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Everything posted by pierremgi

  1. pierremgi

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    Hi, What does mean "props"? I can't understand that in French. I used the "old" simulation manager module with some success. This module shows/hides units for a global distance but it's reversible and probably better CPU saving than this dynamic simulation manager. interest of this new tool is limited by a non-reversibility and the display of disabled units. We don't need statues in game.
  2. pierremgi

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Worked also for my notepad. 7 FPS in standard due to native board >> 30 FPS all set to ultra after NVIDIA GTX860M choice in control panel.
  3. pierremgi

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    Do you think or do you know if vehicles make a difference between units on foot (AI or player) and other objects? It could be fine if yes, just increasing safety range for friendly units... and reducing it to zero for enemy ones.
  4. Yeah, seasickness guaranteed even for Navy guys by calm sea. Probably bad AI driving constantly overwhelming on course. For sure Arma is an Army minded game, sometimes thinking Air, but very poorly sea/underwater oriented.... as usual, in real military life also.
  5. Yes, same. But it's important to notice the zig-zag route. It's the same for CUP Anzac frigate. Why ? Did these units follow some bottom track due to bottom relief, or is it a poor behavior of steerability ??
  6. pierremgi

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    AllowDamage has behavior like reported in BIKI. For safety reason, probably. Roughly AL EG but not so evident to apply for JIP players or even players... For example, if you uncheck the enableDamage in playable unit special state (useful against explosion on hidden not yet-playing unit), if you script into unit init field, you can't use a simple spawned: ...waitUntil {isPlayer thisUnit}; thisUnit allowDamage true;... probably because the locality of unit has changed. This incoming player seems to be invulnerable! (kill able only on a hosted server in fact). The best way is to script the new allowDamage behavior in the initPlayerLocal.sqf... or as a poor workaround, you can spawn in init field something like: ...waitUntil {isPlayer thisUnit}; [thisUnit,true] remoteExec ["allowDamage",thisUnit];...
  7. pierremgi

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    No problem. The fact is BI created a very powerful "simple object" system with all sims disabled. If used as is, in a dynamic simulation, that breaks the interactive actions on object. On the other hand, ...and another topic linked with the simulation feature, there are still voices and reports problem on "enableSimulationGlobal false, hideObjectGlobal true" AI units... In an ideal "BI world", disabled units should be muted (and most of all, disabled to give order like" disembark"), disabled buildings should recover all doors and ladders when player(s) in proximity... wait and see.
  8. pierremgi

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    Problem similar to https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/199590-dynamic-simulation-feedback/?do=findComment&comment=3126298 and the usage of Bis_fnc_createSimpleObject
  9. pierremgi

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    It' not exactly what I suggested. I never spawn blindly and always use isFlatEmpty. Right now, if you're scouting for empty places, isFlatEmpty works with gradient, objects (excluded or not), radius, water or not. But some maps, like Tanoa unfortunately, have some huge buildings, where you can spawn units, just because the bounding box is larger than radius,... and you don't want to make a bigger radius because there are plenty of objects in town. IMHO, this could be fine to check if the "isFlatEmpty" position is also a "notInside" one (buildings, large rocks, piers...). Something like my script above but included in this command.
  10. Yes, on UNSUNG only. The fix has to come from the Unsung team, changing for the "reserved variable". No clue how to do that.
  11. That concerns any artillery (virtual or not, vanilla or not) called with artillery support modules, in 1.66 stable.
  12. pierremgi

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Hi, I'm looking for a script checking if a unit is spawning inside a block (some are huge) or a blind house (without door like in Tanoa). I know the isFlatEmpty command but it has too much limitations in rocky hills or downtown. Too much objects, and furthermore no difference between acceptable houses (with doors) and blind ones (+piers...). It seems to me important because sometimes you can't end a mission due to a stuck/unreachable enemy unit. I tested something like: {deleteVehicle _x} forEach (units _redGroup select {count lineIntersectsSurfaces [getPosWorld _x, getPosWorld _x vectorAdd [0, 0, 5], _x, objNull, true, 1, "GEOM", "NONE"] >0}); just to delete the units inside something after they spawn. This could be fine to get some command more consistent which could test such situation without deleting units in enterable buildings. Thanks.
  13. pierremgi

    Combat Patrol

    Problem with bridges, like on Lingor Map (NE island), is sometimes a lack of road segments. Ais can drive on roads... but only on declared roads. They can't see asphalt or concrete.
  14. No problem, thanks, I abandoned "hook" waypoint. I work with MOVE waypoints + land "get in" just to have a decent altitude, then setSlingLoad + land "none", then "unhook waypoint (at least this one works), then a loop for noria. I skip here some details to synchronize the work, along with altitude of the helo. With a behavior sets to "CARELESS", that works even in combat ambiance.
  15. I didn't succeed in hacking any red drones with a blue player, using player setUnitTrait ["UAVHacker", true]; This command seems t owork for medic, engineer, explosiv specialist... but not for UAVHacker. Did i miss something? Tks.
  16. Not for me! It's one of my first attempt! It works from time to time and surely fails if you create a loop for lifting / dropping / lifting / dropping... the same container. No possible noria. The only way have found is to land "get in" and setSlingLoad , with some cautions of course.
  17. The scripted "hook" waypoint or the equivalent "Lift cargo" in editor breaks for some weird reasons. I spent hours, testing without enemy units or harsh environment, on air field or invisible helipad or on bare ground. I tested with and without waypointAttachVehicle and much more ways: This waypoint works sometimes and fails most of the time, the helicopter jingling around the position. I didn't find any solution to make a rotation pattern with hook unhook sequence on the same load (at different places of course). Too fragile feature.
  18. Thanks a lot! You did the job. I'm able to criticize but also appreciate your responsiveness.
  19. The bag thing is to have to place this "lift" waypoint exactly on the object to lift. (In Eden cursor is changing color and shape) That disable all rotation patterns. If you want some repetitive lift use a "move" waypoint and setSlingLoad command instead.
  20. I saw. There is nothing to do with that. "You could build your source yourself" is a polite answer to say go F...k ! But the bag thing is to modify in depth an addon, without testing all these features, then reply about some DIY or "on vacation". Not at the level of your renown, indeed.
  21. Hi, I'd like to param the disableAi in description.ext (or something equivalent) for this result: - let spawn the playable units of a group when one player choose the leader's slot. - let Ai disabled (disableAI = 1) as far as player(s) don't choose the leader's slot (general case). So, enabling AIs of the group, occurring when leader's slot becomes player. Something like that. thanks
  22. pierremgi

    Dynamic Simulation Feedback

    You have to wait for 1.68 (at best).
  23. I can confirm CBA patrol module is broken and returns error message like this one: 16:51:29 Error in expression <et + _step*_i; _this set [1, _position getPos [_rad, _theta]]; _this call CBA_f> 16:51:29 Error position: <getPos [_rad, _theta]]; _this call CBA_f> 16:51:29 Error getpos: Type Bool, expected Array,Object 16:51:29 File x\cba\addons\ai\fnc_taskPatrol.sqf, line 39 No matter the parameter choices. Please do something. I can't imagine how many scenarii are waiting for a fix. Thanks
  24. I guess it's not the server which saves the players' data, just because this could be too much data for an hypothetical come back for anyone. On the other hand, you probably can use some EH like "handleDisconnect" to save some position, loadouts in profileNameSpace. Then, call back this variable(s) when connected back in this mission.