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Everything posted by Subscyed

  1. Something that popped up in a recent conversation with an aircraft enthusiast friend: Will a AH-6 with hellfires mounted on a rack be able to lock on to lasers/lock onto the target by itself? In the same scenario, would a pilot be able to lock onto something with his hellfires by looking at it + pressing the lock-on key (similar to a Titan launcher except without actually facing the target dead-on. I'm imagining at least a 45 degree cone ahead of the helo)?
  2. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Note here: http://i.imgur.com/ylg4vy2.jpg The texture on the camelbak looks as if it's oriented vertically as opposed to horizontally. Also, I noticed that the Green textures from the TFA pack are in fact the vanilla Green. Would it be possible to your include your own green textures (so they match the green kitbag and the BDU better?). Last but not least: If not the Kerry variant of the Assault Packs, maybe you can offer Assault packs in the same colours as the Kitbags but with a beefed up carrying capacity? (The BI assault bags don't really have much space left in them with a medkit inside) EDIT: Nitpicking some more, I hope you don't mind. http://i.imgur.com/w20gXnQ.jpg Green Kitbag compared to the Foliage Helmet and the BDU Uniform http://i.imgur.com/uBaEg2k.jpg Vanilla Green Platecarrier (same texture as TFA's 4.10 Green one) compared to Foliage Helmet and BDU Uniform http://i.imgur.com/kmC0Qz7.jpg The vest and helmet are a slight shade darker than the uniform.
  3. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    As to my knowledge, the Kerry backpack being added HiddenSelections is an old change that should already be in effect. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?149636-Development-Branch-Changelog&p=2757314&viewfull=1#post2757314 Question: Will we see chest rigs in camo or do you think the BIS ones are fine? I find they need just a little increase in capacity considering they offer no armour. Also, I've noticed the Camelbaks (Hydration bladders) have the textures flipped 90 degrees. Is it possible to fix that by flipping the camelbak's texture 90 degrees or would that just get compressed and look horrid or is it just an engine limitation? It appears on vanilla MTP ones too.
  4. Subscyed

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I recommend XmedSys then, it's recently featured AGM integration.
  5. Subscyed

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    First off, this isn't the right thread or section to be asking about that. Second, you have AGM Medical already which simulates damage in a pretty realistic way minus the over-complicated things that CSE adds or XMedSys has. If they're not fatally wounded, then you have a decent chance of reviving them. If they -are- fatally wounded, chances are they're dead by the time you get to them. At the current stage of the .pbo, however, you don't exactly need MEDEVAC when you can patch him up then and there while the rest of the fireteam reinforces the location/helps fall back to a defensible position. That said, MEDEVAC is mostly used not just when the situation is dire, but when there's a need to refresh the troops out there in the front lines. If you have a clan that big (think about 50-100 or more) then, by all means, you can play as many sideline roles as possible.
  6. Knock knock, brain delivery! Kidding, please don't take it the wrong way. To answer your question, these servers are hosted officially but only on RC to help test RC-related fixes and gather feedback about unintentionally-created bugs or ones that were already present and slipped through the feedback grid.
  7. Being that guy again (for a brief moment). It's been a full week since the last progress update. What caused this lull and also, how goes the 7.62x51 NATO research? Wish you the very best and hope you've cured any hangovers you got during the celebration of the 9x19mm Parabellum release :P PS/Disclaimer/Whatever: I was "that guy" for a brief moment not to spite the mod author but to have a tidbit of information so the next guy doesn't come 2-3 posts down and asks the same thing. I.e. Pre-emptive info?
  8. Subscyed


    I hate to be that guy. Can you give an estimate of which version is going to mark this addon as standalone from @hafm_hmmwv ?
  9. Here's a (terrible) joke: - Knock knock! - Who's there? - Mini. - Mini who? - Minigun. BRRRRRRRRT! Onto a more serious note: Now that Firing From Vehicles is out and so are its script commands like "personTurret" and the likes, will the Blackhawk sniper variant include such a thing or will it still be a turret-like SR-25.
  10. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    I think this mod has worth of its own. It doesn't need to be entered on a competition to prove its worth. I believe the choice of whether it goes in the MANW competition is up to the creator and his financial needs. Personally? I think the more you steer the mod away from such contests, the more valuable it gets in terms of the finished product (and the creator's satisfaction). With contests it becomes less of having a better finished product and being satisfied with it and it becomes more of a matter of winning it by outplaying the competition which often comes at the cost of a lower-quality finished product and satisfaction. As for sounds? I can't have enough real life. :P Testing, however, I'm of two minds about. On one hand, it'd be good to release it as a WIP to the community so people can start enjoying the sounds already and possibly report the rare or more common bugs that pop up in stress environments. On the other hand, whatever feedback tracker there is will be spammed hundred-fold with the same bug several different people discovered. My two bits: Keep it in closed testing. Release it whenever you're happy with the end result or you feel it's "release worthy".
  11. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Well I just got broadsided by this update. Thank you SpectreRSG!
  12. Subscyed

