["UP", "MIDDLE"]; {_x setunitpos _array select (floor random 2)} foreach thislist;
  12. Did you see any documentation about this kind of CBA function? What is a numerical key, how to find them? TOOO MUCH undocumented functions, as BI ! Not better.
  13. pierremgi


    old post but it could be useful to answer it. onPlayerRespawn means "player" interface. There is no player on dedicated. onPlayerRespawn is an event script working at start in MP, for player(s) or JIP, if respawnOnStart is not set to avoid that. The moveInCargo problem comes from another behavior (see remarks for this command).
  14. Same for me! With the difference, I didn't take off with Terrain builder & Buldozer. Bugs apart, these tools have little docs & examples. I prefer fighting with Arma functions for which the result is more immediate.
  15. Mikero, Jakerod, To be more precise despite my French native language, I scrupulously wrote what I did. Just omitted to specify my Arma3P.cmd is located in my c:\program files (x86)\Mikero\DepboTools\bin and when I said P: is not mounted, that means P: exists with some few files before a "mounting" via Arma3 Tools: a3, bin, cCA, core, Doc, dta, languagecore_f, MatTemplates, temp folders, and also: buldozer.exe & makeshortcut.exe, uninstall exe Arma2 P3D viewer, some dlls like PhyX3_x86 and others a model.cfg, a config.cpp, ... a3 seems feed with all paa in folders such air_f or data_f. Then, when i mount p: with Arma3 tools (called mount p: drive) , all tests passed of course!, I have plenty of other files in new fodlers as _commonredist A3_retail AddonBuilder Audio BankRev.... and so on with my work space terrainBuilder TexView2 ... After several "installing Buldozer and it's dll files" access denied. fail", I did what I wrote: re-launch PC, NOT "mounting" P:\ through Arma3 tools, but exec the Arma3P.cmd from c: disk and this command finished with success. So i don't think it was a non-sense. Then, after mounting P: and trying to work, T. B. was as usual but Buldozer failed. RESULTS: Before Arma3P trial: Buldozer poorly worked. Little map in 3D view with Arma2 !?! error pop-up, about a rvmat file not find in a temp !?! folder (see previous post); After Arma3P passed successfully: Buldozer don't run any more with a "shaders not valid.(mismatch of exe and data?)" If you could make sense with that, I'll thank you.
  16. I restarted my PC and, without mounting P:\ I re-launched the cmd. It worked! No error msg. Finished with "success". So, I mounted P:\ with ARMA3 tools (where my project is), re-launched T.B. and then Buldozer. I've got the same ErrorMessage: Error compiling shader PSSpecularAlpha .
  17. I discover Arma3P. Made all steps for Mikero tools. launched Arma3P cmd (nov.2014) as a talisman. Then, everything went well until "installing Buldozer and it's dll files" access denied. failed" And then, if I try to launch buldozer via T.B. it fails of course (see below). Before, Buldozer (from Arma3 tools) worked poorly but was able to open a project even if rvmat problem. Now, I don't have any more working buldozer. Perhaps, i should try to upload a new version but where? (and how install it? ). I would like to keep a coherent Arma3 tools because i'm working for addons. If you have an idea of what to do with P:\buldozer.exe and other files in P:\ directory... "New Buldozer" .rpt: ===================================================================== == P:\Buldozer.exe == P:\Buldozer.exe -buldozer -name=Buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -disableSteam -noAsserts -cfg=p:\buldozer.cfg -showScriptErrors -connect=pipe\3705C0,8EDB Original output filename: Arma3Retail_DX11 Exe timestamp: 2014/11/04 14:08:33 Current time: 2015/02/19 08:34:24 Type: Public Branch: Stable Version: 1.34.128075 Allocator: Windows ===================================================================== 8:34:24 ManagerConfig() 8:34:24 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum (0.010000) and it was set to min. 8:34:24 Initializing Steam Manager 8:34:24 ManagerConfig() 8:34:24 Steam Manager initialized. 8:34:24 8:34:24 ==== Loaded addons ==== 8:34:24 8:34:24 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\bin.pbo - unknown 8:34:24 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\core.pbo - 72362 8:34:24 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dta\languagecore_f.pbo - 78060 8:34:24 8:34:24 ======================= 8:34:24 8:34:24 DX11 - Initializing DX11 engine. 8:34:24 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0 (detected in config). 8:34:24 DX11 - Using DXGI adapter 0. 8:34:24 - adapter description : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 8:34:24 - adapter vendor ID : 4318 8:34:24 - adapter device ID : 5058 8:34:24 - adapter subsys ID : 828380258 8:34:24 - adapter revision : 161 8:34:24 - dedicated video memory : 3221225472 8:34:24 - dedicated system memory : 0 8:34:24 - shared system memory : 1073676288 8:34:24 InitSound ... 8:34:24 Error: CoInitilizeEx (XAudio2-1st trial) return 80010106 8:34:24 InitSound - complete 8:34:24 Error: 80004005 in D3DXCompileShader while compiling the PSSpecularAlpha shader 8:34:24 error X3501: 'PSSpecularAlpha': entrypoint not found ErrorMessage: Error compiling shader PSSpecularAlpha
