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Everything posted by POLPOX

  1. Confirmed, please use spawn instead of call along to projectile argument for now.
  2. Are there any MODs? Find and activate missing MODs. EDIT: First of all, any errors you got?
  3. No need to do something. The game won't separate a player who doesn't own DLCs and a player who does.
  4. I have no idea about DUWS though, you can do anything with my free works. I won't claim something. If you wish to do, please add me in your credits. But, you can't expect my support. Notice this again, this is not an officially released project.
  5. Watch out, you are about to throw something! Press “I” by default.
  6. Guess you are looking for this command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setFormDir
  7. Are you looking for this article? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Initialization_Order
  8. Do not use this syntax if you want to earn variable. Use this instead: _casSpawn = _casGroup createUnit ["B_RangeMaster_F",_casPos,[],0,"NONE"]; You can now damage him using the variable _casSpawn.

    How to get over the fear of talking?

    Again, I am sorry to hear about you. I don't want to end your life in this community, so here are some my opinions. But you should talk with your doctor since I am not a doctor! Can you speak with your trusted friends? If so, try to hang out with them. You have a chance to play a game with no need to talk. You can mute any VON(Voice Over Network) from the menu.
  10. I tried to join into a friends' server hundred times but couldn't make it and Arma 3 doesn't give me any errors. Delete the MPCache not works for me. Any idea?
  11. I'm sorry @Gunter Severloh for late, looks the server went wrong. Today I tried to hang out with him and could join in. Thank you anyways... I still don't know what was happened after all.
  12. Hello, I am planning to add some mimics like shout what we can use via setMimic, but first of all, is there any possibility to modify CfgMimics? I've been tried to some attempt, like change configs in States, change variables of combat[], aware[] like so and add some variables but looks nothing changes. It would be helpful if I could reecieve some suggestion.
  13. POLPOX

    Console font

    Are you looking for CfgFontFamilies? Guess EtelkaMonospacePro is the font you're looking for.
  14. Thank you for heads up... Maybe I found it when I looked into around heads, in "CfgFaces" >> "Grimaces". Looks it is operating by .rtm files. Don't even know we can handle bones of head though... Thank you anyways.
  15. I tried to change the numbers to some random numbers but I don't feel any changes. I checked the config viewer but CfgMimics is changed as well.
  16. Then, the solution Apex did is no “briefing” but playing movie in-game sequence. Opens the map, plays the movie, and wait until it's done. If I understand what's happening correctly though.
  17. Then, the solution Apex did is no “briefing” but playing movie in-game sequence. Opens the map, plays the movie, and wait until it's done. If I understand what's happening correctly though.
  18. Alright then, here's the way to use the new function. In the initialization of the man: [this,0,0.3] call PLP_fnc_fireWeapon In the initialization of the arrow: [this,[["Blood"],["BloodMist"],["Meat"]]] call PLP_fnc_effectDropper And also, Fake Weapon Fire function is not working properly. Hotfix will launch soon. Note: PLP_fnc_effectDropper is obsolete now.
  19. Update is available now, I hope I can support your weekend creation! Changelog and description will be frontpaged soon.
  20. Yes. I am contacting him. All we know is there is no MOD is missing.
  21. In case you've missed, I am making a new function: Simple Effect Creator (working name)!
  22. Heya, I just want to create a font with Asian characters (Japanese, Chinese, Korean) in a free font by Google, NotoSans, with the tool, FontToTga. I tried few times with GUI version but it created only some Latin characters. Any way to create them with Asian characters?
  23. I am happy to introduce this: I am now taking a part of an Arma 3 community Discord channel A3 Hub! I'll post some developing diaries about my MODs, you can report issues, discuss and suggest about them! Enjoy your stay from here! https://discord.gg/dyXnZ8u
  24. Do you want to search through the animations? Yes, you can with this! POLPOX's Animation Viewer This is an unofficial Animation Viewer that focused to find animations easily. Put the folder to your mission folder so you can open it from Eden Editor. Useful search examples: passenger/idle_idling file:anims_f_exp Download: Here (Google Drive)