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Oh man, time to annoy the driver of my HMMWV again! Random comment aside: A3 is built on just about the same engine as A2 except with a few very noticeable upgrades like PhysX, Lighting and Rendering overall.
  13. Yet, the suspense is killing me. Woe is me! :p
  14. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Only few nitpicky people like me will notice you coloured the attachments on the helmet to match their IRL colours/camo. That said, I think most people would be happy with the equivalent of a helmet cover in whatever camo/colour. On another yet similar note: The ACU uniform is, for once, made beautiful in this mod. Considering I was heavily against it, the way it fits well with ArmA 3's lighting and how it isn't noticeably leaning towards blue or green undertones makes me want to use it more often! In short: Well done, SpectreRSG!
  15. Argh! I'm not sure I can take the teasing anymore! My heart might explode from anticipation, WarLord554! :P
  16. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    I took a few quick shots of some of the new gear in the update to illustrate it. In retrospect I should have upped the graphic fidelity. http://i.imgur.com/z9zUOyM.jpg (600 kB) http://i.imgur.com/7GyQ8vd.jpg (772 kB) Also, something I forgot to ask for a future try at implementation: Backpacks. Is it possible to have more variants beyond the kitbag? I was thinking along the lines of the Condor Assault packs (just called "Assault Pack" in vanilla).
  17. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Excellent! Many thanks SpectreRSG for putting up with my ceaseless questions and requests, for your time, for your effort and most importantly: for your patience. P.S.: Can I trouble you for White helmets? P.P.S.: I owe you a beer. Guinness okay?
  18. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Mayhap a string of random questions but I'll hazard it. Will we see in the future vests in DOU (as an example)? I would like the T-shirt + camo pants combination to be kept for future deliberation just for those that like it, and so you don't have to worry about it at this moment, keeping it in a "if I have the time and the mood for it, why not?" kind of note. Also, as mentioned before but perhaps overlooked: Will we see ghillie suits akin to the vanilla ones but in camo like OCP, BDU, DOU and the likes? Frankly I'm good without as are our resident sharpshooters but I'm sure the people who would like them would appreciate it. (Another question akin to the one above about the T-shirt + pants above.) As something more of a joke if not something to later laugh about: What about beanies? I'm sure some people will love beanies with all sorts of patches stuck on them! :P I apologise for going a bit wild with the questions. The thought of someone wearing a beanie with a metric tonne of badges on it during a firefight had me carried away a bit too much.
  19. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Thank you for the hasty reply. The question about the T-shirt + camo uni pants was merely that, a question. Personally I like where the mod stands as we see people properly uniformed due to lack of alternative. A necessary evil.
  20. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Oh, now that you mention it, SpectreRSG, the request I made for the white helmets were actually of the FAST variant. I am part of a community where we do mostly airborne spec-ops oriented missions and we like to look the part. On that note, would it also be possible to make a DOU variant of the FAST helmet? On the note of headgear as well, what of rangemaster style caps in various camos? The vanilla green is good but a tan or coyote brown or even khaki one wouldn't go bad. As for the Kryptek Camo, I'm not too fond of it, but I can't argue with its capability to camouflage, specially in mediterranean environments. Will such uniforms come with appropriate-camouflaged vests and helmets?
  21. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    After a rather idle conversation, an idea popped in my head: - Is it possible to include in the future T-shirt variants akin to the candidate's uniform (minus the scuba gear and diving capability)? Personally, I like how those are omitted. It "forces" (so to speak) people to adhere to a proper uniform. However, once textured, the T-Shirt looks as if actually part of the uniform. Such an example is found in TRYK's uniforms: http://i1383.photobucket.com/albums/ah283/teriyakid/TRYKs%20Multi-Play%20Uniforms/2014-08-23_00009_zpsca217435.jpg
  22. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Admiral Ackbar would be proud! ...I think.
  23. Subscyed

    TFA - Naval Special Warfare Gear

    Many many maaaany thanks! But I have to be annoying and ask: Will there be any white helmets to go with the white/snow uniforms?
  24. Subscyed

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    Answering your questions in order. I don't know the specifics, but the way IDs work is the following: Through a series of checks, it spots an ID not in use and takes it. This is made so that two players don't have the same radio and thus, cannot change eachother's settings/channels/volume/etc. Exempli Gratia: -Player A has a PRC 148 with the ID: 2. -Player B has a PRC 148 with the ID: 2. -A changes the channel of his radio to 5. -B has his radio channel switched to 5 despite doing nothing to the radio itself. The usage of radios in your loadouts should not affect them (unless you specify the radio ID from the start and somehow someone else ends up having the same ID like what happens with Task Force Radio). On a unit's init field (mission editor), you can probably get away with something like: this unassignitem ItemRadio; this removeitem ItemRadio; this additem ACRE_PRC343; this assignitem ACRE_PRC343; As far as implementing them into your loadout, the "ItemRadio" present in most if not all vanilla default loadouts should work and be converted by ACRE's default to a 148 if I'm not mistaken. But putting in the init field "ACRE_PRC148" instead should make the process of converting vanilla radios to ACRE radios and assigning IDs that much simpler (you essentially skip the "conversion" part). TL;DR version 1. It finds the unused IDs and uses them. 2. As long as you don't specify an ID for the radio, no. Not affected adversely. 3. See code above. 4. Yes.
  25. Subscyed

    ACRE2 Public Beta Release

    *Sound of children cheering* I can hardly wait! Thank you NouberNou!