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Everything posted by Jona33

  1. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    ^^What he said Also great work on that M88 uniform, makes a Takistani "faction" viable now (wonders of scripting). Plus the mountain flora makes a decent CDF, this works remarkably well as an all in one pack!
  2. That's pretty much your list right there, within each calibre I have no idea but very much doubt it makes much difference in an actual mission. .45 pistols are pretty powerful, the 9mm pistols are weak. The 9mm SMGs make up for the weak round with a high rate of firepower. As for the uniforms the stated reason is "Geneva Convention"-the most likely reason is AI problems, at the moment AI do not have sophisticated rules of engagement, they know if someone is friendly or enemy, they can only check if they're supposed to fire or not (there is a fire when fired upon setting as well). For example if you introduce wearing enemy uniforms you have to consider what point the AI realise you're enemy, when you're not in the right area? When they get close to you? If your face is from a different type to theirs (e.g. white guys compared to persian faces, opens up a whole new can of worms when you want a mixture of people on each side)? Then you need to consider the fact that it's ridiculously easy to nab a uniform in game (if they were unlocked), I very much doubt you'd stop in a firefight in real life, take off your helmet, vest and boots, switch clothes, put that stuff back on, while in game a right click and suddenly any new enemy have no idea if you're friendly or enemy.
  3. Jona33

    Wheels on Helicopters

    Wheels work with the AFM I believe-otherwise it's a limitation of the simple flight model in that many aspects are pretty dodgy.
  4. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Wiki seems to imply that it's still in service-no idea how common it is but it'd be cool to have. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GAZ_Vodnik
  5. Check the driver in "Damage Control" (I think it's that one, the final mission of bootcamp). They snuck Kerry in there.
  6. Oh shit! That's a cool theory. (Word of warning, there's a reason the man used the spoiler quote----Don't click it unless you've done the endings, I've ruined too much stuff for myself by my inability not to read stuff in spoilers :D)
  7. Jona33

    Cossac cape map, Crimea

    Cracking, I'll test that out tomorrow. The map looks great.
  8. Jona33

    Cossac cape map, Crimea

    It's this lot. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169350-ALiVE-Advanced-Light-Infantry-Virtual-Environment To make the map work with Alive it needs to be indexed which I think is something they do, rather than it being something you need to do.* *May be talking out of my arse. :D
  9. A shame to see you go but definitely looking forward to what you pull out the bag on your new project.
  10. Put the unit down. Look at the top right hand corner, (above the name and init fields).
  11. Jona33

    Do you prefer the Advanced Flight Model?

    When I want to play a helicopter mission, I use AFM. For example the helicopters showcase is far more enjoyable with the AFM, and is simply stupidly easy without. But if I want to record a helicopter insertion with unitCapture/unitPlay for a mission in the editor, SFM all the way. I've never been able to get good enough to fly the AFM all the time so when doing generic stuff it's great to have the easier option.
  12. unit setUnitPos "Middle"-can also be "Up" or "Down"
  13. Jona33


    I'll have a play this evening, I need to stop procrastinating on the internet right now. :D
  14. Jona33

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Safety first....
  15. Jona33


    You might want something along these lines: Place a marker called "Medevac_spawn", or call it whatever you want and change line 3 to reflect that. This isn't final, when you say "unconscious" is that an AGM thing or something, the vanilla game doesn't have that state. Basically at the moment what this is does is spawn a helicopter, a medic and a protection unit. They fly out to near the patient and land, the medic jumps out and goes to the wounded person, the wounded person is healed, the medic and protection unit get back in the helicopter which flys back to where it spawned, lands and then deletes itself. The problem at the moment is the actual healing line, which I can't get to work properly. Aside from that, admittedly fairly crucial part, it works fine.
  16. Jona33

    Arma 3 - Marksmen DLC First Look Livestream

    So you're going to sue BI...a company...for selling things? Something tells me you don't really understand how business works.
  17. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190784-Official-Group-Management-System-is-it-integrated-yet http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190639-End-game-is-the-new-revive-function-portable
  18. planeOne action ["LandGear", planeOne]; test that and see if it helps (planeOne is whatever you named the huron).
  19. Jona33

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Since the page for the LMTV says it's "really WIP" I wouldn't expect to see that in the next update. Definitely prefer the idea for the new faction layouts though, more logical to me I think.
  20. Jona33

    How to do animation sequences?

    Go into the game, press Esc and then bottom right of the debug console press Animations, the animations viewer then opens up. Out of the dropdowns on the left, choose the top 1 and then select cutscenes in that. All the display names are pretty complicated (they do make sense), however if memory serves the walking into base ones are right at the bottom. When you've found the right one double click on it, this closes the animation viewer and opens the config viewer, near the bottom you can find the classname, so copy and paste that into your init.sqf. Now you need to use switchMove or playMove, if this is MP it gets more complicated to make sure everyone plays the animation and everyone else sees the animation. However I don't really know about that. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/playMove https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/switchMove
  21. The balance of sounds went wrong I think in the final build before release, just listen to the difference in volumes between first and third person. Hopefully it'll get fixed.
  22. Jona33

    Arctic Fox Defense Solutions: FOB Deployment Specialist

    And Negligent police officers, they're critical! :D Aside from that I agree with what he said, these look insane.
  23. Easiest method is to google it, it's the fourth link. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?190639-End-game-is-the-new-revive-function-portable Read the 2nd post of that.
  24. Jona33

    WHAT the heck do this key bindings do?

    Gun elevation up/down is for artillery units, get in one as gunner, use those keys and you change the elevation of the barrel manually. Slow gun elevation is the same as above but does it slower so you can be more precise, for me it's bound to shift and the above commands are page up/down so Shift+page up/down is a slow change Auto gun elevation-actually never used it, probably linked to above Reveal Target-Definitely works when in command of a squad, might work as a subordinate. Basically put the cursor over an enemy, press the button and you call it out to your team mates so they can target it, can be a bit finnicky as to whether the game thinks you can actually see anything, usually takes a few goes. Tactical View-When you're in command of a squad it gives you an extra slightly elevated view, in theory to make it easier to command. Personally I hate it and never touch it but I guess some people like it. Command watch-not a brilliant name but when you're commanding a squad or in high command by default when you point at something you get an option to tell them to move there, by pressing command watch you get slightly different options, the default one being to "Watch there", which will tell the unit or group to watch a certain position or unit. Hope this helps a bit.
  25. You know the Carrier Special Rig and the Carrier GL Rig have been in the game for ages but always used the same model as the plate carrier lite (only their configs were different), they basically actually created the models to go with those entries, so the special rig has upper-arm armour and the grenadier one has a crotch plate as well. The AAF grenadier vest has a similar thing now as well.