  18. I've done these 2 corrections. Nothing more appends . Do you have any idea for my error msg in terrain builder > buldozer opening? Windows seems to come from... Arma2. I don't have Arma2, just a little folder with a buldozer.cfg and a Pierre.ArmA2OAProfile ?? error refers to a missing/non found rvmat file in temp folder. buldozer cfg : http://pastebin.com/aJDpFTGy Pierre.ArmA2OAProfile : http://pastebin.com/cnBnP1n1 Thanks
  19. Yes of course, here: http://pastebin.com/Umy3hdRk Another thing I've a similar error message (on a p000-000_l03.rvmat) as you pointed, when I launch buldozer in Terrain Builder. I tab/ok to close this msg. I don't understand why the program is trying to pick some data up in a temporary file! My map is 20480x20480 or more exactly here is what is accepted in TB for the defaultMalFrame_1 properties: Griz size 2048x2048 cell size 10 terrain size 20480 sat source image 20480 resolution 1.0 sat tiles 2048 overlap 16 Texture layer 10x10 I attempt to build a large map 20480x20480 because Bora Bora is roughly 15km x 15 km. but at this time i've just covered a small part of sea shore as test prior to spend very long time to build image with tiles. I have no road, no object and very poor layers, just to validate the process. Thank you
  20. OK, So here is the binLog: http://pastebin.com/80QSPra5 and the output/packing log : http://pastebin.com/AdG5vXZF Thanks for your help and your dedication.
  21. Hello Jalerod, For sure, I've all this in config , taking care for all pathes. With addon builder, it's successful but nothing appear in editor when the map is enabled in Arma expansions. With PboProject, First, it was impossible to binarize .wrp, then it's seem OK but I get an error msg check ouput for missing files ans i've nothing in my addon folder (just an empty sub-directory "addons" in fact). wrp seems to pass but there is no file pbo or else at all. Binlog is too long to be copied here! Don't know how to show it to you
  22. Yes Jakerod, it's an asc file until you recommended it. I succeeded in generating layers with "export satellite textures" (i change some parameters in samplers. Then I succeeded in creating a wrp file. I followed the French tuto : http://www.clan-fsf.fr/wiki/index.php/Tester_l%27%C3%8Ele_dans_ARMA_3 to test the map in Arma3. I'm not sure you read French but roughly, I created all folders source & data and mod.cpp . Arma3 addon is created (pbo with add-on builder), located in addons folder, enabled in Arma3 but... no other map than Altis & Stratis and no error in rpt file, just the lines to say my addon is enabled. Did I missed something? Thank you
  23. Thank you for these info. In fact, I begin to learn L3TD for the basic operations. I discover how to edit salt water area, tropical area ans so on. I regret the lack of explanation to convert all of this in terrain builder. Each time I want to use TB , even for basic heightfield map TB becomes so slow I can drink a liter of coffee. I must have some trouble with my config W8.1 on i5 3.2MHz & GeForce GTX 970. Not sure all is optimized for a so slow operation without any 3D rendering. If I shift on Buldozer it's worse and good chance to find the map (5km long!). So, keep positive, the improvement of the week is a better knowledge of L3DT and then the different files for a map. Next week (if any help) will be for making TB a little bit quicker. At this moment, the windows 8.1 task manager is so busy, i'm waiting for 10 minutes to have a TB response (with no other opened soft but internet!)
  24. Hi, I'm trying to update my addon: MGI_TG_V2 on Steam. For the last version, publisher created a pbo and a bisign file and both were downloaded when subscribed. Today, I'm trying to update this addon. pbo and bisign are created with addon builder but i remark bisign has disappeared from the @my_addon folder after syncing and launching arma. Addon works but I'm not sure it's signed and if subscribers could encounter some issues with this update. Please could you tell me why your last Arma3 tools (always last one) creates 2 files with the builder and retains just the pbo with the publisher. Thanks Pierre MGI
  25. Hi everyone, What a very good initiative to write this Atlas guide! I'm French and i try to follow this, step by step. The fact is I don't want to reproduce a sample terrain but really create mine! So! I roughly understand what the steps could be: create folders, DefaultMapFrame and so on. I guess, data like rvmat, paa are standard for Arma3. I'm right? And then, probably also layers.cfg (with my own project path indeed) and the "old" maplegend.png. What you could explain is how to create our own heitghmap.asc. I guess it's coming from L3DT or equivalent softs. Some tuto refers to XYZ format heigthmap... Then, probably more complex, you don't say how to obtain a mask_ico.bmp and I have no idea with that! Beautiful colors but how? What I did I exported/imported a bmp image of Google Earth as satellite image. But it was impossible to generate layers with "export satellite texture" box checked. So many questions for today. I'm not at Bulldozer level. Thanks for your help. Pierre