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About hello90909

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. hello90909

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Hey, I'm just someone that's been following this thread actively and I'm yet to see a single reply from BI. Am I missing something here? As I do see that this thread is getting monitered as members are still getting warnings etc. Is it possible Bohemia is in fact acting on this, but just not doing it publicly.
  2. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    Nope - Mainly weapon packs.
  3. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    Ah - yes. We do not have this.
  4. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    AIA TP? Can you link me this
  5. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    No i've not been able to resolve it. It's extremely annoying haha.
  6. hello90909


    I'm trying to use the uniforms and stuff, how do I use them? Are they just re textures? I don't get it. I thought it was a mod ( new items ) but can't find them in the arsenal or anything.
  7. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    Oh god, there's a good 700+ xD. We will have to live with it.
  8. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    Oh sorry, well yea thanks. & we run WAY too many mods to do that lol. and i mean way to many. 5gigs+ worth.
  9. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    Bump, it's getting a bit annoying xD.
  10. hello90909

    Randomly Diving To The Floor?

    I do have mods yes.
  11. Hello, There is this problem currently on my server where you will be running down the road, wherever and if you don't have a weapon out you just like ... fall to the floor randomly. If you have a gun out though it's not an issue. You run down the road, then boom you just hit the deck. It's so weird and random and i'm wondering if anyone's actually got any idea what the hell is going on? Thanks.
  12. hello90909

    Quick question regarding mods

    Yea but is there a way I can make the server not kick people without addons? I just want it so the guns/vehicles look invisible for those without the mod. So if players do want to be able to use those sort of things properly they can get the mod and rejoin the server. For example: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?167618-RH-M4-M16-pack http://prntscr.com/51wnao Thanks.
  13. hello90909

    Quick question regarding mods

    Hey I was just wondering if there is a way i can add a mod such as new vehicles/weapons that people can choose to dwnload? and for those that don't have it the car would just be invisible or w/e? Thanks.
  14. Hello. Trying to work out why my performance is so shit. Hoping you guys can provide some insight: http://prntscr.com/4j7whr // asm http://prntscr.com/4j7wn3 // threads http://prntscr.com/4j7wym // basic.cfg http://prntscr.com/4j7x1v // startup.bat http://prntscr.com/4j7x8l // cpu stats