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About wpk-wolfseye

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    Private First Class

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  1. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Thanks. Will see if it works. ;) Funny enough, with that Tool TADST it works. However, you said to remove that mission thing from the .cfg and when logged into the Server as admin, I would have a list of included missions I can run on the Server. But after I removed all from the mpmissions folder, nothing was in there. I had one map downloaded, a custom map. Which I could load. But it only gave me that mission to choose, not any other stock maps that came with the Server I assume. Or are there no stock maps within the Server files ? Cheers Wolfseye
  2. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Really ? Come on. When I found the Tutorial pinned to the top of this Forum Section, it was on some other Website. Looked like absolutely the same Tutorial, and it is. Except that the steamcmd updater file was different with one line. Mine... The line I marked bold, that was not in mine. So I assume that -BETA would be the thing to go. Honestly, how can I know ? But if you don't want me to ask more, I will stop with ARMA 3 (and not post anymore) and move on to other Games for hosting. Thanks anyways. Wasn't ment to be appearantly. Wolfseye P.S: Seems asking questions isn't really wanted here.
  3. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Ok, I tried to connect to my Server but i get a "Bad Server Version" message in my client if I want to connect. I double checked, updated the Server via SteamCMD to definately the latest Version. Why does it say that the Server has a bad Version ? The latest Report file in the Server folder contains this. http://pastebin.com/0gAvC9kg Not sure if that helps. In the .cmd file that I used to install / update the Arma 3 Dedicated Server are the following lines. As you can see, I used -beta which according to the explonation below that, means for the stable branch. However, when I see my Server in the Serverlist, it has a red X left of the Servername. And that, according to some googling seems to mean that my Client and my Server are not the same branch. But what other branch can I install to make it compatible ? I really hosted many games over time, but I gotta say, ARMA really makes it unnecessary complicated in how to get a Server going. :(
  4. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Ok. Whats a standard Coop Mission that comes with the Game ? Need to put a real map in there, I assume. But I don't know what exactly they are named as for putting it into the line template="co_xx_mymission.stratis"; At least I got the other stuff sorted out. Thank you very much ! Any help is appreciated. Wolfseye P.S: What does this error mean ?
  5. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    In the Tutorial at step 12 is it posted that way. I am still not sure what I did wrong, sorry. Maybe I am just blind right now. ;) I would appreciate if you would post the working solution, aka the right command line parameters which appearantly I mixed up. Sorry. :( Cheers Wolfseye
  6. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    http://i.imgur.com/gIUwCZt.jpg Where is that a different folder ? The fact that its C and not D dont make a difference.
  7. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Ok, that actually works. Just the .exe but with the Commandline: it doesn't. But from what I read in Tutorials, thats how its pretty much supposed to be.
  8. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    I wish it did. Tried with Admin, took a few seconds longer for the same error to come up. But it did come up. Even tried as WIN7 Compatibility Mode, same problem. Not sure what else it could be.
  9. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    As I said, I followed all the standard Tutorials for A3 Server. Not running as Administrator. Where would the BE folder be on the Server exactly ? Wolfseye P.S: Ok, in BattlEye Folder is the same beserver.dll like on my PC's BE Folder. So there is no difference, except the difference there is no Client DLL, obviously. Which I assume is not needed for the Server.
  10. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Ok, thanks, thats what I even read a few times on Google myself. But I don't know any way to change that. And no solution to that I've found, really was like it is in my situation. Simply put, I have no idea how to fix that. :( Wolfseye
  11. wpk-wolfseye

    Cannot start Dedicated (WIN) Server

    Anyone ? :( Wolfseye
  12. Hi guys, this was my first try to start a dedicated ARMA Server of any kind, in this case for ARMA 3. I followed the Tutorials posted here and on Google. Installed the Server via SteamCMD. My start commandline, like posted in the tutorials more less: I used mostly the basic VANILLA_Config.cfg file, with small changes to the Server name etc, the usual. The Serverfiles itself were correctly downloaded via Steam. However, when I want to start the Server, a few seconds later I get the following Error: I forwarded all the necessary Ports, as posted in multiple Tutorials, for example here: (Appearantely I cannot post any links here!) My CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg (just so there is no confusion of what I might did wrong there) is: My Operating System on the Dedciated Machine is WINDOWS 2012 SERVER. Now please, i would appreciate if someone could tell me what I did wrong to get around this Error and can move on. Really appreciate any help. Thank you. Wolfseye
  13. Hi guys, this was my first try to start a dedicated ARMA Server of any kind, in this case for ARMA 3. I followed the Tutorials posted here and on Google. Installed the Server via SteamCMD. My start commandline, like posted in the tutorials more less: I used mostly the basic VANILLA_Config.cfg file, with small changes to the Server name etc, the usual. The Serverfiles itself were correctly downloaded via Steam. However, when I want to start the Server, a few seconds later I get the following Error: I forwarded all the necessary Ports, as posted in multiple Tutorials, for example here: (Appearantely I cannot post any links here!) My CONFIG_Vanilla.cfg (just so there is no confusion of what I might did wrong there) is: My Operating System on the Dedciated Machine is WINDOWS 2012 SERVER. Now please, i would appreciate if someone could tell me what I did wrong to get around this Error and can move on. Really appreciate any help. Thank you. Wolfseye P.S: I cannot post links, I cannot edit my Profile, I cannot make a topic of my own. Why did I register here when I cannot do any of these things ? I activated my account, yet I cannot do anything I mentioned before.